xipe posted:how easy would it be to get money from us/chinese military 2 make film for them?
financing would be a problem. since avatar hollywood realizes there's big money over there (i think looper was a half chinese production?) and i don't know if they'll really go for the subject matter
but hey, a bunch of german people play wolfenstein so fingers crossed
xipe posted:shipping containers are cool
shipping containers are cool
ahahahahaha i say old boy. i say.
Crow posted:
Ironicwarcriminal posted:financing would be a problem. since avatar hollywood realizes there's big money over there (i think looper was a half chinese production?) and i don't know if they'll really go for the subject matter
but hey, a bunch of german people play wolfenstein so fingers crossed
i just meant from the perspective of quick cash money, could military propaganda be a source...
Ironicwarcriminal posted:is it to glib to suggest that gentrification along with the deteriation of the ghetto could lead to a similar dynamic as, if not Gaza, then the West Bank?
I guess the difference between northern ireland and gaza or chicago is that the warring parties in Ulster are the same race.
it arguably could do just trying to say its not an automatic scale sort of lark and its a specific trip in imperialism which requires it to be so brutal
northern ireland is weird as well in terms of community relations cos its both really personnel but also impersonal to the point that someone needs to raise a flag to get involved
xipe posted:i guess brasil & the favelas is another branch of this; lots of eyes on them for 2014 & 16
for sure they have really been trying to intergrate them through a mix of extreme force and providing infastructure projects and its going to be interesting how it develops esp since brazilillian economic boom isnt going to last through all of then
Ironicwarcriminal posted:My friend came up with a movie idea about a china/US war.....the Chinese invade by hiding inside shipping containers that get distributed to every wal-mart and 7-11 in the country so no-one knows it's coming until they're everywhere all at once securing strategics spots like Taco-
Bells to cut off the food supply. America is forced into a guerilla war and the climactic battle is in Arizona where america wins by killing literally 2 million Chinese troops and putting their bodies in the Grand Canyon. The day they achieve this becomes known as "Freedom Day" and that's the name of the movie.
i am 100% sure new red dawn is going to be really thoughtful and an important film of the early decade after the noughtieds
Ironicwarcriminal posted:is it to glib to suggest that gentrification along with the deteriation of the ghetto could lead to a similar dynamic as, if not Gaza, then the West Bank?
I guess the difference between northern ireland and gaza or chicago is that the warring parties in Ulster are the same race.
it arguably could do just trying to say its not an automatic scale sort of lark and its a specific trip in imperialism which requires it to be so brutal
northern ireland is weird as well in terms of community relations cos its both really personnel but also impersonal to the point that someone needs to raise a flag to get involved
xipe posted:i guess brasil & the favelas is another branch of this; lots of eyes on them for 2014 & 16
for sure they have really been trying to intergrate them through a mix of extreme force and providing infastructure projects and its going to be interesting how it develops esp since brazilillian economic boom isnt going to last through all of then
Ironicwarcriminal posted:My friend came up with a movie idea about a china/US war.....the Chinese invade by hiding inside shipping containers that get distributed to every wal-mart and 7-11 in the country so no-one knows it's coming until they're everywhere all at once securing strategics spots like Taco-
Bells to cut off the food supply. America is forced into a guerilla war and the climactic battle is in Arizona where america wins by killing literally 2 million Chinese troops and putting their bodies in the Grand Canyon. The day they achieve this becomes known as "Freedom Day" and that's the name of the movie.
i am 100% sure new red dawn is going to be really thoughtful and an important film of the early decade after the noughties
deadken posted:isnt this basically what brechter/dolan wrote in his drones thing? yeah dones arent pretty and dont fit into the fetishisation of the military... i think what we might be witnessing with the china/japan thing though is a decoupling of war from actual violence, maybe a reappearance of the kind of ceremonial warfare that happened a lot in precolombian mesoamerica. i wrote about the israeli attack on gaza last year that it was a war fought not so much for actual victory in any sense but to be interpreted and i think thats a pattern thats increasingly repeating itself. not that violence will go away of course, its just being decoupled from the structures of conflict
yes, altho i find myself in disagreement with dolan a lot lately he was on point with that article imo. i do think you have something there with this idea that is basically pantomime warfare, participating in this global theatre of largely imagined conflicts for the sake of their nationalist facades, but i think a big part of that is ceremonial dress... you want to show up in elaborate constructions of shimmering chrome, as unwieldy and full of largesse as possible, i have faith that china is intelligent enough to be aware of the practical inefficiency of aircraft carriers in genuine warfare but they are developing them regardless because that's how the pseudo-conflict of the world stage works. that said, though, if i would trust anyone to develop drone technology to a ceremonial art form it would definitely be our future cyberpunk accelerationist chinese hell masters
as for the attack in gaza that's an interesting point but frankly i think it gives too much credit to the zionists, i sincerely believe they had no idea that a military response to the degree that the resistance managed was going to occur (and really exposed a gaping inefficiency in israeli strategy as of late, you can pour as much money into the pockets of salafi militants as you want and they'll have all sorts of fun denouncing the resistance axis but if they get the chance to fire iranian rockets at tel aviv without any negative consequence they'll fucking do it, you know?). there were billboards up in gaza explicitly saying 'thank you iran', i don't think there is any way the resistance could get away with anything like that if they weren't running a victory lap
deadken posted:this really. the difference really is whether it's a matter of existing within striated space or above it.
