Youre right, in the sense that it is not a thing that is like another thing, expressing meaning through the highlighted similarities between these two disparate things, but rather the same thing, literally the exact same fucking thing.
"Chinese kids are way better and cheaper at building all my crap than some ghey mechanized labor bullshit, so lets just keep doing that forever. Get the fuck outta the way!!" *honks nonexistent horn on back of mare's head*
[account deactivated]
All witness the look of existential terror on the face of the First World Marxist when presented with the means and possibility of his success!

Superabound posted:

All witness the look of existential terror on the face of the First World Marxist when presented with the means and possibility of his success!

teh 3D printer: socialism's salvation

yeah why should a socialist be at all in favor labor repatriation, a light in the tunnel of previously endless third world child slavery, or anyone getting a taste of what its like to be in charge of a means of production? *goes back to fruitlessly reading a bunch of gay theory from dead french authors nobody cares or even knows about*
The 3D Printer is undeniably the most Marxist human development since the Avtomat Kalashnikova. I think a lot of you are just to embarrassed to allow yourselves to admit that anarchist gunhaving libertarians are doing more to further the glorious cause of Socialism than all your llcos, college Occutards, and akavianites put together.
They're just training wheels for design jobs. Everyone who has ever used one knows this. Everyone who is extatic or acerbic about it won't ever use one and are making a big deal out of nothing.

Superabound posted:

yeah why should a socialist be at all in favor labor repatriation, a light in the tunnel of previously endless third world child slavery, or anyone getting a taste of what its like to be in charge of a means of production? *goes back to fruitlessly reading a bunch of gay theory from dead french authors nobody cares or even knows about*

The argument that 3d printers are going to provide a revolutionary change in the ownership of production seems simply ludicrous. I mean people have always been able to produce some stuff on a small scale, filling niche markets, and 3d printers might make this kind of production more efficient but it seems unlikely they will fundamentally change the nature of small scale production. However the idea that 3d printers will render mass production obsolete is just so bizarre and baseless I really wonder why anyone even dallies with it, mass production offers so many advantages in terms of scale and achievable complexity I just don't see how 3d printers are going to tip the scales back towards small production.

I honestly think we're more likely to see huge factories full of chinese children tending thousands of 3d printers than a real distributed model of production.


Goethestein posted:

i don't throw this word around a lot but nerds have a seriously religious approach to technology. slumlord is right that they think this shit is going to turn into a replicator. it is a thing that melts plastic and turns it into stuff slowly. no matter how fast or detailed or complex the plastic crap it produces is, it is still made of plastic. switching from melting plastic to farting out ready-made matter isn't like throwing more transistors into a computer.

my favorite examples of dogged nerd technology worship are robotics and medical research. over the years we've dumped probably tens of billions of dollars and god alone knows how many man-hours into curing HIV, and it's still not cured. then they whine that it's a hard problem. well, yes, it is a hard problem, that's the point, physical reality exists regardless of how much atheist chi you throw at it. robotics are the best because robotics are garbage that haven't improved in 30 years. the technology allowing for the flying of military drones existed 40 years ago, the reason they exist today is that we have the communications infrastructure to control them remotely. the most capable autonomous robot in the world is worse than an ant with brain damage. they drive into walls and sit there, tip over, run out of juice in half an hour. and that's been true for decades

Regular printers used to be awful, and could only print black and white text, now they print microchips. Yeah sure nerds are obnoxious as hell, but to think that all 3D printers are and will only be capable of making dildos is pretty silly.
And robotics haven't improved in 30 years? Are you seriously trying to say that the processes involved in robotics haven't improved in 30 years? Things like computers, sensors, mechanics have been at a complete standstill for three decades? sure there isn't robo-cop on every street, but robotics aren't for fulfilling your gas ass-nerd fantasy.

prob should have gone with "Chinese children will be the ones building the 3D printers themselves" or some shit about dying from plastic substrate inhalation induced mesothelioma
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

Superabound posted:

