
getfiscal posted:

actually most are reverse racist

fly away troll


daddyholes posted:

yeah hes gross i guess its because hes suicidally depressed

I would be too if I woke up one day and realized I had frittered away whole decades studying and writing about Hegel.

is there any written record at all that zizek understands political economy
"judge not, lest ye be judged" - judge reinhold

daddyholes posted:

is there any written record at all that zizek understands political economy

yeah he's a pillar of freshwater chicago economics


daddyholes posted:

is there any written record at all that zizek understands political economy

nope. further, i've heard nothing to contradict the claim i've read from several slovenian academics that he is regarded as a right-wing ideologue inside the country

who among us are truly not considered right-wing ideologues in our home countries.
*raises paw*
what do you have the inside scoop on some country that probably doesnt exist?
my apartment is slob-inia but i doubt wherever zizek is from actually exists
yeah, a few other slovenian academics have written things saying how zizek is a shitlord
i will withhold judgement until i read the jacobin article but thanks
but actually you should link to some of those i'd like to read it
lol i google searched slovenian academics on zizek and the first result was an al jazeera article which started off with:

There are many important and active philosophers today: Judith Butler in the United States, Simon Critchley in England, Victoria Camps in Spain, Jean-Luc Nancy in France, Chantal Mouffe in Belgium, Gianni Vattimo in Italy, Peter Sloterdijk in Germany and in Slovenia, Slavoj Zizek, not to mention others working in Brazil, Australia and China.
i googled that exacvt phrase too eo and i looked at that page. small world.
chantal mouffe is cool. liberalism is cool.
ya liberalism gets a bad rap.
i feel like zizek is the excuse for jason walsh to write that there is no 'serious left-wing economist' and everyones like SURE, BUT
jason walsh kind of Sucks Shit though.
like, he is a sp!ked alumnus, meaning he is basically a bad-faith troll.
Peter Sloterdijk HAHAHAHAHHAA
"Rape is much less satisfying when your fucker is white" -- Ŝl̂ăvŏǰ Žĭžĕǩ
also re: zizek "normalizing the balkans" is the book you want to read. there's also another piece i am trying to find Right Now

jools posted:

jason walsh kind of Sucks Shit though.

i thought that was implied in what i wrote

i guess i also took it to mean "we should be bothered about what he writes"
oh sick, that book's on libgen
i mostly know jason walsh through his concern trolling about abortion and spiked for their many fat acceptance articles
no i meant fuck jason walsh because hes clearly wrong, as i wrote in the applicable thread, and what i meant is that zizek on the throne means that jason walsh can be the Baddest Faith and people are just blinded by the sheen of zizeks grease and sweat

95 dollars lol
yeah like i just said, it's on libgen
i have no idea what that is but i went through all this shit taking a screenshot and uploading it for a joke someone better catch on. im going to sleep its 3 am.
it is pretty funny amazon says 1 more in stock more coming soon like they just can't keep this zizek book on psychoanalysis and geopolitics on the shelves at their slave labor warehouses
whoa i need to read that book if it talks about karadzic & psychoanalysis

i think that site gave me a virus
....then why are you giving us links to PDFs from it

daddyholes posted:

....then why are you giving us links to PDFs from it
