The older I get the more I believe in the value of a benevolent and ever-present monarchy. 7 out of the ten top countries on the UN human development index list have monarchs. They seem to provide a common thread or consistency around which people can rally or come together with each other in a common empathy. Obviously a socialist utopia will be nice eventually but until then I will continue to pray for not only my Queen but all Kings and Queens whose presence has made their dominions the most prosperous places on earth
United States
New Zealand
The US might be able to stop the king coming into your house but they can't stop you dying under a freeway overpass.
Long may she reign

hey op if you wanna know how to properly respect royals check this article out
ilmdge posted:hey op if you wanna know how to properly respect royals check this article out
ooooh i'm so scared for the the House of Windsor.....not
Besides this now stands on the spot where the Romanovs fell....their spirit lives on, and could not be erased by 60 years of Communism

Groulxsmith posted:
they will live under the crown whether they like it or not
God save the Queen. This is one of your best posts/threads IWC; it's really quite upsetting how Americans robbed themselves of such a valuable institution because of their bizarre, obsessive beliefs. Americans are mentally ill when it comes to politics.
[account deactivated]
without teh monarchy how would we ever be able to get high in castles?? u just couldnt. and i wouldnt want to live in that world.
tpaine posted:who are those people
Princess Shaniqua Swaglord the third
saudi arabia: monarchy
israel: republic
i know which i'd rather live in! praise Liberty
israel: republic
i know which i'd rather live in! praise Liberty
an established protestant church is probably the best safeguard against religious fanaticism, thats why i support disestablishment everywhere

fucked up