Appreciate the fake sentimental BS OP. Soldiers would probably be more comfortable with the PS4 ya know, both soldiers and Sony have things in common, having to fight for their life to survive.
I don't care.
They aren't being paid to play video games, they aren't comfortable they don't get to play on the system they want?
They might want to consider a different job then.
The worlds tiniest violin is playing for them.
They made the decision to work over seas, they made the decision to be away from their family, its their decision, and they should be taking responsibility for it, just like any other human being on the planet.
They aren't protecting me from anything, so I don't care. (nor should I)
They aren't fighting for my freedom, so I don't care. (nor should I)
I don't care why countries go to war. (nor should anyone)
I'am showing them respect, I'm not treating them like children, condescending like you are. These are grown adults, a gaming console is insignificant.
There is nothing brave about enlisting in the military when there are no wars to be fought.
See, and there you go, making yourself look silly. Please tell me when I said someone serving the military shouldn't have the ability to enjoy themselves? Oh I didn't? So you just assumed, made all that up? I see.
No, actually, you are. Assuming I said something I didn't, and then forming your opinion on an assumption?
Ignorant remark, there buddy. I guess you assumed I was American too huh?
Im tired of this sad Military tactic.....Like they deserve to play an Xbox.....They did their decision on joining the military now live with it.
Preteen dicklicks. "When you joined the military you knew you were forfeiting the right to play video games."
I like the thought that I/we military types aren't worthy of getting to play the xbone. Like we aren't just going to buy the ps4 in droves.
Good luck with you console bought by preteen asshats who can't get over their console warrioring about 360, parents who are tricked, and Forza finatics who dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. Everyone else is abandoning your toxic product.
Edited by Goethestein ()
These are probably militant atheists, too.
And up until now I'd say 90% were 360's. Thats changing as word getting around.
"What the fuck do you mean I can't play my Xbone on the ship?" as someone carries it on board and gets heckled.
This os going to happen and I am telling everyone I know to avoid it. What could be worse then banking on months of entertainment with like 5 games bought and nothing works? Cause that's how sailors buy games. Like 5 games before you go out for 3-6 months. Seriously fuck you MS
Soldiers play a LOT of video games. They have a lot of downtime and their movement is restricted in that downtime, so a video game console + madden + halo was the perfect balm to soothe a shitty day of guarding a gate or painting a hull. The Xbox seemed to be the console of choice and it was sold on-base in US military base exchanges around the world. Given the age and gender of most army recruits, they were gamers before they enlisted and they may have suddenly had steady paychecks with food and rent being automatically removed from their pay, so they all could have had a healthy amount of disposable income, so a console was within easy reach and was far more portable than a gaming PC and cheaper should it die while running off dodgy power within the Iraqi dustbowl.
We talk about them here because we are flabbergasted that the Xbone will prevent them from playing their games past 24 hours. Public internet is frequently hard to get and sometimes impossible to get. When asked this, Don Mattrick's cold shoulder response to stick with the 360 was a little shocking, since there were rumblings of a soldier-focused offline code/mode to accommodate them and ease the bad PR burden.
Can somebody tell me why there's so much talk about gamers in the US military in this thread? Soldiers are never discussed as a demographic... For any mainstream product. They're barely discussed at all. Does Games have a thing for the troops?
It's just weird because nobody's ever said "this washing machine won't work on nuclear subs; Maytag stock is going down."
It's a PR thing. That they didn't immediately try to figure out a solution for people on-duty that want to play the console is ridiculous enough on its' own, the fact that they instead had Don Mattrick run his fucking mouth about how people in submarines should just deal with it shows some astounding incompetence.
peepaw posted:they have subway and burger king on remote forward operating bases it's pretty cool after watching half your platoon get smeared across a deserted valley by an ied while on patrol to come back and be reminded of what you're fighting for
It's called Hungry Jacks, shitlord.
caprimulgus posted:i enjoy reading this forum and never posting but sometimes i see a thread that's just ign forum quotes from user "Goethestein" and i re-evaluate my life choices
i enjoy posting and never reading the forum
Lykourgos posted:peepaw posted:they have subway and burger king on remote forward operating bases it's pretty cool after watching half your platoon get smeared across a deserted valley by an ied while on patrol to come back and be reminded of what you're fighting for
It's called Hungry Jacks, shitlord.
not in america it ain't, fagmo
lol micro$oft already scrapped the 24hr internet connection requirement and double charging for used games bullshit
gg navy times
peepaw posted:fun fact: they used to have hardee's in australia, and it was actually more popular than mcdonalds until they were caught using dog food in the burger meat and eventually went out of business. alpo burgers are still better than aussie cuisine
hardees rules. i used to go eat there every day after summer school because you could smoke inside. until i got banned after winning a game of "light your friends tray on fire" chicken by getting up and walking out of ther estaurant