deadken posted:i think the orgy was my Bropotheosis. i'll never top that, may as well srttle down and get married or whatever
I'm pretty sure that hitting peak bro and then wifing up is very Bro
Ironicwarcriminal posted:skiing owns
yeah its really fun, i dont usually go for physical activities but skiing is just going really fast down some snow and afterwards you get drunk, its awesome
TG posted:i spent the last three days snowboarding at colorado's major resorts, including breckenridge, probably the bro-iest of them all. i used the word epic dozens of times. i smoked weed on a chairlift. i drank 40s of old english
in the interests of disclosure i too, am soon going skiing in colorado with my bros
deadken posted:i think the orgy was my Bropotheosis. i'll never top that, may as well srttle down and get married or whatever
Ironicwarcriminal posted:maybe foozball too lol
even when drunk, foozball is shit.
Ironicwarcriminal posted:no thats video games ur thinkin gof
hey i respect your trolling and all but this doesn't make a bit of sense. gof is played by idiots that can't hit a baseball (or cricket, given your national limitations).
deadken posted:yeah it was basically exactly like this
savor california. it's something that you really can't replicate anywhere else in the world. it's the janus image of lustful resignation and autonomous repulsion.
wasted posted:deadken posted:yeah it was basically exactly like this
savor california. it's something that you really can't replicate anywhere else in the world. it's the janus image of lustful resignation and autonomous repulsion.
it was in london lol
tpaine posted:hmm. how so?
everyone gets fucked but the meat isnt real
Lord of the Kriss
tpaine posted:hmm. how so?
I dunno. revolting yet oddly satisfying? involving the use of porcine entrails? I'm sure it fits somehow

stegosaurus posted:I gave up skiing for ideological reasons years ago, even though I live in the only place in the world that has acceptable snow for skiing.
aw don't be like that man. i know it's pretty guilt inducing but you're fucking wasting it when you live so close. come for a ski with me in Alta