Quick reminder that i don't give a shit
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

oh no, downvotes from keven, this is anightmare

now u know what skylark feels like, you asshole!

[account deactivated]

Lessons posted:

oh wait i get it now. lame.

dont sihgn yr posts


Lessons posted:

wasted posted:

It would be cheaper to drink a gallon of milk a day than to eat 6 boxes of tofu for your bodybuilding needs.

i'm not really an expert but i'm pretty sure you can't get a gallon of milk and get the same protein as 6 boxes of tofu

"not only do i eat processed foods that come in a box, i eat six, count 'em, 6 boxes a day. Healthey A sFuck"

tofu isn't processed food lol
what is the deal with miracle whip

roseweird posted:

lol you weirdos can't talk about normal human diets and instead have been babbling about ufc and bodybuilders for 2 pages

some people are really into that, which is okay. the "you have to eat meat to be a Real Man" thing is retarded though.


Lessons posted:

roseweird posted:

lol you weirdos can't talk about normal human diets and instead have been babbling about ufc and bodybuilders for 2 pages

some people are really into that, which is okay. the "you have to eat meat to be a Real Man" thing is retarded though.

nobody said that, but, male or female, you should lift. i saw some 5'3'' chick squat 245 today, so get on it.

[account deactivated]
im a vegetarian and i am the most athletic person on this forum by miles
abloo what about my Protein Levels *doesnt even lift*
[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:

abloo what about my Protein Levels *doesnt even lift*

aite boy, last time somebody challenged me like this was impper, and i flew out to chicago to play him in basketball. it turned out he was in fact pretty good basketball and beat me by 2 points with some bullshit 5 basket streek at the end, and i had to get to my plane so we couldn't play another match, but anyways....

next time i'm boston, lets fight. it'll probably be around thanksgiving.

im a vegetarian and i'm fat like a weather balloon
i gained all my weight during vegetarian years. i think i maintained it by drinking a lot of pop once i became a carnist.

well if youd only pop that pussy once in a while, honey. *does NOT lower paper*
is everyone at least eating the body and blood of Christ

Lessons posted:

tofu isn't processed food lol


"Oh look, a Tofu plant!" --terminal failaids patient and gigantic cuntfarming hog's ass Trigg "Manboobs" Lessens
all food is processed. cooking and washing is a process. look how unbelievably owned all of modernity is, by me
*bites into solid white perfectly right-angled gelatinous cube* AU NATUREL BABY! MY BODY MY TEMPLE
[account deactivated]

Superabound posted:

"Oh look, a Tofu plant!" --terminal failaids patient and gigantic cuntfarming hog's ass Trigg "Manboobs" Lessens


Superabound posted:

Lessons posted:
tofu isn't processed food lol


this is a link to a wikipedia article on food processing, something that literally all foods (raw meat, milk and produce included) go through before they come to market. so yeah, in the sense that everything you don't grow in your own garden is processed, so is tofu. it's not like kraft mac n cheese, lunchables or doritos though, which is what people usually mean when they talk about processed food.


Lessons posted:

this is a link to a wikipedia article on food processing, something that literally all foods (raw meat, milk and produce included) go through before they come to market. so yeah, in the sense that everything you don't grow in your own garden is processed, so is tofu. it's not like kraft mac n cheese, lunchables or doritos though, which is what people usually mean when they talk about processed food.

i agree, tofu is processed and you were 100% wrong. please feed your brain some protein so this doesnt happen again

"In the sense that tofu is literally just a block of Velveeta cheese made from soybeans instead of animal milk, yeah, sure, maybe its 'processed'. "

ahaha damn it feels good to be a gangsta Right About Tofu
Tofu Lessons

Superabound posted:

Lessons posted:

this is a link to a wikipedia article on food processing, something that literally all foods (raw meat, milk and produce included) go through before they come to market. so yeah, in the sense that everything you don't grow in your own garden is processed, so is tofu. it's not like kraft mac n cheese, lunchables or doritos though, which is what people usually mean when they talk about processed food.

i agree, tofu is processed and you were 100% wrong. please feed your brain some protein so this doesnt happen again

it's trivially true, in a sense that applies to all commercial food. it's not something you'd want to avoid on account of processing unless you're a raw foodist, or the type of person that rails against the evils of pasteurized milk.

lol watch the vid m8
i know how tofu is made. it's almost exactly the same process as making cheese. cheese and tofu are not weird processed foods man
ahahahaha someone tell......this Tofurkey.....his goose....is COOkeD

Lessons posted:

i know how tofu is made. it's almost exactly the same process as making cheese. cheese and tofu are not weird processed foods man

jeez you guys, it aint like processed beanmilk curd and aeresolized lactic wheypowder product are some weird fucking "food" like cooked animal flesh *sprayz eezycheeze on top of computer chip and bites down shattering every tooth*

they use machines in meat processing plants too. your hamburgers aren't made from wild aurochs slaughtered by artisanal butchers.
sorry i couldnt hear you over the curdled screams of the delicious lamb i just slaughtered *stands there with neckslitting knife raised, still dripping with blood* did you say something to me?
oh, youre in the market for some professional goalpost movers. yeah, i know a guy, "Shitlord & Sons", they do good work. ill go get their number
i tell u whut, meat aint even HALF as murdered as your credibility re: tofu. ffs