
roseweird posted:

babyfinland posted:

im pretty much those the real life incarnation of those ryan gosling memes

in what way Tom

im a beautiful blonde man with a kind soul and brilliant mind, and an appreciation for the finer tenets of modern feminist ideology.

[account deactivated]
what was this hugo man's actual political positions on anything. why are people happy he got caught jackin off
its basically helldumping i think
Man for people who make up only 18 million people we sure seem to hear a lot about their exploits huh
Everything I know about Feminism I learned after reading this book:

[account deactivated]

daddyholes posted:

what was this hugo man's actual political positions on anything. why are people happy he got caught jackin off

He admitted to attempting to kill his girlfriend and has a history of sleeping around with his students.

haha whoa

MadMedico posted:

daddyholes posted:

what was this hugo man's actual political positions on anything. why are people happy he got caught jackin off

He admitted to attempting to kill his girlfriend and has a history of sleeping around with his students.

lol sleeping around with students is morally equivalent to trying to murder someone i guess huh

good job everyone. *flips the zzone light a couple times* I'll be at the bar.
[account deactivated]
what did she did that he tried to kill her
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tpaine posted:

babyfinland posted:

what did she did that he tried to kill her

got the salmon spread on his bagel when he asked for regular cream cheese

did she do it on purpose


  • He tried to murder a woman after she’d been sexually assaulted because he thought that being raped and having substance abuse problems made her better off dead
  • He used his position of authority as a teacher to coerce students into sleeping with him
  • He’s capitalized on sexually assaulting one of his partners by writing articles about her blaming her for not saying no to him enough
  • He has used racism in white-dominated feminist spaces to hide behind famous white Feminists and shut down, silence, and alienate women of colour
  • He has written articles insulting and mocking his own POC students
  • he writes articles about his exes that reveal and revel in humiliating details about their bodies and sexual histories, without their consent
  • he has appropriated and capitalized on anger and grief over the death of Trayvon Martin

there’s a lot more, to be honest. These things aren’t hard to find. I have a hard time buying that you can’t find ANYTHING telling you why he’s “so bad” - the man is an admitted rapist, attempted murderer, he’s openly racist, women (especially women of colour) have wanted him out of feminist spaces for years and faced shit from the famous white Feminists that he hides behind (at xojane and Jezebel, for example) - all of it is literally there in the articles that he himself writes. He’s open about it. And because he couches it in buzzwords, because he’s a wealthy white man with the sheen of being a Professor Of Feminism to him, because he picks his women feminist allies carefully (ingratiating himself with other professional white people and shunning women of colour), he’s spent years profiting - as in, making an EXTREMELY comfortable living - as a high-profile professional Feminist.

Hugo Schwyzer is not only a disgusting rapist, a violent misogynist, and an open rapist, but his success within professional Feminist circles highlights a lot of the deep and systemic problems with white, upper/middle-class feminist spaces where there is money to be had in writing 101-level articles about sexism. These spaces are often the first places women come to when trying to connect with basic info about feminism as a movement, and so his presence and the issues that allow him to remain a prominent professional Feminist are really alienating and even damaging to young women trying to self-educate about movements that really should be about their own struggles and liberation.

And that’s why Hugo Schwyzer is so bad. He’s a rapist and abuser who uses systemic racism, classism and misogyny to get ahead over the backs of women, particularly women of colour. And if you saw all those things in your search but decided that they weren’t enough proof, then you probably also have a lot of sexist, racist views.
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helldump everyone, always. destroy humanity.
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tpaine stop being sober. its not right.
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the worst thing about feminists is that they're feminists and stop all feminists and they're all dumb cunts and they ruin meetings and they're divisive and women are excluding womyn and by talking abt being women and being human and trying to talk about inequality they are lionizing. gender fuck. manic.#whitewomeeennnnn. hugo schwwwyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzerrrrrrrrrrsolidarityisforwhite!@#$%^
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when i have a lot of alcohol in my house sometimes i keep drinking more than i should, so i decided now when i feel like drinking to just buy a forty of something and that way ill just have one forty to drink and then ill have to stop. problem is that semi-drunk me gets mad about it enough that now sober tricky me is intimidated and buys two 40s... stay tuned
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tpaine posted:

did i say something wrong or

don't ever look indecisive in front of ANY fellow poster. stay alpha.

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SariBari posted:

the worst thing about feminists is that they're feminists and stop all feminists and they're all dumb cunts and they ruin meetings and they're divisive and women are excluding womyn and by talking abt being women and being human and trying to talk about inequality they are lionizing. gender fuck. manic.#whitewomeeennnnn. hugo schwwwyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzerrrrrrrrrrsolidarityisforwhite!@#$%^

take it easy lady

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you know what you did
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"take it easy, wowah lady did i do that" y'all are so sensitive this place is for jokes. you got jokes?
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why would a man be a feminist idgi

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

why would a man be a feminist idgi

they can't even be feminists, nice strawman