Goethestein posted:
tpaine posted:croc wranglin'...a man's job. windowe smeshin'...a man's job. sheila raisin'...*gets eaten by a humongous snake*
i got a raise

still waiting for that sweet, sweet christmas bonus at the end of the week.
$300 take home or $300 before taxes?
discipline posted:that's nice. I make $300 a week.
13000/yr is doing pretty good in new york. that's enough to live inside of a hotdog stand
Ironicwarcriminal posted:damn....that can't go that far in NYC i imagine?
minimum wage is poverty everywhere in the usa. it implicitly means the person doesn't earn enough for benefits, which is the real danger. it's manageable to live on minimum wage if health remains intact, a person can eat cardboard with pasta sauce or whatever mre packets while living inside of a shoebox. but if they ever get sick, they will experience hell in the truest form because things like dental care, or general doctor checkups are unobtainable. it's like $250 just to see a dentist, over 1k for any dental work dealing with major cavities. it's miserable existence in every way imaginable.
swampman posted:well on that subject, i paid off the entire cost of fixing my broken hand: $75. who says there isnt socialist healthcare in america. if you guys need an emergency room, take the trip into bellevue hospital on first ave & 27th(?) st, they have very friendly rates to the barely-surviving.
congrats mate.
discipline posted:that's nice. I make $300 a week.
ups and fedex both have part time bennies and guaranteed you'll make that or more. part time. you have to love planes and or trucks
MadMedico posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
ugh these tumblrs are awful. yeah, okay, she found one racist and couple sexists. are all the rest supposed to deserve shaming just for wearing a fedora or a hat that isn't a baseball cap? nothing else sets them apart from what people typically write on dating profiles. they're guys who are trying to be quirky, trying to set themselves apart, maybe not with much success, but they're putting themselves out there because they want to find someone to share life with. re-posting their photos and excerpts from their profiles (private?) in order to mock them is plain bullying. it's bullying that belittles an individual's harmless personal choices; it's bullying intended to make them feel ashamed of things they like, believe in, of the kind of people they are – all for the bully's pleasure. take, for instance, one of the entries on page 4 (i'm not going to say which) who put that picture up not because he walks around all day as that zany guy who constantly spouts catchphrases from videogames and the internet, but because i feel more comfortable meeting people who might have something in common and want to broadcast that to a prospective date and maybe pique their interest. blind internet dating is stressful enough as is, just leave these guys and their fedoras alone.
ggw posted:khamsek how do you live on $300 a week in New York? do you even drink?
maybe she just asked the average black family what theyd do with an extra 2k a year and then started living like that