roll 2d6 to see i fu hit byzantine
warhammer is aesthetic as fuck and the last remaining true artform unburdened by excessive self-referentiality
i have of course never played warhammer

yall know david shrigley rite. cuz he the best
superabounds posting is pure in its channeling of sitbm essence
i dont care

david shrigley is the best artist, also the only artist
impper do u like zola. i read la terre a coupla years back + now im reading la bete humaine until my Shitload of Agamben Etc arrives + i like how none of his characters are remotely redeemable, his pathetic humans are caricatures but at the same time they describe all humanity
i tried reading a zola once but i got sidetracked by diderot who i assumed was basically the same but thats probably really wrong. i can go home and try to read it if u want i have nothing to do, i finished writing a book, my life is just filled with nothing atm, that is im incredibly busy but accomplishing nothing
of which agambens does your shitload consist, good sir
atm its just homo sacer (cuz its pertinent 2 my dissertation) but im also gettin sum badiou and that reason and revolution book erryone was talking about a while back and some more houellebecq and so on. what would u recommend
time that remains, the kingdom and the glory, sacrament of language
whats your dissertation about ken? the events of 09/11/2001?
If so, check this out:
beckett lol
is beckett good? My S.O. is raving about Molloy
my security officer prefers joyce
Ironicwarcriminal posted:is beckett good? My S.O. is raving about Molloy
what did xie say was so good bout it?
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EmanuelaOrlandi posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
is beckett good? My S.O. is raving about Molloy
what did xie say was so good bout it?
I don't recall, we were drunk, she liked it though
babyfinland posted:of which agambens does your shitload consist, good sir
All the corny ones.
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Ironicwarcriminal posted:is beckett good? My S.O. is raving about Molloy
im writing my dissertation on molloy. it owns.
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bend it like beckett
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oh he wrote waiting for godot, i fucking hated that thing in high school, it was maddening and gave me a lifelong distaste for absurdism which i can't help but associate with the helpless navel-gazing despair of the post-war English soul....at least til Maggie came along and got the oil rigs and canary wharf towers cranking and then we got prime suspect and trainspotting and oasis and now it's all fucked again because of immigrant families in 6 bedroom mansions in Belgravia
"Come on, Gogo, return the ball, can't you, once in a while?"
This sort of stilted, twee, "mannered" dialect makes me cringe with embarrassment.
This sort of stilted, twee, "mannered" dialect makes me cringe with embarrassment.
beckett wasnt english lol
beckett is real fuckin good
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Nooo they took ma Beckett *thinks about books i left behind*
beckett cost me my job
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