yank cousine is literally the most foul and distasteful food imaginable. I wretch when I look at half the things you people stick in your mouth. What is worse is that you are completely oblivious to how terrible your food is, you offer people "oh would you like a mountain dew as well?" and "oh would you like a piece of this overpowering spearmint gum?" and drive decent people to the verge of vomiting as they desperately turn away.
your failings are also compounded by the fact that many legitimate ingredients, like kidneys, blood, etc, are all regarded with horror and disdain by you, driving out a lot of very good food and causing us all to suffer. a nationwide sin perpetuated by ignorant, ill raised corn syrup swilling pigs. American food is the definition of low class, it pains me to even consider putting it near my mouth.
Lykourgos posted:yank cousine is literally the most foul and distasteful food imaginable. I wretch when I look at half the things you people stick in your mouth. What is worse is that you are completely oblivious to how terrible your food is, you offer people "oh would you like a mountain dew as well?" and "oh would you like a piece of this overpowering spearmint gum?" and drive decent people to the verge of vomiting as they desperately turn away.
one time i was at this bar and somebody opened a stick of that really strong gum you're talking about, and the whole bar actually turned wintry like in a commercial, people's drinks got cold, people had to burn napkins and menus for warmth, of course retching the whole time from the piercing spearmint stink gas. i thought to myself, "blimey, yank gum is mental," and shook my head, giving myself a severe concussion.
jools posted:ive actually met lykourgos irl. it's not a gimmick.
why would the first statement act as an argument against the second
daddyholes posted:i know about as many people who live gimmicks as people who dont
*raises paw
daddyholes posted:why owuld you ever want to meat anyone from the Internet
for fun and profit