yeah, mostly we agree with each other here but u kno clarity of terms is important i guess
deadken posted:here i disagree though. the divide between the technician and the drone isn't a striation at all, it doesn't impede any flows, it doesn't set up any boundaries.
but i mean this is blatantly false, drone warfare takes what was at some point a two way exchange by human combatants and transforms it into a one way street of mechanic slaughter. for an insurgent, aside from the possibility of reverse engineering an invasive weaponry, shooting down a drone is purely a defensive maneuver, the operator in nevada suffers no loss when a drone is destroyed and their affordability means practically no economic or logistic damage is done either. if pashtun militants shoot down a manned military vehicle and they have enacted a real military offense against an imperialist agressor and by doing so undermine the basic logic of invulnerability that clouds the pretenses of the forces of hypercapital. al-qassam managing to shoot down an f-16 and capture an israeli pilot in last years invasion of gaza is a genuine threat to the zionist military apparatus, i don't think the same could be said at all if one of the hundreds of unmanned drones that swarm occupied palestine was lost. for sure, the spatial expansion allowed by drone development by the imperialist forces is at a terrifying height, their flow is unmitigated, but for the resistance to such agression they face a barrier that there is zero hope of crossing, there is no possibility that a pashtun insurgent could harm the man that murdered her children, a man who is sitting at a desk thousands of miles away. the gate may only be locked on one side but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. even if material distance isn't a factor, in the case of the zionist entity they are sending their drones from behind the security of a concrete wall or an iron dome
elemennop posted:furhermore, it seems both of you are saying the same thing in the sense that drones exist in solely the topology* of the spatial as opposed to the geometry of the space. which i think can be a little deceptive in the long run. certainly, drones present a new type of geometry, one that can be exceedingly effective, but it still is ultimately a geometry. rules of distance still exist (e.g. flight ranges, technical limitations, and logistics). this isn't a pedantic point, since if we are to think of counter-strategies it's important to not ignore the geometry.
tbh this is what i have been trying to say to a degree, i don't believe drones gather their ability to make legible illegible space through existing purely in the topology but by their ability to swarm, to occupy the entire negative space of the geometry of space and traverse that geometry in paths that run counter to the intuitions of a human participant
also elemennop's other point about the ptsd rates in drone pilots is really good and we are both being dangerously uncritical with our reduction to these notions of inhumanity imo
SovietFriends posted:that has been the lingo for ages now but i think its important to note that capitalist policing is not a scale with gaza at the end
in imperialist countries in paticular the cops do want to be "the peoples" pals if they can because that is all part of the social democratic package
Ironicwarcriminal posted:is it to glib to suggest that gentrification along with the deteriation of the ghetto could lead to a similar dynamic as, if not Gaza, then the West Bank?
yeah i definitely am with iwc here, i agree with SovietPal in the sense that "the people" explicitly only includes the white suprematist labour aristocracy and condemns the members of oppressed internal semicolonies to the heel of the imperialist prison-industrial war machine and i have zero faith that this will cease being the case until the comprador bourgeois are eradicated or their victims are entirely cleansed. like you can't in any reasonable way state that the insane heights of physical violence and inordinate economic exploitation mobilized against the global black lumpenproletariat or workers without documents by the imperialist security forces are motivated in any way by the desire of these forces to be "on the side" of these people. if we understand the situation in greece like now as an example of how material conditions will evolve once the violence of global instability reaches the semiperiphery and eventually the core nation-states what we have seen is a police force that is functionally inseparable from a legitimately fascist and white suprematist organisation, as drones are increasingly introduced for domestic purposes i don't have any doubts who they will serve and who they will be used against
while i don't think occupied palestine is necessarily a universal model at all, the uniqueness of their historical conditions are undeniable, there is a gigantic similarity between the conditions of the palestinian people and the oppressed internal semicolonies of the imperialist core nations and that's that they are both victims of "genocide in slow motion"
blinkandwheeze posted:yeah i definitely am with iwc here, i agree with SovietPal in the sense that "the people" explicitly only includes the white suprematist labour aristocracy and condemns the members of oppressed internal semicolonies to the heel of the imperialist prison-industrial war machine and i have zero faith that this will cease being the case until the comprador bourgeois are eradicated or their victims are entirely cleansed. like you can't in any reasonable way state that the insane heights of physical violence and inordinate economic exploitation mobilized against the global black lumpenproletariat or workers without documents by the imperialist security forces are motivated in any way by the desire of these forces to be "on the side" of these people. if we understand the situation in greece like now as an example of how material conditions will evolve once the violence of global instability reaches the semiperiphery and eventually the core nation-states what we have seen is a police force that is functionally inseparable from a legitimately fascist and white suprematist organisation, as drones are increasingly introduced for domestic purposes i don't have any doubts who they will serve and who they will be used against
