stop posting LOL
edit: someone post a funny thing i can edit this OP to have to have a cool gif/youtube or w/e
edit: someone post a funny thing i can edit this OP to have to have a cool gif/youtube or w/e
SDude this thread is Badas
check this out

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Ah, that's funny. Good times.

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the key to the left's revival is a long march through the wikipedia pages

george w bush is badass. he killed a lot of people
i think bush truly cared about people, his upbringing just prevented him from being able to empathize with people outside his social caste
i bought bush's autobiography full price on the first day and a few of the clerks at the counter gave me dirty looks and started talking about how evil bush was and shit. fucking liberals.
the massive doses of antidepressants he was on are proof enough that he cared
Crow posted:SDude this thread is Badas
i know.

Personally I'd have to say that Islam is the light and I don't know a whole lot either way about most of those other things
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ironic comment about the state of the forums megathread
sex joke using "fiscal integration" as a euphemism
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he was posting updates about how hard it was to hack all of that shit in lol. dedication. respect. george bush looks like a monkey.
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stegosaurus posted:he was posting updates about how hard it was to hack all of that shit in lol. dedication. respect. george bush looks like a monkey.
dont knock bleeep, mother fucker
George Bush is freaking cool. He's nice & doesnt care about anyone but kayne