discipline posted:the strangest thing is how soldiers at the crossings are often of color, indeed many israelis are clearly of color (if not arab than ethopian or something) but they are still gonna flag you if you ain't white
thats not peculiar to israel or anything
discipline posted:the strangest thing is how soldiers at the crossings are often of color, indeed many israelis are clearly of color (if not arab than ethopian or something) but they are still gonna flag you if you ain't white
racism has always been about class and hierarchy

getfiscal posted:maybe the reason they let you through the border so easily is because they wanted you to get in. in fact, all your actions have been carefully planned down to the last detail. you are a pawn, and pawns get sacrificed every day.
Goethestein posted::gook:
getfiscal posted:what the fuck i GIS'd "jewish beach girls" so we could spice up this thread and the picture that came up was some cryjews getting led naked to an execution site during the great fatherland war. what the hell google.
Still fapped
Goethestein posted:Still fapped
too fat. must be a 1939 execution. i'm not saying i want them 1945 thin. maybe 1941 thin.
getfiscal posted:maybe the reason they let you through the border so easily is because they wanted you to get in. in fact, all your actions have been carefully planned down to the last detail. you are a pawn, and pawns get sacrificed every day.
hahaha you're the best
getfiscal posted:i have a legitimate reason to go to israel. i want to go to the beach and party with jewish hot body 10 (dime) girls. no one else has a legitimate reason.
Man you need to go to lebanon if you want a Mediterranean eastern quadrant 10
Goethestein posted:i think i saw a serb in custody one time on tv to show off the durability of samsonite luggage