GOP insiders are convinced that Mitt Romney will pick Bat Boy as his Vice Presidential nominee.
According to sources close to the Romney camp, Bat Boy could get the nod as soon as this week. Campaign insiders say that Mitt Romney has looked at Marco Rubio, Condoleezza Rice, Rob Portman and Chris Christie as possible running mates, but he feels that Bat Boy will give him the “sizzle” his campaign sorely needs.
“Bat Boy is from West Virginia and really understands the struggles that the middle class is going through,” said a Romney advisor. ”With Bat Boy on the ticket, the Republicans should be able to carry the south, the midwest and all the Hollywood who all love mutants.
Some inside the Republican party are not happy with Bat Boy as the VP choice. Karl Rove is said to be working overtime on a smear campaign to destroy Bat Boy’s credibility.
“Since that college professor pulled him out of a cave in West Virginia in 1992, he’s never fully acclimated to human culture, and he has a reputation for doing what the hell he wants to do regardless of the consequences,” said Rove.
But the Romney camp is not worried about Rove. ”Bat Boy’s past is unusual, anyway, so there’s no doubt Rove and his minions, can make some hay with it,” said a campaign insider. “But we think we are making a great choice. He’s certainly a much better choice than Sarah Palin.”
The Obama campaign has no comment on Bat Boy as the VP nominee, but clearly they are worried. ”Except for Richard Nixon, there’s never really been a mutant running for office. So, we will have to rethink our strategy.”
As for the legality of Bat Boy running for vice president, Republicans have determined that because the famed imp was born in the United States, he is a citizen despite the fact that he’s not entirely human.
He is thought to be just 16 or 17 years old, adds the Republican source, “but if you measure his age in bat years, he’s more like 179, plenty old enough to qualify for the No. 2 spot.”
Romney plans on making his announcement about Bat Boy in a cave in West Virginia. 99% of bats have already pledged their support.
jk, Paul Ryan lol

discipline posted:is that for real henry, did they really make that hysterical graphic
HenryKrinkle posted:
that's a huge mountain of toot he's snorting
for those of us that have total spectrum awareness of henrykrinkle's life
HenryKrinkle posted:getfiscal follows me on twitter? wtf
discipline posted:is that for real henry, did they really make that hysterical graphic
discipline posted:is that for real henry, did they really make that hysterical graphic
yeah, that gif is from some agitprop paul ryan/GOP created when they were trying to sell an egregious congressional bill that wasn't supposed to pass just merely advance the debt crisis narrative
also one of the main economic advisers for romney is the guy who wrote dow 36,000.
guidoanselmi posted:i love rather than forming his own economic plan, romney just gets some dude with his own.
now thats what i call business experience!
Fail Train's A Comin'
AmericanNazbro posted:the debt crisis narrative
Do you not believe in the debt crisis, and if so, why?

Alyosha posted:AmericanNazbro posted:the debt crisis narrative
Do you not believe in the debt crisis, and if so, why?

ABC News actually compared Ryan with Kevin Kline’s character from the 1993 movie Dave—an endearingly naïve Everyman who accidentally finds himself president and does battle with cynical forces to scrub the federal budget of waste. After showing a clip from the film, reporter Jonathan Karl cut to footage of himself in Ryan’s office attempting to re-create the scene. Karl opens a budget tome to a random page and looks on in awe as Ryan explains the dense prose and the savings to be had.
the cbc story focuses on how romney called ryan "the next president" because the cbc has moved completely towards being a blogosphere friendly gawker platform
Alyosha posted:
alternate take
Edited by karphead ()
discipline posted:well too bad that still doesn't scare me into voting for obama.
i don't think he was depending on the communist muslim vote