[account deactivated]
maybe they hsdould watch suze orman

animedad posted:
maybe they hsdould watch suze orman


maybe if they didn't spend so much time playing video games and praying they'd be better off and could like read a want-ad or something
agreed. no sympathy for deadbeats
abloo bloo i can only afford mcdonalds for my obese child 6 nights a week. america isn't working. let's vote islamic. no thanks.
i think this really has more to do with the debt-based economic the US has created among its population, than "deadbeats," since people who make $100K are part of this group. people just don't save money by putting it in the bank. we need to start teaching "don't fucking waste your money on stupid shit" "money management" classes in public schools.
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:
and you still need to get your first job to really be able to comment on any of this cyclonelad


Cycloneboy posted:
i think this really has more to do with the debt-based economic the US has created among its population, than "deadbeats," since people who make $100K are part of this group. people just don't save money by putting it in the bank. we need to start teaching "don't fucking waste your money on stupid shit" "money management" classes in public schools.

agreed, its high time Americants got off their high horses and started learning some personal responsibility. your failure is no one's but your own!


Tsargon posted:
agreed, its high time Americants got off their high horses and started learning some personal responsibility. your failure is no one's but your own!

that's not what i said at all.


discipline posted:
and you still need to get your first job to really be able to comment on any of this cyclonelad

maybe i've already got a job. have you ever considered that???
it's in canada.
cycloneboy i'll hire you to clean my apartment, but you have to own your own means of production
When I first read Locke I immediately thought to myself - "Hey this would be the answer if the land and seas actually expanded indefinitely as you explored outwards like in some procedurally generated game."

I also love how environmentalism has gone completely out the window in Washington. Now that the economic troubles are super reals - who gives a shit about the planet we got jobs to make or else a lot of people will be very uncomfortable.

Brace for impact comrades.
and many paychecks to come after that thanks to deficiency judgments