i have to admit, the amount of vitriol directed at people who make up such a fraction of the world's population makes it obvious that anti-Semitism is still a powerful scourge.
i guess you're always going to get people who blame their own failures on scapegoats though
getfiscal posted:i wonder if khamsek would heckle pilgrims on hajj, when it's the same thing
only wahhabis
Ironicwarcriminal posted:i have to admit, the amount of vitriol directed at people who make up such a fraction of the world's population makes it obvious that anti-Semitism is still a powerful scourge.
yeah and people always go "oh it's because israel claims to be a liberal democracy so we have to hold them to higher standards" as if that makes any sense.
getfiscal posted:discipline posted:I'm at the point where I openly heckle birthright kids. wullahi I can't stand american teens on birthright
antisemitism isn't cool
Our Whites Semites Now, From Our Trepid Reporter In Clanada
discipline posted:I'm at the point where I openly heckle birthright kids. wullahi I can't stand american teens on birthright
no doubt, discomfort arising from witnessing your reflection gazing back at you in the actions of the american tourists
Ironicwarcriminal posted:lol you got downvoted for that
i have to admit, the amount of vitriol directed at people who make up such a fraction of the world's population makes it obvious that anti-Semitism is still a powerful scourge.
i guess you're always going to get people who blame their own failures on scapegoats though
all charities is the same, with that said, Norman Finklestein was spot on when he said that the if the BDS camp is really looking to promote 'peace' they need to clean their stables and silence the 'death to israel' and 'right of return or israel can burn' crowds.
getfiscal posted:discipline posted:I'm at the point where I openly heckle birthright kids. wullahi I can't stand american teens on birthright
antisemitism isn't cool
anti-americanism is really fucking cool though
tpaine posted:Welcome to Birfright. *Will Smith punches White kid emerging from ufo cockpit in the head*
deadken posted:all the cool kids skateboarding past your window and sexting and snorting bath salts and so on? yeah. anti-semites. get with the programme, grandad
- Josef Stalin
getfiscal posted:Anti-Semitism is dangerous for the toilers, for it is a false track which diverts them from the proper road and leads them into the jungle. Hence, Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable and bitter enemies of anti-Semitism. In the U.S.S.R., anti-Semitism is strictly prosecuted as a phenomenon hostile to the Soviet system. According to the laws of the U.S.S.R. active anti-Semites are punished with death.
- Josef Stalin
uh huh and he also killed a bunch olf people and ruined the nation. Communism is a failure And im good Man. I Know
getfiscal posted:i'm spiritually jewish and biologically genderqueer.
Crow posted:Hm Your a Failure. Fail
"Failing in a fail world, is this not success? Sure it is." - Goethe
getfiscal posted:maybe if CAIR wanted to soften the image of muslims they'd tackle the hundreds of thousands of deaths attributable to muslim-on-muslim violence.
same, but for the United States, and Christians, and bombing the shit out of every country in the world except Britain. and the PRC.
Cycloneboy posted:same, but for the United States, and Christians, and bombing the shit out of every country in the world
most of the time they are bombing muslims because those muslims are killing hundreds of thousands of other muslims. it'd be like getting mad at the US for styling on hitler.
karphead posted:home video of lil'khammy
getfiscal posted:Cycloneboy posted:same, but for the United States, and Christians, and bombing the shit out of every country in the world
most of the time they are bombing muslims because those muslims are killing hundreds of thousands of other muslims. it'd be like getting mad at the US for styling on hitler.
yes that's why the united states bombs other countries. we're just soooo humanitarian and have to stop all the evil in the world! thus our strategic alliances with Israel and Saudi Arabia.