"Chinese kids are way better and cheaper at building all my crap than some ghey mechanized labor bullshit, so lets just keep doing that forever. Get the fuck outta the way!!" *honks nonexistent horn on back of mare's head*

yeah, this, unless we are going to stop using computers and phones we had better fucking learn how to make them and i would think that even a relatively small advance in the miniaturization and accessibility of manufacturing technology in the west would be desirable, regardless of all the nerd baggage it comes with

but we already have all these advances. the point is that automation under capitalism serves only to turn workers more and more into an appendage of the machine. http://retrospectz.wordpress.com/2011/03/03/niggermation-at-eldon/

its less about automation and more about expanding the digital subversion of intellectual property copyright law to physical goods and dissolving centralized capitalist distribution channels
itt we discuss the revolutionary merits of a technology that exists so nerds can print plastic anime figurines
yes, if only these devices were capable of manufacturing all of the actual necessary, non-frivolous, exploited labor-produced goods that first worlders buy, such as
"Fuckin nerds and their gay plastic asianmade crap!"

posted 8 seconds ago from an iPhone 5
[account deactivated]
computer print me an iphone 5
[account deactivated]
hey mom i 3d printed you an ash tray for mothers day what do you mean i could have had more use from an entry level pottery class at less than a tenth of the price havent you heard about upcoming 3d printing singularity gosh mom GOSH
[account deactivated]
that's cool, i love tartare sauce and when i get like a seafood back from the local fish-n-chip place they usually only give you a little one and charge like 50c (or sometimes a dollar!) for extra tubs
[account deactivated]
ahahaha wrap-it-up 2dailures, my local news just aired a segment about a Jackson, MS school buying a Maker Bot. shoeless illiterates are gonna be printing spittoons and trucknutz in circles around you while your dinosn0re asses choke on their plastic dust
[account deactivated]
stop press: apparently Intel managed several decades ago

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Can't wait to imprison someone for 3d printing. Really hate printers. Most bothersome peripheral device ever.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Hurricane inactivity is also setting all-time records. The United States is undergoing its longest stretch in recorded history without a major hurricane strike, with each passing day extending the unprecedented lack of severe hurricanes, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data.It has been more than 2,750 days since a major hurricane struck the United States. This easily smashes the prior record of less than 2,300 days between major hurricane strikes.


Superabound posted:

The 3D Printer is undeniably the most Marxist human development since the Avtomat Kalashnikova. I think a lot of you are just to embarrassed to allow yourselves to admit that anarchist gunhaving libertarians are doing more to further the glorious cause of Socialism than all your llcos, college Occutards, and akavianites put together.

i hoep youre trolling, friend, because the alternative is that youre Real Dumb

not because "technology is evil" or "nerds are bad" but because "a bunch of uninformed idiots are playing it up to be a big deal when in fact the means for production of goods at home have existed all along and will continue to be significantly less cost-effective than large-scale industrial production regardless of the newest scaled-down easy-bake oven you can now own for approximately the price of the Real Tools which are still available"
i hoep youre trolling too. i hope everyone is trolling. because the alternative is that other human beings actually have thoughts and opinions that are different from mine, and that is a world i simply cannot bear to imagine

hey posted:

CNC machines are nowhere near affordable for a hobbyist.

that is not true at all, you can get a great CNC rig for under $900 or build your own for a third of that. i know i've seen tons of "build a CNC machine for under $30 by stealing parts out of your grandma's printer" guides as well.


Superabound posted:

When automobiles were first invented they were significantly slower, less reliable, and more expensive than horses.

They still are.


Superabound posted:

i hoep youre trolling too. i hope everyone is trolling. because the alternative is that other human beings actually have thoughts and opinions that are different from mine, and that is a world i simply cannot bear to imagine

i actually am trolling. any opinion contrary to "3d printers are the savior of mankind and will lead to a socialist resurgence" should be immediately apparent as facetious.

im printing out red stars, hammers, and sickles even as we post