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sumeria was not "horrific" in fact it was probably nicer than what we have now.
question of the day: Is a person that honestly identifies as trans gender always actually trans, by definition? Is a person honestly identifying as gay always gay; straight always straight, and so on
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EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

Ive dealt with this before - nothing sadder than an old queen regretting not taking hormones when she was young, now in her 40's a balding man reduced to posting on Laura's Playground and going to drag balls

drag my balls to hell

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assyria pwned. imho (in my historical opinion)
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Goethestein posted:

assyria pwned. imho (in my historical opinion)

actually it was Ass. "Its not a Sumer!!" -arnold schwarzchanezzar

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roseweird, you really shouldn't let knowledge of a topic stop you from posting, otherwise i'd never post

roseweird posted:

(i was pushed through the process in early adolescence by my parents; bizarre story, don't ask).

I'm sorry, i have to ask, what's the deal?

Sumer was dope because you could get away and pitch a tent and tell the state to shove it. It was literally a picnic.
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holy wow, that is everything wrong with liberals in one post. sorry you had to deal with that, i hope you regain your phallic desire in the blood of revolutionary terror.
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roseweird posted:

stegosaurus posted:

Sumer was dope because you could get away and pitch a tent and tell the state to shove it. It was literally a picnic.

that's true but there were also like snakes and lions and stuff everywhere and those tents were not like, churned out of factories and also the state might send soldiers to capture and enslave you in which case a tent is fairly modest protection

yeah but I just watched that naked and marooned series so I'm in my twice-yearly Robinson Caruso funk

Edited by stegosaurus ()

you seem to have your head on straight and a good revolutionary perspective on gender. at least you sound far healthier than the troon wddp crew we're used to.
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Roseweird is the best lurker-turned-poster name in a long time, nice work.
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roseweird posted:

i can't fully explain without revealing more about myself than i'd like to, but a combination of genuine transgenderism on my part and various forms of mental illness on my mother's part. my mother is basically munchausen's plus munchausen's by proxy with me. i tried to express a sense of gender ambiguity, but she took this to mean i wanted to be a girl, made a ton of appointments with doctors, bought me clothes and hormones (she maintained an extensive personal pharmacy). the obvious (and sort of boring) explanation is, i was an only child and she wanted a girl, plus this fed into her need to champion some cause (poor poor transgender children). i just hated the effects of testosterone on my mind/body and would have been happy to remove testicles, present as ambiguous gender. but this was never presented as an option to me. i understood going through the MtF therapeutic/surgical process to be my only way of achieving my goal of removing what i felt to be a poisonous influence on me, and my family and the therapists they hired were very happy to encourage me to think of myself as a girl.

perfect example of why families should be abolished and children should be battery farmed by the state, brave new world style

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roseweird posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
roseweird posted:

(i was pushed through the process in early adolescence by my parents; bizarre story, don't ask).

I'm sorry, i have to ask, what's the deal?

i can't fully explain without revealing more about myself than i'd like to, but a combination of genuine transgenderism on my part and various forms of mental illness on my mother's part. my mother is basically munchausen's plus munchausen's by proxy with me. i tried to express a sense of gender ambiguity, but she took this to mean i wanted to be a girl, made a ton of appointments with doctors, bought me clothes and hormones (she maintained an extensive personal pharmacy). the obvious (and sort of boring) explanation is, i was an only child and she wanted a girl, plus this fed into her need to champion some cause (poor poor transgender children). i just hated the effects of testosterone on my mind/body and would have been happy to remove testicles, present as ambiguous gender. but this was never presented as an option to me. i understood going through the MtF therapeutic/surgical process to be my only way of achieving my goal of removing what i felt to be a poisonous influence on me, and my family and the therapists they hired were very happy to encourage me to think of myself as a girl.


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It's a shame that the new lurker is actually an elaborate gimmick of the main character from the film sleepaway camp (spoiler) because they seem interesting.
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roseweird posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
roseweird posted:
Ironicwarcriminal posted:

new england

Crazy, I can’t imagine having parents like that, it’s like a Houllebecq novel.

So long as you’re doin’ your thang and it’s working for you then cool and welcome to the rhizzone 