i say i don't know a lot, because i'm courageous, and also not very well informed.
can yall please ifap bhpn
what's the point he'll just re-reg with a new account.

homosexuals have a distinctive culture, history and identity. their economic circumstances continue to be distinct from the mainstream. they even have unique vocabulary largely absent from the mainstream. but they're not an "ethnic group" so they don't get an autonomous oblast.
that's stupid.

Transient_Grace posted:

that's stupid.


Are you saying gay people can't have safe spaces? fuck you buddy.

MadMedico posted:

Are you saying gay people can't have safe spaces?

no, maggotmaster is.

yo mama so fat she has her own autonomous oblast


Cycloneboy posted:

homosexuals have a distinctive culture, history and identity. their economic circumstances continue to be distinct from the mainstream. they even have unique vocabulary largely absent from the mainstream. but they're not an "ethnic group" so they don't get an autonomous oblast.

what i am suggesting is socialists have always been separate from liberals in ideology, morality, conceptions of mankind, and 1st world leftists lack imagination and blindly accept a liberal interpretation of identity politics, and the legacy of the new-left is a degenerative one despite that it was 1st world new-left philosophers (Foucault, Derrida, Netezsche, Freud, Lacan, etc) who gave this conception of the subject theoretical rigor (in what I guess is loosely called queer theory.

e: changed my mind I hate when people appeal to "lived experience" as if thats anything more than anecdotal evidence given social power by identity politics.

Edited by babyhueypnewton ()

You don't know what it was like growing and never getting to dig as a kid. you just weren't there. - a slashie

diamond_galas posted:

yo mama so fat she has her own autonomous oblast

[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:

Venezuela's weak socialism, as opposed to my own, powerful, manly, revolutionary, awesome, mighty, glorious and full of manseed Maoism, which is so fucking impressive I don't even need to go outside my room to destroy capitalism.

I like Chavez but he's a far cry from Allende and Allende failed to have implement a coherent and revolutionary program. Once again were desperate for things in the present (which is a good impulse to have compared to waiting for the perfect revolution, but it still remains just an impulse) that we've lost historical perspective.

chavez is actually much better than allende, the military in venezuela is now well-liked and a much more trustworthy element than the chilean military, which was never reformed because allende was a idealistic democrat


babyhueypnewton posted:

the mistake of communist parties and socialist countries is not a lack of acknowledgement of "gayness", but rather a failure to understand that ideology is both a construct (and performance) and very real, and fighting bourgeois ideology comes after socialism but is not automatic. here we have two wrong approaches:

the approach of communist parties in the USA like the RCP which correctly saw homosexuality as a bourgeois construct but incorrectly thought they could wage war on it without hegemonic control over the people's consciousness. to put it simply, the RCP was not nearly influential enough to change consciousness which is developed in childhood and constantly recreated through all of societies influences. All this approach did was create anxiety and guilt.

the approach of Stalin. Stalin, if he can be criticized for one thing, believed in the inevitability of socialism and the causal(rather than dialectical) relationship between base and superstructure. Stalin, and by extension Castro/Hoxha and other soviet satellite leaders said that homosexuality didn't exist because capitalism didn't exist. as we now know, capitalism is also an ideology which can survive even the elimination of its base, and no amount of purges could eliminate it.

the correct path is obviously the cultural revolution, which sees bourgeois consciousness as something which must be consciously fought, and the construction of socialism as a force to change the whole of society. how could a homosexual exist in the cultural revolution when the masses were constructing a new man entirely, one of which has not even been conceived of yet? what confuses me is when people (like Badiou) say that the cultural revolution is the end, when in fact it is the beginning. Just as marx saw the paris commune as the form of the future socialist revolutions, so should we see the shanghai commune as the future seed of a new, socialist subject who will look at our concept of "the homosexual" the way foucault does, with derision.

maggotmaster obviously doesnt deserve this response, but i thin kit helps to write things out even if no one reads them.

