at one point in 2011 a barnes and noble i had the misfortune of visiting had an entire two bookcase JAMES PATTERSON section
dude needs to settle the fuck down and eat a sandwich or something
angelbutt_dollface posted:white people fucking love james patterson
at one point in 2011 a barnes and noble i had the misfortune of visiting had an entire two bookcase JAMES PATTERSON section
dude needs to settle the fuck down and eat a sandwich or something
John Sandford as well, my uncle thinks he is the greatest writer ever.
MadMedico posted:angelbutt_dollface posted:white people fucking love james patterson
at one point in 2011 a barnes and noble i had the misfortune of visiting had an entire two bookcase JAMES PATTERSON section
dude needs to settle the fuck down and eat a sandwich or somethingJohn Sandford as well, my uncle thinks he is the greatest writer ever.
the kicker is that these arent actual writers anymore. they're brand names, and the books are written by multiple ghost-writers. same with tom clancy and nora roberts and all the other huge name, uber-prolific action/thriller and romance authors. patterson novels are at least somewhat honest about it because they usually have the ghost authors name in 1/3rd print under JAMES PATTERSON as a coauthor. presumably they realized that "patterson" is SO prolific that nobody would buy that he's putting out the 2-3 novels a month he was being credited with at the the height of his popularity
tell ur uncle to read some fucking john steinbeck and get back 2 u
peepaw posted:lexi belle's first anal praise allah (pbuh)
give us a review
peepaw posted:lexi belle's first anal praise allah (pbuh)
first......... and last
tpaine posted:goatstein can die a happy man now
You know that was never in the realm of fuckpossibility
GoldenLionTamarin posted:Me dancing to sonic 3 amp; knuckles boss music (2010)
this is me at teh clubs in sf
angelbutt_dollface posted:the kicker is that these arent actual writers anymore. they're brand names, and the books are written by multiple ghost-writers. same with tom clancy and nora roberts and all the other huge name, uber-prolific action/thriller and romance authors. patterson novels are at least somewhat honest about it because they usually have the ghost authors name in 1/3rd print under JAMES PATTERSON as a coauthor. presumably they realized that "patterson" is SO prolific that nobody would buy that he's putting out the 2-3 novels a month he was being credited with at the the height of his popularity
i kind of like the idea of a super-postmodern megalomaniac hirst-type writer who never actually writes anything, just hires teams of writing assistants and gives them basic instructions
AmericanNazbro posted:someone post the american psycho anime business card scene

This is Hugo Weaving btw
Currently have No one knows about persian cats sitting in my netflix que, worth watching?
Squalid posted:Watched Z recently, here's the only english trailer i could find, but the whole mo ie is on youtube.
Currently have No one knows about persian cats sitting in my netflix que, worth watching?
did you like that? his retarded son or whatever makes music videos nowadays
MadMedico posted:
im in this
elias posted:
I enjoyed this at first but the sound volume is a bit low and also the "special edition" evidently introduces new elements such as a song very early on called "Morning Report" which detracts from the retro value enough that I stopped watching.