The reason why post-modernism could reveal the Tao that cannot be spoken is because of the ability to create works of art that are also languages, that are real abstractions. The personalities in my little pony form a circle around the Tao, like a mating net. Finally, it is pinned down and can be revealed for what it really is. An elaborate prank, to have found the Tao and it turns out to be a team of three friends who work together to produce positive results from moving models of real abstractions, directed by the Will to Harmony (Harvest-Master).

Coming up with new religions is really quite trivial, yours won't stand out in the crowd lest you bundle it up with some compelling martyrhood narrative and we all know the best religions are those whose foundations are structured around virtue and self-sacrifice.

imo a glorious self sacrifice by the founder should be the litmus test for any new religion or religious sect.
I disagree. Off the top of my head, Mohammed, Jesus, and Buddha were not really martyrs... no one from indigenous Indian religion is really a martyr...

How is physical suffering in the world of men in return for eternal paradise martyrdom? That's like saying the person who got the first straight edge tattoo and had to undergo a little pain during the session as the first martyr of the straight edge movement...
Yes, I'm sure it was pleasent and good times were enjoyed by all
[account deactivated]
I mean the fact that Jesus didn't even die like precludes him from martyrdom as a matter of definition. Like, Stephen was a martyr, but he was not the founder of the Christian religion. There were martyrs in Islam but Mohammed was not one
Around the ninth hour, Jesus shouted in a loud voice, saying "Eli Eli lama sabachthani?" which is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
but they killed him not, nor did they crucify him
Well, Jesus was the first teacher of christianity so to deny him the foundation of his own church is somewhat peculiar. 'christendom' as a political entity might as well be attributed to paul but those are all vanities in anyway.
I'm not saying he wasn't the founder, I'm saying he wasn't a martyr because he wasn't killed for refusing to forsake his beliefs

I think we can all agree that all would-be-founders of new religions should kill themselves first so that we may gauge their devotion, nothing bad can come out of it.

Pond, kill thyself as a show of faith.
Whatever 'man' or whatever it was which was crucified in Christ's stead was a martyr for christianity, but it was not the founder. Unless you would say it was because of the fact that the crucifixion myth is the basis of most Christians belief... oh shit thats deep
When the King on his Throne stops demanding everything, he has most things, and becomes the Harvest-Master. Humility

When the Advisor stops sorting everything, he can see most categories, and becomes the Egghead. Mindfulness.

When the Trickster stops trying to do everything, he can do most things, and becomes the farmer. Grace.
the crufixtion marks the transition from the old judaic "localized" religion to the univerasility of christ's salvation.

yhwh never promised salvation to anyone who wasn't present at the annual pilgrimages, if you weren't of the tribe and didn't participate in the rituals you weren't cleansed.

christs' was a singular sacrifice to end the cyclical sacrifice of animals at the temple, christ could not be our 'savior' if he did not sacrifice himself, his was a show of utmost faith. What was the other thing he said on the cross? did he ever ask to be released? he understood the symbolic measning of his death and embraced it.

it was christ who died on the cross, don't be blasphemous.
um.. saying that christ died on the cross or was crucified is being blasphemous lol
only if you adhere to pagan theology.
it's cearly stated in god's own Revelation that christ did not die nor was he crucified
[account deactivated]
“‘How can you say, “We are wise,
for we have the law of the Lord,”
when actually the lying pen of the scribes
has handled it falsely?
what pen? lol. that is like straight up the description of luke/thomas/john, not the reputable pieces of revelation
the true gospel of jesus is that of liberation, the consolidation of power by the church and their effective inheritence of the theological duties of the ancient hebraic 'priest' caste effectively nullified the significance of christ's teaching and transformed christianity into your run of the mill "state religion" which is of course against everything christ taught us.

the lying pens of pagan scribes in the centuries following christ obsfucated his teachings to the point where they would seem compatible with the pagan customs adapted by the church of rome.

the original gospels say he died and was resurrected, they don't even claim he was' the son of god', jesus himself doesn't say any of this.

tpaine posted:

i ate jesus

tpaine is catholic but doesnt really "get" it

what does the church have to do with anything we've been talking about? and i never even said anything about him being the son of god.. of course he wasn't the son of god.. the whole idea is ludicrous. what are you even talking about now? pagan pens and the new christian church or some shit? lol that is all non-related bullshit
It's pretty clear even in Mark, the only 'gospel' that isnt mad retarded, that jesus didn't even die... he overcame death through the power of God

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

It's pretty clear even in Mark, the only 'gospel' that isnt mad retarded, that jesus didn't even die... he overcame death through the power of God

thats pretty cool.

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

babyfinland posted:

tpaine posted:
i ate jesus

tpaine is catholic but doesnt really "get" it


*sprinkles au jus on your forehead accidently*

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

dont 'get' you guys replys, sorry.


tpaine posted:

i dont 'get' you guys replys, sorry.

you ever listen to this clarri http://www.earwolf.com/show/comedy-bang-bang-podcast/

The Desiring machine pulls you forward in your solar plexus. Will to Life.

The Advisor Machine and 2nd Order Desires push you forward in your head, between your eyes. Will To Power.

The Egghead Machine and Satisfaction tingle on the top of the head. Will to Harmony.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

It's pretty clear even in Mark, the only 'gospel' that isnt mad retarded, that jesus didn't even die... he overcame death through the power of God

I dunno,

6 “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’”

the guy on the cross was a fuckin ringer

Transient_Grace posted:


6 “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’”

Just because he was 'crucified' doesn't mean he died. When I say he wasn't 'crucified' I mean that he wasn't executed in that fashion, not that he wasn't nailed up. He didn't rise from the dead, he rose up to paradise because God lifted him there... He is not here (on Earth) because he was lifted to Heaven


Pond posted:

When the King on his Throne stops demanding everything, he has most things, and becomes the Harvest-Master. Humility

When the Advisor stops sorting everything, he can see most categories, and becomes the Egghead. Mindfulness.

When the Trickster stops trying to do everything, he can do most things, and becomes the farmer. Grace.

when the shitfuck stops trying to fuck his shit he becomes the shitbird.

Neoliberalism! I cast my light on you! I am here to remove a parasite. Reveal yourselves, you fearful vampiric taskmasters!

Capital! The disjunctive Will to Power that creates the Post-Modern machines of nihilistic consumerist 'Transcendence' and oedipal resentment machine of Taylorist Repression. That sucks the very Will to Transcendence from those who enter perverted image of the concrete, embodied world of Taylorist School, the abstract, meaningless labor of Taylorist Work. The very Will to Power itself, standing embodied as a definite object that directs us as abstract units in a game. This horrible Will embodied in the very product of our creative labor, our Will to Transcendence smashed down again and again by itself, all for the horrible delight of the Mind of Capital, SNLT. Your terrible logic has completed it's task, and in its nihilistic repression it has finally swallowed itself, and Industrialism, your gift, shall be redeemed in the Light of Harmony.

As the Wizard, the furthest embodiment yet discovered of Zarathustra's Path, and shine my light on the obvious trick of this Post-Modern nightmare. And as I walk, the Path is revealed. Look wizely, all you camel's out there ready to accept the need to sooth your Will, and to find the God we thought we killed so long ago. Once again the Overman has found the Path to Eden, for I have become a subject even as a I dance on puppet strings.

Edited by Pond ()