while i don't think occupied palestine is necessarily a universal model at all, the uniqueness of their historical conditions are undeniable, there is a gigantic similarity between the conditions of the palestinian people and the oppressed internal semicolonies of the imperialist core nations and that's that they are both victims of "genocide in slow motion"
that is actually a fair point actually i tried to kind of hint to that by "ing around the people but didnt fairly take into account the extent to which maintaining internal fucked over populations exists in imperialist states despite the fact that northern ireland was basically framed around the issue which is a bit bad of me
i do think you need to be careful assuming the Greek police force have stepped beyond the boundaries of wanting to be on the side of "the people" since they are its just that the definition of who "the people" is not has reshaped itself beyond immigrants and moved towards entire slices of the community, that is still fascism as its capitalism in freefall trying to preserve itself through violence but its deffo not an occupation mindset esp with the rise of reactionary ideologies and so just assuming the characters of semiperiphery struggles will find themselves in core struggles may be dangerous since its same forces but in different contexts
also "genocide in slow motion" is an awesome term for it and deffo encapsulates that their could be a set of similar configuration of forces to this even if it isn't a scale
SovietFriends posted:but its deffo not an occupation mindset esp with the rise of reactionary ideologies and so just assuming the characters of semiperiphery struggles will find themselves in core struggles may be dangerous since its same forces but in different contexts
while i agree with the general trajectory of what you are getting that i disagree that this is an occupation mindset, while this process is obviously tied to the state apparatus to a degree, i don't think it's exclusively a practice of the state, like when you have golden dawn militants patrolling immigrant neighborhoods with the implicit threat of violence and relative impunity from the police i absolutely do think this is an occupation mindset. i don't believe this model will be universal at all in any clear way, like obviously a core nation state like the u.s. has no organized fascist movements of anything near the strength of the golden dawn or even the edl (altho, while i'm not sure they are capable of mobilizing a cohesive militant group the gun show survivalist right i would say are definitely likely to produce growing numbers of "right wing terrorists" and dangerously paranoid solitary agents), i think we could certainly see emerging parallels with the weaponisation of the gentrification process in the united states (which is overtly following a logic of occupation)
blinkandwheeze posted:while i agree with the general trajectory of what you are getting that i disagree that this is an occupation mindset, while this process is obviously tied to the state apparatus to a degree, i don't think it's exclusively a practice of the state, like when you have golden dawn militants patrolling immigrant neighborhoods with the implicit threat of violence and relative impunity from the police i absolutely do think this is an occupation mindset. i don't believe this model will be universal at all in any clear way, like obviously a core nation state like the u.s. has no organized fascist movements of anything near the strength of the golden dawn or even the edl (altho, while i'm not sure they are capable of mobilizing a cohesive militant group the gun show survivalist right i would say are definitely likely to produce growing numbers of "right wing terrorists" and dangerously paranoid solitary agents), i think we could certainly see emerging parallels with the weaponisation of the gentrification process in the united states (which is overtly following a logic of occupation)
you could argue the occupation mindset has developed out of the arming of the everyday in greece (or at least Athens) actually and it would be helpful to try and get how the core can see itself descend past the contradictions of democracy but it would be using the word occupation separate from alienation from the state
i think that last point might hint at something to, we were using different concepts of occupation which might come from the fact i haven't read alot of the classic third worldist texts on concepts like settlerism which really provided a language to the internal mechanisms of imperialist states
also the usa deffo could develop a fascist movement overnight millitant populist capitalism is so ingrained in your culture its treated as a joke despite its terrifying consequences like you should deffo be bashing old people at tea party rallies to assert yourself
the edl on the other hand were a bizarre flailing which never got utilized fully due to the lack of a radical movement properly rising in the UK and although they are not gone (as we saw in youth uprisings two years back) their organisational structures have dissipated alot and folder into the constant extreme right milleu that exists at all times in capitalism as a threat of a threat
SovietFriends posted:also the usa deffo could develop a fascist movement overnight millitant populist capitalism is so ingrained in your culture its treated as a joke
dis is a really good point, the degree to which americans spend their free time rehearsing violence is jaw-dropping & i think very few people appreciate how easily our veneer of a peaceful civil society could be torn off. modern warfare three made a billion dollars in two weeks. and i think that veneer is the only thing causing something like that drone pilot PTSD--i really don't think it's anything inherient in drone piloting, modern military technology is imo largely about increasing physical and psychological distance and it's so far worked wonders in faciliting murder. i think it's because drone pilots are more separated from immersion in military culture and the interpersonal support it facilitates. the more violent our civilian culture becomes the less that separation matters
The_Schliski posted:ive never read houellebecq & dont know his works but somehow knew that was to whose writing you referred
in my head i imagine he is kind of a dilettante, brand-name-dropping-in-a-hipstery-version-of-friedman-kinda-way 'french' counterpart of mishima which is exactly what that little snippet seems to evoke
He's more like the French version of Chuck Palahniuk