gyrofry posted:
all that work and still no room for cycloneboy

you deleted my op and replaced it with some Andrea Dworkin stuff?
that's a copyright violation.
Cycloneboy posted:this isn't funny. i wrote a real and serious article for the front-page and blinkandwheeze just deleted it and replaced it with some shitty dworkin crap.
it has your name on it
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:you picked the wrong medium to post your stupid and untrue 'article' in. deal with it. post it in the mensrights reddit and you'll probably get e-phamous.
please explain how my article was in any way untrue. oh wait you can't, because it was objectively correct in every detail. dwi.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:ok im just gonna ifap you instead of responding. welcome to ifap, you rapist POS.
so, there is no way. thanks.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:half of rapes are not done by women on men, cycloneboy. that is god damn retarded.
half of all victims of attempted or completed rape in 2010 were men. that's statistical reality. you can say it's "retarded" however much you like, but please, explain how there is anything wrong with the methodology of the CDC NISVS report.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:so it wasnt half of the rapes you fucking liar. jesus christ
wow, looks like someone is a FUCKING moron who can't read my posts.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:cycloneboy as we have established i am victim of rape by envelopment and you're just an outside agitator. what makes you have the right ot speak for victims of rape by envelopment?
nice ad hominem.
HOMOnim????!?!??! no homobphobia in this forum plz - EO
1k words on why you get to speak for sexhavers plz.
tpaine posted:shut uppppppp...shutttt uuupppp