NDP critic wants to bar Dick Cheney from Canada
A member of Parliament from British Columbia is challenging the federal immigration minister to a debate on torture, war crimes and whether former U.S. vice-president Dick Cheney should be barred from entering Canada.
Don Davies, the NDP immigration critic, said Cheney should not be allowed into Canada to promote his book "In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir" during an exclusive $500-a-ticket dinner in Vancouver Monday night.
Davies said Cheney has admitted publicly to authorizing and endorsing the use of water boarding and sleep deprivation while serving as vice-president in the Bush administration. Davies contends those interrogation techniques break Canadian and international law.
"Sections 35 and 36 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act have a number of provisions that directly state that anybody who has engaged in those practices is inadmissible to Canada," said Davies. "So I'm just calling on the immigration minister to enforce the law."
Davies said the federal government has been silent on the issue and he's ready to debate Immigration Minister Jason Kenney "on any point" raised.
Kenney hasn't commented on the issue, but a spokesperson said that highly trained public servants who follow Canada's immigration laws make decisions on admissibility on a case-by-case basis.
Cheney's spokesmen could not be reached to comment on the controversy his visit has generated. However the former vice-president has vigorously and vocally defended interrogation techniques used on detainees during the Bush years, saying they saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
Monday night's exclusive event at the Vancouver Club has already sold out, said Leah Costello, founder of the Bon Mot Book Club.
She said club organizers wanted to stimulate debate and decided to invite Cheney because of the anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks and the release of the former vice-president's memoirs.
"How I feel, you know, it definitely comes down to the freedom of speech issue, and what I love about Canada is that we are all free to speak and to debate and to pursue ideas and positions that we believe in."
Costello said the club has a security plan in place and has contacted police.
A number of Vancouver peace activists and organizations are calling for protests.
The website stopwar.ca is calling Cheney an "unrepentant torture and war advocate" and is asking supporters to give him the "welcome he deserves."
A member of Parliament from British Columbia is challenging the federal immigration minister to a debate on torture, war crimes and whether former U.S. vice-president Dick Cheney should be barred from entering Canada.
Don Davies, the NDP immigration critic, said Cheney should not be allowed into Canada to promote his book "In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir" during an exclusive $500-a-ticket dinner in Vancouver Monday night.
Davies said Cheney has admitted publicly to authorizing and endorsing the use of water boarding and sleep deprivation while serving as vice-president in the Bush administration. Davies contends those interrogation techniques break Canadian and international law.
"Sections 35 and 36 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act have a number of provisions that directly state that anybody who has engaged in those practices is inadmissible to Canada," said Davies. "So I'm just calling on the immigration minister to enforce the law."
Davies said the federal government has been silent on the issue and he's ready to debate Immigration Minister Jason Kenney "on any point" raised.
Kenney hasn't commented on the issue, but a spokesperson said that highly trained public servants who follow Canada's immigration laws make decisions on admissibility on a case-by-case basis.
Cheney's spokesmen could not be reached to comment on the controversy his visit has generated. However the former vice-president has vigorously and vocally defended interrogation techniques used on detainees during the Bush years, saying they saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
Monday night's exclusive event at the Vancouver Club has already sold out, said Leah Costello, founder of the Bon Mot Book Club.
She said club organizers wanted to stimulate debate and decided to invite Cheney because of the anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks and the release of the former vice-president's memoirs.
"How I feel, you know, it definitely comes down to the freedom of speech issue, and what I love about Canada is that we are all free to speak and to debate and to pursue ideas and positions that we believe in."
Costello said the club has a security plan in place and has contacted police.
A number of Vancouver peace activists and organizations are calling for protests.
The website stopwar.ca is calling Cheney an "unrepentant torture and war advocate" and is asking supporters to give him the "welcome he deserves."

i'm going to buy that cheney book for cash money.
"In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir"
what a shitty title, richard.
much better would be "Waterboard the Bastards"
what a shitty title, richard.
much better would be "Waterboard the Bastards"
Dick Cheney doesn't take any shit. While everyone else was QQing over the rights of terrorists he was pulling off their fingernails and making them talk and saving America. I fucking love Dick Cheney.
bush was such a good president. i'm going to read his book this month.
what's a canada?
and cheney's! and gordo browns. and bliar's. it'll rule.
[account deactivated]
SomeIsraeliFuck posted:
what's a canada?
the best darn country in the world.
lungfish posted:
Dick Cheney doesn't take any shit. While everyone else was QQing over the rights of terrorists he was pulling off their fingernails and making them talk and saving America. I fucking love Dick Cheney.
cheney's a corrupt traitor who destroyed the empire
discipline posted:
no more draft dodging for that ol bastard
cheney was head of the department of defense.
what have you done for your country? a few years of low-import CIA ops? show some respect.
[account deactivated]
way to have a stigma about diapers
discipline posted:
I hope he ends up in diapers like reagan, sharon, and thatcher
Please respect your elders.
getfrascal youre on al ot of med right now right? lots of meds = liberal, insanity = leftist
Impper posted:
getfrascal youre on al ot of med right now right? lots of meds = liberal, insanity = leftist
i've been on the same meds for a few years
oh ok. theory destroyed
it's true though that me moving to the political center and general healthiness are probably connected. sick mind, sick politics.
i honestly have no idea where i am politically anymore, except that i feel extremely destructive and hateful. Welcome to the Republican Party? i really liked michel houellebecq's summation of celine: Right-Wing Anarchy
maybe i will join the conservative party in a few years. god bless.
dont respect old people. they suck in prettymuch every way imaginable
inept, bitter, clumsy, weak, racist, unfashionable, poor, whiny, homophobic, xenophobic, stupid, and above all cowards - so terrified of the abyss that they cling instinctively to every nanosecond of their unfathomably wretched lives like a gecko over a spinning blender blade
i pretty much agree with the post above mine
oh and ugly. just hideous. wrinkly and ill-smelling, bald and lumpy, ears and noses too big and too hairy, and frakensteined out with all kinds of tech to keep them shambling pointlessly along for a few more years