
deadken posted:

getfiscal withdrew his vote. im gonna assume it went to me. thank you, loyal peons

you can't withdraw your vote after the election's over.

[account deactivated]
lmao the israeli diplomatic mission in los angeles just followed me on twitter. clearly i have the kind of connections necessary to lead this forum

deadken posted:

lmao the israeli diplomatic mission in los angeles just followed me on twitter. clearly i have the kind of connections necessary to lead this forum

i'm ready to release an LP of the lesbian route of Sumire no Tsubomi to compete.

but then who isn't the israeli diplomatic mission in los angeles following. the israeli diplimatic mission in los angeles is the lil b of diplomatic missions
lil b also follows me on twitter lol. between them the israeli diplomatic mission in los angeles and lil b constitute over 4% of my twitter following
wanky wanky motion
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

ok cycloneboy and bhpn are new mods

Hmm, not according to my count.

Cycloneboy posted:

baby huey - 9
cycloneboy - 6
deadken -4
ilmdge - 42

other dudes - don't care


discipline posted:

dead ken ifap is yours if you want it

lol ok

ive been listening to final solution by pere ubu on repeat for like nine hours and im not tired of it yet
i want mod powers so i can begin my reign of terror.
whatever. i'm heading back to r/mensrights to discuss rape. my position: i'm opposed.
My forums look the same, where's my big "PURGE REACTIONARY" button?
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
wrap it up dead ken livingstone, labourite
i really liked that thing they did in sopranos with the arms dealer subplot in the last season or whatever.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

the what

when he dreams about being a defence contractor when he's unconscious because of being shot

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
there's a force logout button. i wanna press it.

Cycloneboy posted:

there's a force logout button. i wanna press it.

what you are experiencing is proof of material conditions affecting ideology, the class interest you represent is over riding your personal aspirations


fleights posted:

Cycloneboy posted:

there's a force logout button. i wanna press it.

what you are experiencing is proof of material conditions affecting ideology, the class interest you represent is over riding your personal aspirations

Noooo! *falls down, kneeling over chair, smashes hands into it, cursing the heavens, then grips his own heads and wails a silent cry (don't want to wake up my mom)*


Cycloneboy posted:

there's a force logout button. i wanna press it.

i give u permission to do it on me cycloneboy because that sounds funny. only once though.


tentativelurkeraccount posted:

Cycloneboy posted:

there's a force logout button. i wanna press it.

i give u permission to do it on me cycloneboy because that sounds funny. only once though.

i pressed it what happened

it logged me out and i had to log back in

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

it logged me out and i had to log back in

incredible. how interesting.

i still cant post in ifap. i feel that this severely curtails my ability to carry out my duties there
new mods in a new year for new beginnings: let's have an amnesty for all posters ifapped so far in 2013
[account deactivated]
you have the power
[account deactivated]

deadken posted:

i still cant post in ifap. i feel that this severely curtails my ability to carry out my duties there

you heard 'im. mods? let this man post in ifap for all eternity.

i agree w/ the general amnesty. when are are guilty before the Law and the Lord, the good tyrant must be merciful
ug i can't release a dude w/o it saying "You do not have the authority to do this! ACCESS DENIED." Lame
the incompetent governance of communists........