White liberal New Yorkers are scum
*restrains concerned friend* FUGGETABOUTIT
*in new york voice* wow i love the jello pudding pop get them to the choppa
My dad is a sociologist so sometimes he'd like to hit me in public to see what people would do. its too bad we didn't have youtube back then so we could show the world just how FUCKED people really are.

hey posted:

My dad is a sociologist so sometimes he'd like to hit me in public to see what people would do. its too bad we didn't have youtube back then so we could show the world just how FUCKED people really are.

Bratty kids yell stupid shit like "you're not my dad" all the time about their real parents
Also good to know that you can get away with any crime by yelling TV TV TV and having a cameraman come out

Meursault posted:

Also good to know that you can get away with any crime by yelling TV TV TV and having a cameraman come out

Are you scared? You shouldnt be! Youre on Scare Tactics *Tracy Morgan proceeds to rape and murder at leisure*


Meursault posted:

Also good to know that you can get away with any crime by yelling TV TV TV and having a cameraman come out

this is why porn is legal

this is a good thing. when people regulate themselves to turn a blind eye to the problems around them then who needs a fascist police state?
it's better to just become full blown stoner and dedicate yourself to weed politics

Meursault posted:

Bratty kids yell stupid shit like "you're not my dad" all the time about their real parents

this is a good point and its why im going to dedicate my life to Adult Rights Advocacy


Meursault posted:

Also good to know that you can get away with any crime by yelling TV TV TV and having a cameraman come out

this is totally going to be a zizek bit


drwhat posted:

Meursault posted:

Also good to know that you can get away with any crime by yelling TV TV TV and having a cameraman come out

this is totally going to be a zizek bit

probably something about how public space is becoming more and more experienced as private space.

nah its clearly tv camera as big other
but shee what happensh here. as shoon as ze camera comesh out, ze traumatic event is rendered intelligible. with ze interdiction of the gaze of ze big other, or ze master-shignifier, all zese eventsh once again take their place in ze shymbolic order
yeah, that

and the deferral of the experience to the indefinite future in a shublime act of mediated represshion, and so on
this isn't even the real threat our children face...

Normally I wouldn't deign to post in a callout thread, but meh, I have a few minutes. I find that most New York hate is rooted in having a provincial mind, one sadly found in too many Americans. We are unapologetically diverse- where else can one share rounds with visiting Swedish NGO workers, crazy Chilean students, and third-generation Brooklynites all without leaving your neighborhood? From the kindly Yemeni gentleman from whom I buy my copy of Harpers each week to the vibrant African-Americans on the stoops of Seventh Avenue, we all somehow make this place work. I was talking about how you can't afford to not be worldy if you're going to make it here at a joint-office party thing at Barcade last night. Incidentally I ran into Discipline there- she was "ironically" wearing an owl sweater she claimed came from a USAid free store in Nablus, but I swear I saw the same one at Anthropologie for $180...