
animedad posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

getfiscal posted:

enver hoxha essentially banned islam and taught atheism and i think most contemporary hoxhaists think that he was wrong to do so. one hoxhaist i know told me it was virtually the only major thing wrong he ever did.

when i was 18 or so, i knew a little bit about everything. wikipedia and general existence is enough to casually get by in pretty much every subject, especially if you have a talent for bullshit. eventually I learned that I would have to pick something and really study it and my casual knowledge of physics and biology, linguistics and film theory, electronics and comparative religion, etc would all have to remain casual. thats what's called growing up. you're older than I am, but clearly you never grew up and realized there are a lot of things which you simply have no idea about. feel free to correct me if you've seriously studied hoxha's writings and albanian history.

have you? christ man at least maintain some simplicity when you dont know something instead of these intellectual parlor tricks


no. where did I say I've read all 6 volumes of hoxha's selected works? im saying this thread is pointless, the anti-communist trolling is getting real tired, and we could do with a lot more 'i don't knows' and a lot less 'heres what i think'. but ppl get mad when i say so.

I’m glad that Christian teachings on humility are starting to get through to you bhpn

babyhueypnewton posted:

we could do with a lot more 'i don't knows' and a lot less 'heres what i think'. but ppl get mad when i say so.

that's sort of disingenuous because you're not suggesting you need more time to study things, you've already decided you're on some spirit quest to impose communism on people and you flip out whenever someone makes a mild criticism of your anime the soviet union.


heres me not feeding the troll
By the age of 6, I was devouring Descartes wikipedia page.
I don’t really understand the fetishizing of ‘learning things’ that people here seem to take for granted. To what end do you find it valuable? Is it like just an ego thing or what? I understand the pragmatic side, like if you’re learning about electricity to become an electrician but I can’t for the life of me understand why learning about Hoxha in Albania has some fundamental ‘purpose’ or meaning to it.
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speaking of reading, have any of you nerds read kliman. Thoughts?
I've read kliman's body language.

AmericanNazbro posted:

speaking of reading, have any of you nerds read kliman. Thoughts?


Dr Len Kliman - Gynaecologist Melbourne


Dr Len Kliman is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist practising in Melbourne, Australia. Dr Kliman won a Commonwealth Scholarship from The University of ...

I read kliman’s body language…it said ‘I’m going to study your Labia Theory of Value’
I've watched some of Kliman's talks but he always breaks out the graphiest charts he got and im a math babby. Also he says that Harvey and Wolff and everyone is wrong about the crisis and profit rates over the last 30 years and I just don't know what to beleive anymore.
beleive in your self
but zen teaches that the Self is an illusion
Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me, who believes in you.

gyrofry posted:

didn't watch but wow Buddha really let himself go

[account deactivated]
I think this is a very hard choice, but the price we think... the price is worth it

tpaine posted:

epic this. as althusser says,

Take my wife, please!

you know what was great about the soviet union. they had these long pieces of cloth instead of socks. when they get soiled you can unwrap them and wash them and wrap em back up. its like a turban but for feet . think about taht
reality is a known anti-communism troll
[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

e could do with a lot more 'i don't knows' and a lot less 'heres what i think'.

Edited by parabolart ()

self-determination for the muslim ruling class ftw?
Kinda fucked up those wicked evil peasants murdered a bunch of noble aristocrats. Super wickid
hmm.... muslim scholars or dumb as hell peasants... who do i want running my civilization...

I'm so torn....
I agree man, I'm glad the proper, respectable people are back in power

getfiscal posted:

hmm.... muslim scholars or dumb as hell peasants... who do i want running my civilization...

I'm so torn....

let's compromise- Muslim peasants


animedad posted:

let's compromise- Muslim peasants

[account deactivated]
trigger warning
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

do you know if the soviets should have mass murdered muslim scholars gyroguy

check with redfiesta

[account deactivated]
answer unclear, ask again later