thug lessons keep off topic posts out of this thread. also keep your posts out of all threads.
[account deactivated]
post some times you're available so we know when to call, I'd call now but its well past polite calling hours and if anything ruins my friday night it's provoking a crisis of manners
[account deactivated]
I'm drunk awake
Yeah, I was in the dark
I was falling hard
With an open heart
I'm drunk awake...
[account deactivated]

Crow posted:


Wow , yall are going to go crazy at this guy's response, Tpaine i mean. as the interview progresses he starts into this hour long pun chain where he puns seinfeld with "signfeld" and starts in on a long shpiel about umberto eco and semiotics and the inadequacy of systematized thought to deal with the immanent mystery of existence, all in the same word association joke sequence. then we talk about his sex penis!
By the way, if you are having trouble getting through on my office phone(yall know about the shoddy ass phone service in Baton Rouge), email EARTHSERPENTS420@GMAIL.COM to get it fixed. That's E-A-R-T-H-S-E-R-P-E-N-T-S-4-2-0.

Lessons posted:

why aren't you on aim anymore. not that we ever talked more that once, i just wondered if you changed your name or something.

i only ever got on aim so's i could talk to you. when that stopped happening i just stopped using it. :'(

umberto eco? yo that book about the boat fuckin SUCKS

bonclay posted:

Lessons posted:

why aren't you on aim anymore. not that we ever talked more that once, i just wondered if you changed your name or something.

i only ever got on aim so's i could talk to you. when that stopped happening i just stopped using it. :'(

aww. sorry i'm bad about imming people because i never have anything interesting to say.

[account deactivated]
good to see some integrity, grundy, in this corrupt world of ours
within the last week we've all posted our pictures, posted our emails, been invited to talk about our real lives, and basically masturbated on a publically viewable forum. what the hell, don't you people have facebook?

babyhueypnewton posted:

within the last week we've all posted our pictures, posted our emails, been invited to talk about our real lives, and basically masturbated on a publically viewable forum. what the hell, don't you people have facebook?

no. also i dont watch tv.

[account deactivated]
1. are you a virgin?
2. shoe size?
3. do you smoke?
4. do you drink?
5. do you do drugs?
6. age mistaken for?
7. have tattoos?
8. want tattoos?
9. piercings?
10. want any piercings?
11. bestfriend?
12. relationship status?
13. turn on?
14. turn off?
15. favorite movie?
16. i'll love you if?
17. most traumatic moment?
18. someone you miss?
19. a fact about you?
20. what i hate most about myself?
21. what i love most about myself?
22. what i wanna be when i get older?
23. my relationship with my siblings?
24. my relationship with my parents?
25. biggest pet peeve?
26. description of the boy/girl i like?
28. a description of the person i dislike the most?
29. last text message?
30. one of my insecurities?
31. one thing that makes you the most upset?
32. where i wanna be right now?
33. jealous of?
34. what im doing?
35. sexiest person that comes to my mind first?
so how are the interviews going guys?!?!!?
getting weirdly personal
whens no gender day
how much longer do i have till i get voted out
i'd vote for you again based on the night court reference alone
[account deactivated]
I accidentally took out a title loan because of calling the place and I'm watching some asshole tow my 02 Impreza away right now. thanks, the rhizzone. thanks, bonclay.

stegosaurus posted:

I accidentally took out a title loan because of calling the place and I'm watching some asshole tow my 02 Impreza away right now. thanks, the rhizzone. thanks, bonclay.

@shoulda gotten a masters of engineering health technology before the market crash Fagget *skips away with sneer, pausing at baby carriage* Shoulda been born in 1950 Fagit *skips off into brick wall*

[account deactivated]
tpaine last nite my girlfriend brought over gennessee cream ale and had never had it before which was weird but also i thought of you when i saw it. irl. in real life.
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