nice, i also like to be rude and ridicule people for having excessively white skin.
maybe you should try being strong and cool and not having skin problems instead of being a nerd lol
hey non-whites, need to borrow any vitamin D? I got plenty to spare.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

maybe you should try being strong and cool and not having skin problems instead of being a nerd lol

it's not a matter of choice for most of us.

i seriously love sunburn on myself and other people. those who are unfortunate enough not to be able to experience sunburn are deprived of a visceral sensation of connectedness to the planet and the universe

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

maybe you should try being strong and cool and not having skin problems instead of being a nerd lol

got em.


premise_checker94 posted:

it's not a matter of choice for most of us.

(citation needed)

is that guy licking a big mold
honestly i was thinking it's either a rock or a big loaf of french bread.. yea its a rock
i figured as much but it seems to make more sense somehow for it to be a like a boomer spore mold

premise_checker94 posted:

being white is terrible:

- sunburn
- not very cool (mostly)
- weak physically
- skin problems more apparent
- etc.

just because you've had it easy, do not generalize.

everyone in my family tans beautifully and evenly. physician, do not generalize yourself

you're probably italian or something, not white.
i'm white and i tan real good. you're probably a mic or something, not an actual human

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

i'm white and i tan real good. you're probably a mic or something, not an actual human

To be fair that makes him a better white than you, the ability to stay white and not change color, just like a gem stone


premise_checker94 posted:

you're probably italian or something, not white.

American (scottish)

All true white men are diamonds to me
do scotch "people" really tan? crazy
Pure White Male here, folks.

premise_checker94 posted:

Pure White Male here, folks.

Same but I identify as black / sephardic jew


premise_checker94 posted:

Pure White Male here, folks.

im a Pure White Male and i tan


Tsargon posted:

premise_checker94 posted:

Pure White Male here, folks.

im a Pure White Male and i tan


GoldenLionTamarin posted:

im a transethnic hui irl

you're a transethnic хуй
i can't believe i'm getting tan-shamed. being white doesn't seem so enticing now, does it? let it be a lesson to you all.

littlegreenpills posted:

you're a transethnic хуй

check your cisethnic privilege

honestly tho being white is pretty cool. just went to the store and got 3 forties and im gonna watch ancient aliens season 4 all nite. it dont get whiter than that, and that's OK with me...
same except four loko and macgyver
do you have like a stash of OG or do you just drink the new shit? imo colt 45 blast is better in the post-caffeine fruit flavord malt beverage era we live in
i actually have a huge collection of mint condition consumer malt beverages including a rare zima factory misprint 6 pack that i store under cool nitrogen
One time my ex-girlfriend tried to crack a joke about my penis size. I told her she was being really transphobic as I'm transnegro and implying that my dick is anything less than 12 inches is harmful mislabeling
making a lol tumblrtransjoke does not entitle you to make a racist joke too you fucking fool
[account deactivated]

MadMedico posted:

One time my ex-girlfriend tried to crack a joke about my penis size. I told her she was being really transphobic as I'm transnegro and implying that my dick is anything less than 12 inches is harmful mislabeling

This is a bad, bad, post. I expect better from you in the future, you hear me

I hope this has cleared up some misconceptions you might have had about my identity.
Having Scottish genes is awesome. I can literally eat anything, rain and cold don't bother me, enraging until I have the strength to throw tree trunks around is useful, beating up English people is the shit, and I get to do the whole "people in my in-group did a thing so I claim credit for it" thing with the likes of Hume(god sux), MacLeod (insulin), Fleming (Penicillin), electric clocks, raincoats (big deal there), flushing toilets, modern roads, tires, bikes, Buicks, and for that matter ghillie suits, "Soap" McTavish, and Gordon Ramsay.
lol you just typed all those words about being scotch and you didn't even include the crippling heroin addiction gene that all scotch people pass on from father to son

VanguardYouAndDie posted:

Having Scottish genes is awesome. I can literally eat anything, rain and cold don't bother me, enraging until I have the strength to throw tree trunks around is useful, beating up English people is the shit, and I get to do the whole "people in my in-group did a thing so I claim credit for it" thing with the likes of Hume(god sux), MacLeod (insulin), Fleming (Penicillin), electric clocks, raincoats (big deal there), flushing toilets, modern roads, tires, bikes, Buicks, and for that matter ghillie suits, "Soap" McTavish, and Gordon Ramsay.

On the other hand... the Scotch Irish