this is pretty lunatic stuff; you have probably actually never read any of the people you're talking about. especially badiou


Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:

bhpn is actually a markov chain generator of weird maoist phraseology

please, this actually has nothing to do with mao or maoism and you know it


babyhueypnewton posted:

simon de beuvoir in the second sex says that she doesn't really know what the state of feminism is in the USSR but imagines it is far more advanced. over the next 30 years no more information emerged,

this too is nonsense because we actually do have data on relative workforce participation of women in the ussr and other things, which goes a long way to indicating relative social position.


babyhueypnewton posted:

Castro's liberal daughter has made the state acknowledge a bourgeois "homosexual essence" in law.


can you guys go out and get laid tonite or what. Jesus
[account deactivated]
maggotmaster, a white man, is decrying lesbian separatism and we're calling him out on it.
Cycloneteen of all the trolls here youre like the weakest and lamest i think you should go back to lame teen earnest posting

jools posted:

Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:

bhpn is actually a markov chain generator of weird maoist phraseology

please, this actually has nothing to do with mao or maoism and you know it

i know thats why i said markov chain maoism phraseology it vaguely resembles maoist rhetoric but is in fact utter nonsense by an illiterate rapey weirdo

i dont think a gay autonomous oblast could sustain itself demographically unless u kind of exiled all the gays there on a constant basis???
gays can have babies maggz, what's wrong with you.
like durr how do gays copulate. the question is whatcha gonna do with all the straight babies.

Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:

Cycloneteen of all the trolls here youre like the weakest and lamest i think you should go back to lame teen earnest posting

wow, "lame"? nice ableism. fucko.


Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:

i dont think a gay autonomous oblast could sustain itself demographically unless u kind of exiled all the gays there on a constant basis???

yeah why would gay people want to go interact/live with gay ppl. the only way to get them to go to such an earthly paradise is exile.

*ignores constant existence and natural production of gay neighborhoods, gay bars, etc*

theres no such fucking thing as gay neighborhood here maybe there are in the first world but im completely unfamiliar with the existence of them care to enlighten me

Transient_Grace posted:

like durr how do gays copulate. the question is whatcha gonna do with all the straight babies.

lets eat them


Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:

theres no such fucking thing as gay neighborhood here maybe there are in the first world but im completely unfamiliar with the existence of them care to enlighten me



Cycloneboy posted:

Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:
theres no such fucking thing as gay neighborhood here maybe there are in the first world but im completely unfamiliar with the existence of them care to enlighten me

so basically places with an active gay community and some businesses catering to the gay community? way to make it sound like a leper's colony or something.


Transient_Grace posted:

Cycloneboy posted:

Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:
theres no such fucking thing as gay neighborhood here maybe there are in the first world but im completely unfamiliar with the existence of them care to enlighten me

so basically places with an active gay community and some businesses catering to the gay community? way to make it sound like a leper's colony or something.

it's not my fault that you think such an earthly paradise is the same as a lepers colony.

a rather elevated proportion of the population is gay as well, at least in the dc ones on that wiki logan circle and dupont circle
hanging out w/ liberal gay dudes actually kind of the opposite of paradise bc at least here theyre usually misogynistic and shallow and transphobic and usually invested into a single political issue (gay marriage) and nothing else I think I'd kill millions of people if given any political power to do so
there really arent any gay enclaves in boston, at least not so much that you'd notice walking down the street. go to the north end otoh and you'll notice that every god damn place is owned by an full-on italian.
my political programs to kill A LOT of people and themn myslef wootah. woot.

Goethestein posted:

there really arent any gay enclaves in boston, at least not so much that you'd notice walking down the street. go to the north end otoh and you'll notice that every god damn place is owned by an full-on italian.

cool story go away


Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:

hanging out w/ liberal gay dudes actually kind of the opposite of paradise bc at least here theyre usually misogynistic and shallow and transphobic and usually invested into a single political issue (gay marriage) and nothing else

thats pretty much the way it is everywhere