Goethestein posted:about 50% of them don't like porno
How did you arrive at those numbers?
drwhat posted:does anyone irl get in shit about anything anymore though. i mean no one actually cares about what anyone thinks in late capitalism unless they are forced to pretend to care by the expectations of organizational norms or w/e. most people barely realize that other people think different things much less invest cognitive effort in having opinions about the nature of those things. you'd be doing an awful lot of fucking around to cause irl repercussions for internet bs
go outside more cos they deffo do just in a none ideological way or at least in an apparently none ideological way
MadMedico posted:Goethestein posted:about 50% of them don't like porno
How did you arrive at those numbers?
HenryKrinkle posted:
drwhat posted:does anyone irl get in shit about anything anymore though. i mean no one actually cares about what anyone thinks in late capitalism unless they are forced to pretend to care by the expectations of organizational norms or w/e. most people barely realize that other people think different things much less invest cognitive effort in having opinions about the nature of those things. you'd be doing an awful lot of fucking around to cause irl repercussions for internet bs
yes, i yell at people who lay on their horns in my neighborhood. here some of my arguments "this is a residential street" "how does that help anyone" "who taught you how to deal with your problems that way" "if you have something to say to that guy, get out of your car and talk to him" and so on. people who drive shouldnt be allowed to drive
Impper posted:iwc where are you in america? you basically just wrote a lot of baudrillards stupid america book with those posts
Utah....just git back from shooting a glock, mp5 and ar15 at the range...wild.....ill write up something aftet colorsdi, vegas and la.....this place is ridiculous....drive thru atms? Not as a novelty but normal everyday things? What a joke lol its awesome

d4ky posted:thirded. I felt like a creeper when I first started lurking here, but the effort posts and book recommendations made me want to stick around
"effort post" is the biggest fucking euphemism on the crust of the planet
Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:i met swampman irl and he told discipline i say 'and shit' a lot which is true i say it at the end of like every sentence
all she told me was how smart you are and how many languages you can speak, of course she would side with you as you are both DRUNKARDS.

Squalid posted:It makes me feel weird posting here knowing that you've all met irl and know each other's real names and stuff
its like dropping in on the nerd club every few days to see what crazy contraptions theyve built this time and getting a feeling i could contribute if i had the guts to commit to 'zone life
life hard on the web, i saw a boy downvoted just for signing his posts
Lykourgos posted:"the guts to commit to 'zone life"
life hard on the web, i saw a boy downvoted just for signing his posts
i mean like im not gonna read philosophy and write 5000 word posts even though i think both things are cool
swampman posted:Yes?! its many.
good dog(s)