
Goethestein posted:

it's probably not cultural that men are more violent as the norm, inasmuch as it is witnessed in every culture ever known

there are so many things wrong with this statement, unless you stepped from 1900 into the present (or more likely are a generic male goon) i dont think you know anything about anthropology at all.


VoxNihili posted:

culturally-taught behaviors itt

oh i see, men "earn" the harsh sentences, victimization, and multiple rapes they experience at the hands of the American criminal justice system and private prison industry due to their "behaviors". i guess you could say....they were "asking for it"


babyhueypnewton posted:

Goethestein posted:

it's probably not cultural that men are more violent as the norm, inasmuch as it is witnessed in every culture ever known

there are so many things wrong with this statement, unless you stepped from 1900 into the present (or more likely are a generic male goon) i dont think you know anything about anthropology at all.

name a culture in recorded history where women are generally more regularly and more seriously violent than men. of course you cannot

if only pants not so sag u not get prison raped

Goethestein posted:

name a culture in recorded history where women are generally more regularly and more seriously violent than men.

USA, today, according to this pamphlet cyclone man gave me.

sentenced to 30 days in jail for disorderly conduct? maybe you should have thought about that before you got drunk at a party
it's really shameful when you morons get sucked into arguments over fucking nonsense like whether male aggression is innate or learned
men naturally have more testosterone than women, and it is known through double-blind trials that testosterone causes aggression and violence. sorry about your pomo nonsense

Superabound posted:

VoxNihili posted:

culturally-taught behaviors itt

oh i see, men "earn" the harsh sentences, victimization, and multiple rapes they experience at the hands of the American criminal justice system and private prison industry due to their "behaviors". i guess you could say....they were "asking for it"

whoa, yeah, as a big supporter of the american justice system, let me respond:


Goethestein posted:

men naturally have more testosterone than women, and it is known through double-blind trials that testosterone causes aggression and violence. sorry about your pomo nonsense

So why are you against men signing up for war?


Goethestein posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

Goethestein posted:

it's probably not cultural that men are more violent as the norm, inasmuch as it is witnessed in every culture ever known

there are so many things wrong with this statement, unless you stepped from 1900 into the present (or more likely are a generic male goon) i dont think you know anything about anthropology at all.

name a culture in recorded history where women are generally more regularly and more seriously violent than men. of course you cannot

i dont know what violent means. does it mean women were warriors equal to men? there are countless examples of native american cultures and tribes in the amazon where this is the case. do you mean the goddess of war or violent myth takes the form of a woman? there are hundreds of examples as well. or do you mean women were central political and religious figures who determined war and the violence of the state? once again, countless examples.

thats not even getting into your lack of nuance in the anthropological history of gender. once again, wtf are you talking about.


Goethestein posted:

name a culture in recorded history where women are generally more regularly and more seriously violent than men. of course you cannot

if theres absolutely no variation among cultures then the cause cannot itself be cultural

ergo: biotruths


wasted posted:

Goethestein posted:

men naturally have more testosterone than women, and it is known through double-blind trials that testosterone causes aggression and violence. sorry about your pomo nonsense

So why are you against men signing up for war?

this is a major failing in leftist theory. they think that they can just deny the existence of natural instincts and behaviors and pretend that everything is cultural, because if it's cultural then it's not "unnatural" and presumably easier to change. the thing that they don't realize is that the fact that something is or is not natural has no bearing on morality. we can accept that men are more likely to be violent without tolerating the real-life expression of that behavior

Goethestein was probated until (April 25, 2013 13:47:43) for this post!

the only thing "cultural" in this situation is the false belief that disposition towards violence is a negative trait

babyhueypnewton posted:

Goethestein posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

Goethestein posted:

it's probably not cultural that men are more violent as the norm, inasmuch as it is witnessed in every culture ever known

there are so many things wrong with this statement, unless you stepped from 1900 into the present (or more likely are a generic male goon) i dont think you know anything about anthropology at all.

name a culture in recorded history where women are generally more regularly and more seriously violent than men. of course you cannot

i dont know what violent means. does it mean women were warriors equal to men? there are countless examples of native american cultures and tribes in the amazon where this is the case. do you mean the goddess of war or violent myth takes the form of a woman? there are hundreds of examples as well. or do you mean women were central political and religious figures who determined war and the violence of the state? once again, countless examples.

thats not even getting into your lack of nuance in the anthropological history of gender. once again, wtf are you talking about.

no there aren't lol

let's just agree that women are as dumb as men.

