lol if you posted
tebow owns, list is invalidated
woah nelly i had no idea some religious people do bad things
fucked up but true

comedy option: fucked up but jew lol
lol Breivik wasn't motivated by religion he just used Christianity as a cultural identifier for the glorious Western civilization he thought he was upholding.

of course one could probably go through this image all day to point out inaccuracies and mistranslations so w/e.

HenryKrinkle posted:

lol Breivik wasn't motivated by religion he just used Christianity as a cultural identifier for the glorious Western civilization he thought he was upholding.

of course one could probably go through this image all day to point out inaccuracies and mistranslations so w/e.

I haven't even read the whole thing. I do think that the people saying aetheists should be shot are mostly true. They just need to to change it from aetheists to everyone.

Out-of-control heretics being used by Satan to discredit the true religion.

They slipped up, though, by including a moment of truth:


Agnus_Dei posted:

Out-of-control heretics being used by Satan to discredit the true religion.

They slipped up, though, by including a moment of truth:


What's the point of this thread? I don't need reminding that this place is full of Shi'ite trots and antireligious teenagers.


HenryKrinkle posted:

lol Breivik wasn't motivated by religion he just used Christianity as a cultural identifier for the glorious Western civilization he thought he was upholding.

of course one could probably go through this image all day to point out inaccuracies and mistranslations so w/e.

Actually he did uphold Christian European culture by eliminating almost a generation of multiculturalist Cultural Marxist teenagers who were destined to erode Christian values and European civilization in Norway and elsewhere.

Christianity isn't your anemic New Age dilution, no matter what you guilty liberals try to dream up.

more like SHITE Trots- oh shit that was the joke.

wasn't it?
Atheistic suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Atheism is the sigh of the oppressed creature, heartlessness in a heartless world, and soullessness in soulless conditions. It is the methamphetamine of the people.
That wasn't the joke. Rhizzonism is the joke. It's this weird ideology where you pretend to support islamic fundamentalism and communism at the same time. That makes you worse than a trot, it makes you a snot, and no amount of smoking pot can change that.

I view this forum like I view the weaboo nazis on stormfront, who post anime pictures of naked five year old girls wearing nazi uniforms. It's endearing, and a ritual that maintains a warm and friendly community. But once you remember what people here are actually saying you get a sudden shock, that feeling you get the first time you walk into a crazyhouse and someone says radical feminism and sharia law are totally compatible.
sometimes i meet people under 35 who believe in god irl and i lol a bit internally.

mustang19 posted:

That wasn't the joke. Rhizzonism is the joke. It's this weird ideology where you pretend to support islamic fundamentalism and communism at the same time. That makes you worse than a trot, it makes you a snot, and no amount of smoking pot can change that.

I view this forum like I view the weaboo nazis on stormfront, who post anime pictures of naked five year old girls wearing nazi uniforms. It's endearing, and a ritual that maintains a warm and friendly community. But once you remember what people here are actually saying you get a sudden shock, that feeling you get the first time you walk into a crazyhouse and someone says radical feminism and sharia law are totally compatible.

Even if he's real, god doesn't exist.





[account deactivated]

LaserJew posted:







[account deactivated]
i'll never remember the first time I walked into a crazyhouse
it's more of a shuffle anyway, what with the leg irons and straight jacket... far from the default stride i grew so accustomed to in my pre-failaids youth.

A new study finds that atheists are among society's most distrusted group, comparable even to rapists in certain circumstances.

Psychologists at the University of British Columbia and the University of Oregon say that their study demonstrates that anti-atheist prejudice stems from moral distrust, not dislike, of nonbelievers.

"It's pretty remarkable," said Azim Shariff, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Oregon and a co-author of the study, which appears in the current issue of Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

The study, conducted among 350 Americans adults and 420 Canadian college students, asked participants to decide if a fictional driver damaged a parked car and left the scene, then found a wallet and took the money, was the driver more likely to be a teacher, an atheist teacher, or a rapist teacher?

this is the most moronic study lmao

since there's no such thing as rape by envelopment and more women go into teaching than men, and given that atheists statistically have a diminshed sense of moral conscience, that answer is entirely reasonable

Doctor Who performed abortions?

deadken posted:

given that atheists statistically have a diminshed sense of moral conscience,

why, because they can't justify any decision by shifting responsibility to an omnipotent power?

its exactly like marxoteens blaming capitalism for their inability to function and participate in society, rather than being a valueless person.


deadken posted:

given that atheists statistically have a diminshed sense of moral conscience

actually....http://boingboing.net/2013/05/01/homeless-mans-ab-test-of-ge.html .

lol a pair of korean teen missionaries just approached me for a "survey" and without thinking i checked the box marked jesus christ is the saviour of mankind

so i had to give them a halting explanation of rhizzonian theology and they started to back away slowly without blinking

Bablu posted:

lol a pair of korean teen missionaries just approached me for a "survey" and without thinking i checked the box marked jesus christ is the saviour of mankind

so i had to give them a halting explanation of rhizzonian theology and they started to back away slowly without blinking

this is the best thing. we need video of rhizzone's exposure to the daylight of the real world.


mustang19 posted:

That wasn't the joke. Rhizzonism is the joke. It's this weird ideology where you pretend to support islamic fundamentalism and communism at the same time. That makes you worse than a trot, it makes you a snot, and no amount of smoking pot can change that.

I view this forum like I view the weaboo nazis on stormfront, who post anime pictures of naked five year old girls wearing nazi uniforms. It's endearing, and a ritual that maintains a warm and friendly community. But once you remember what people here are actually saying you get a sudden shock, that feeling you get the first time you walk into a crazyhouse and someone says radical feminism and sharia law are totally compatible.

you are connected to your parents at the hip and your facebook is a mix of outraged liberal-leftist news article commentary and networking with marketers masquerading as barely-clothed women. So let me tell you this one little fucking thing, you little fucker: Doctor Who Performed Abortions

which season of doctor who was abortions

Crow posted:

Doctor Who Performed Abortions

rhizzone exclusives


TG posted:

tebow owns, list is invalidated

not enough to last with a team for more than one season

i'm so fucking sick of snarky, ugly atheism and it's ridiculous superierority complex.

This is a billboard that my Godless city thinks is suitable decoration.

We used to build spires to heaven on top of our tallest buildings and now we put up pictures of guys fucking pigs. Surely this can't go on too much longer? Surely i'm not the only one who is comfortable at how degraded our aesthetics and social relations are becoming?

looks like you are, mate
what christianity built for my city

what atheism (Gehry) is building

but yeah religion 'serves no purpose anymore'
that building is going to start looking attractive the minute you stop thinking it isn't. stop being so self-absorbed

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

what christianity built for my city

what atheism (Gehry) is building

but yeah religion 'serves no purpose anymore'

yeah, the great art critic mohammed atta pointed this out back in '01