tom do you know what i need to do to get on the cia's wahabbi payroll?
come on, hook a brother up.
come on, hook a brother up.
makes sense. when you get to either radical, fringe extreme of either ideology- communism or conservatism- things start looking the exact same.
same thing with discount chain pizza franchises
AmericanNazbro posted:
well tbh its more likely based on WPA art, and those guys were all communists so w/e...
[account deactivated]
Kinda changes gear there doesn't it,
'You don't hate little kids do you,
you do't hate fluffy bunnies
you don't hate the most brutal predator to exist on this planet
do yous...?
DO YOUs?!?'
gee i don't know. uhm. if you don't fear men you're kind of an idiot.
'You don't hate little kids do you,
you do't hate fluffy bunnies
you don't hate the most brutal predator to exist on this planet
do yous...?
DO YOUs?!?'
gee i don't know. uhm. if you don't fear men you're kind of an idiot.
cylconekid posted:oh yeah jews are just like fluffy bunnies. what's israel precious?
jews are actually a gentile construct, the babylonians made the jews, the roman empire founded the rabinnate and sustained it, the church solidified the status of jews as a 'useful minority', the brits came up with zionism and jewland and the americans enabled its existence.
fearing jews. i just dk. maybe if they got american weapons.