Goethestein posted:

men naturally have more testosterone than women, and it is known through double-blind trials that testosterone causes aggression and violence. sorry about your pomo nonsense

the roles of testosterone/estrogen/progesterone regarding sex-based behavior are not clear at all, studies on sex differences are full of problems. heres a cool extensive book on it http://www.mediafire.com/view/?bh4g18av03gn7ri

e: it's not so much aggression which is more or less conditioned regardless of sex, but men's physical constitution which gives that aggression a better vehicle

Edited by prohairesis ()

i'll define, though: males are more aggressive, engage in more coalitional violence, more prone to lethal violence.
*hates liberalism* *supports Communist Revolution* *abhors violence*

prohairesis posted:

Goethestein posted:

men naturally have more testosterone than women, and it is known through double-blind trials that testosterone causes aggression and violence. sorry about your pomo nonsense

the roles of testosterone/estrogen/progesterone regarding sex-based behavior are not clear at all, studies on sex differences are full of problems. heres a cool extensive book on it http://www.mediafire.com/view/?bh4g18av03gn7ri

not arguing in good faith

Edited by babyhueypnewton ()

theres really interesting research on the maoists in India and violence in relation to gender. the space for reconstituting gender that exist in a liberated zone coupled with the necessity for it in a society where women are the most marginalized and therefore the most revolutionary cadre is really important for actual feminists (not bourgeois 1st world feminists). we're also very limited in what we can do, both based on the limitations of getting accurate information and the biases of the bourgeois academic institution.

unless you think you need 'testosterone' to shoot an ak-47 lol. heres a book i havent read but is on my list:

Gender and Radical Politics in India: Magic Moments of Naxalbari (1967-1975)
Mallarika Sinha Roy
that book isnt pomo at all. its very analytical of the actual experiments. science bithc

Superabound posted:

the only thing "cultural" in this situation is the false belief that disposition towards violence is a negative trait

that much is accurate. the notion that violence is an evil to be avoided is a 20th century western perversion from a 5000 year old global norm

Goethestein was probated until (April 24, 2013 07:20:01) for this post!


babyhueypnewton posted:

But the entire point of 1st world feminism is to create reactionaries to confront. The only unity a place like WDDP can have is when there's a persecution complex to put real ideological issues in the background.

MRAs are sort of like Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann clowns for the Daily Show. Liberal feminism wouldn't exist without the Angry Atheist saying "rape is cool" just like Obama cannot exist without a boogeyman to point to. It's not just a matter of confronting MRAs because they are the most egregious targets or serve to unify feminist forces, I'm saying that MRAs are themselves a creation of liberal feminism.

MRAs use the same language and the same ideology turned on its head because they are both the limit of liberal feminism and the negation that gives it meaning.

"On approaching the other it has lost its own self, since it finds itself as another being; secondly, it has thereby sublated that other, for this primitive consciousness does not regard the other as essentially real but sees its own self in the other." -Hegel, Wikipedia quote cause I'm too lazy to flip through The Phenomenology of Spirit

How does the powerful pimp lobby play into this?

hey goatstein you worship science but dont seem to know anything about it at all. is anyone surprised?
sorry this thread went to shit, as someone interested in the function of discourse I should have realized that any argument about feminism or MRA cannot happen while goatstein and cycloneboy are part of the discourse. attacking feminism, even 1st world feminism, is like attacking Syria or the Stalin era USSR as a "leftist" around a bunch of imperialists.

bans all around e: that said the ban system of SA is terrible which is why D&D is a joke. I would hope both of them enjoy their time in labor camp for a day or two and are let out.
hmmm, the gender least willing to get their hands dirty also happens to be the one most consistently culturally and politically victimized and oppressed throughout all human history. oh well, im a lilly-white status quo liberal so its probably best not to think too much about that

Superabound was probated until (April 24, 2013 07:16:27) for this post!


Superabound posted:

hmmm, the gender least willing to get their hands dirty also happens to be the one most consistently culturally and politically victimized and oppressed throughout all human history. oh well, im a lilly-white status quo liberal so its probably best not to think too much about that

ok, now i know youre trolling. mods? MODS!?


VoxNihili posted:

Superabound posted:

hmmm, the gender least willing to get their hands dirty also happens to be the one most consistently culturally and politically victimized and oppressed throughout all human history. oh well, im a lilly-white status quo liberal so its probably best not to think too much about that

ok, now i know youre trolling. mods? MODS!?

i just discovered my 'add as thread moderator' button and I cant figure out what sitbm is even trying to say there so go find out what your new powers do.


babyhueypnewton posted:

thats just patriarchy, there's very little thats novel about MRA in that regard. MRA is a unique phenomenon that was created by the feminist blog-o-sphere, twitter, and tumblr as result of the decay the feminist movements as it moved from action to thought. when there are no enemies, you create them even if it's just to gain clicks and not a grand conspiracy.

if every single man in the world was convinced feminism was correct and MRA was terrible, it wouldn't change a thing. the struggle against MRA is simply avoiding the real struggle against patriarchy which requires a revolutionary organization that imposes its ideology by force. and that struggle won't take place on facebook or tumblr

you're simply repeating what i said about MRA ideology and just finding a way to blame women who talk online about feminism for their own harassment...instead of the men who perpetrate this harassment. there is indeed nothing special about MRAs except they call themselves that. they are the same type of dangerous misogynist that women have had to keep tabs on for ages.

there is nothing diversionary about struggling against MRAs since you agreed they're part of the patriarchy in action but please, tell me how to be a better feminist. i guess i'll start by never communicating with other women from the first world who are online and have been targeted by MRAs. what's next, sir?


MadMedico posted:

How does the powerful pimp lobby play into this?

oh look, more passive-aggressive shit with no substance.


SariBari posted:

please, tell me how to be a better feminist. i guess i'll start by never communicating with other women from the first world who are online and have been targeted by MRAs. what's next, sir?

Edited by getfiscal ()


this situation really called for a " u go girl" but i'll accept
I don't know whats going on itt but all the progesterone in the water supply from birth control pills seems to be making you all super bitchy

babyhueypnewton posted:

VoxNihili posted:

Superabound posted:

hmmm, the gender least willing to get their hands dirty also happens to be the one most consistently culturally and politically victimized and oppressed throughout all human history. oh well, im a lilly-white status quo liberal so its probably best not to think too much about that

ok, now i know youre trolling. mods? MODS!?

i just discovered my 'add as thread moderator' button and I cant figure out what sitbm is even trying to say there so go find out what your new powers do.

kool, reign of terror time.


SariBari posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

thats just patriarchy, there's very little thats novel about MRA in that regard. MRA is a unique phenomenon that was created by the feminist blog-o-sphere, twitter, and tumblr as result of the decay the feminist movements as it moved from action to thought. when there are no enemies, you create them even if it's just to gain clicks and not a grand conspiracy.

if every single man in the world was convinced feminism was correct and MRA was terrible, it wouldn't change a thing. the struggle against MRA is simply avoiding the real struggle against patriarchy which requires a revolutionary organization that imposes its ideology by force. and that struggle won't take place on facebook or tumblr

you're simply repeating what i said about MRA ideology and just finding a way to blame women who talk online about feminism for their own harassment...instead of the men who perpetrate this harassment. there is indeed nothing special about MRAs except they call themselves that. they are the same type of dangerous misogynist that women have had to keep tabs on for ages.

there is nothing diversionary about struggling against MRAs since you agreed they're part of the patriarchy in action but please, tell me how to be a better feminist. i guess i'll start by never communicating with other women from the first world who are online and have been targeted by MRAs. what's next, sir?

I'm skeptical that the terrain of online activism or being harassed on facebook or playing video games are real sites of struggle. I don't think the internet is a neutral structure and I don't think the change in the culture of SA (for example) has mattered in advancing the cause of feminism at all. In fact I think MRA is a consequence of these efforts, as the sexist language of the internet has changed from overt sexism and racism to hijacking the language of social justice.

Look at the demonization of "radical feminism" because the nature of transgender mentally ill people makes them more likely to have online presence and use the same language as feminists. Or "feminist" prostitutes using feminist language to justify capitalist exploitation of the body. I'm not interested in "blame", just tactics and I think the form the struggle against MRA has taken (and all the things like it: the "geek girl" movement, non-sexist video games, etc) are unique from the larger feminist struggle against patriarchy which is useful and founded in real, human lives.


babyhueypnewton posted:

the nature of transgender mentally ill people makes them more likely to have online presence and use the same language as feminists



I'm skeptical that the terrain of online activism or being harassed on facebook or playing video games are real sites of struggle.



SariBari posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:
thats just patriarchy, there's very little thats novel about MRA in that regard. MRA is a unique phenomenon that was created by the feminist blog-o-sphere, twitter, and tumblr as result of the decay the feminist movements as it moved from action to thought. when there are no enemies, you create them even if it's just to gain clicks and not a grand conspiracy.

if every single man in the world was convinced feminism was correct and MRA was terrible, it wouldn't change a thing. the struggle against MRA is simply avoiding the real struggle against patriarchy which requires a revolutionary organization that imposes its ideology by force. and that struggle won't take place on facebook or tumblr

you're simply repeating what i said about MRA ideology and just finding a way to blame women who talk online about feminism for their own harassment...instead of the men who perpetrate this harassment. there is indeed nothing special about MRAs except they call themselves that. they are the same type of dangerous misogynist that women have had to keep tabs on for ages.

there is nothing diversionary about struggling against MRAs since you agreed they're part of the patriarchy in action but please, tell me how to be a better feminist. i guess i'll start by never communicating with other women from the first world who are online and have been targeted by MRAs. what's next, sir?

Good post

Just look at how seethingly angry and hateful they got about Ms Red Headed feminist, a woman who suffers death threats for displaying the same level of abrasiveness and brashness that every other man on the internet does.

Also I just realized something, Cycloneboy talks about women the same way that an Android fanboy talks about Apple. Seriously, just replace the nouns when you read his posts

Bhpn seems like he doesn’t listen to women unless they pass a checklist of exotic otherness in his head.