discipline posted:RJ reynolds manufactures over 3 billion cigarettes per year in china under a joint venture, I believe china-american cigarette co. or something iirc
didnt know that, thats pretty interesting
Anyway discipline you should probably acknowledge that smoking is a completely irrational addiction, and ever since we came to understand the tragic health effects, society has preferred to avoid being a culture of people that is constantly addicted to a horrible carcinogen. Your argument about food and obesity is sound, but it is only a sign we should increase our measures to battle obesity, not that we should relax our measures against cigarettes.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:ooooh yeeeeaaaah thats super interesting :rolleyes:
shennong posted:LandBeluga posted:shennong posted:discipline posted:shennong posted:how do you figure this worked, why would china give a fuck what anti-smoking legislation is enacted in the US? also im pretty sure i never once saw an american brand being smoked in china
as I read it In The Literature they got free trade agreements facilitated by american interests as a consolation prize. china entered WTO in 2001 and foreign tobacco was the biggest lobby in their support. I don't know when you were there but not all cigarettes manufactured and sold by philip morris have an american brand slapped on them
that makes sense about the first part. i'm pretty sure the only notable PM brand in china is marlboro, do you know of any other PM brands sold in China that are chinese-marked? almost all of the brands i saw being smoked on a regular basis were indigenous. that said i wasnt hanging out w/ ppl who were doing the status signaling thing with western brands so i may have missed that dimension
After more than three years of negotiations with the Chinese government, PMI is expected this year to begin marketing three home-grown brands. The smokes -- selected from hundreds of varieties produced by state-run China National Tobacco Corp. -- will be sold in Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Latin America, according to PMI.
The launch is slated for sometime in the next six months. It is part of a December 2005 deal in which Philip Morris agreed to market Chinese brands internationally in exchange for the right to produce its own Marlboro brand at state-owned factories. At the moment, Philip Morris is limited to importing its cigarettes for sale in China and is restricted by stringent quotas.
sorry for wsjsplaining. and no, i don't know what they consider "stringent quotas"thats pm marketing chinese smokes overseas though. i'm pretty sure they odn't have any brands in china other than marlboro, and chinese people dont smoke marlboros
yeah, i guess what i was hoping would be gleaned from that passage is that pmi until recently had not produced cigarettes in china, and its imports there were allegedly highly restricted. does it really matter if pmi and rjr have access to the chinese market anyway, since the country already had a well-developed domestic tobacco industry? seems kind of inconsequential who's actually making or marketing the product.
Impper posted:i usually am only attracted to girls who smoke
Skinny White Girls Smoking is the best look. i was seein this sorority girl, blonde, attractive, mildly intelligent, but she didnt smoke and would complain about my post-coital cigarette, and after a while i just found her revolting. also she wouldnt shut up about her cats lol
LandBeluga posted:does it really matter if pmi and rjr have access to the chinese market anyway, since the country already had a well-developed domestic tobacco industry? seems kind of inconsequential who's actually making or marketing the product.
it matters to the extent that china was used as a token to buy off industry acquiescence to anti-smoking measures
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:im gonna need mathjis krull's opinion on cigarettes before i reach a conclusion. better or worse than gay cum daddys?
cigarettes make ur cum taste really bad
deadken posted:Impper posted:i usually am only attracted to girls who smoke
Skinny White Girls Smoking is the best look. i was seein this sorority girl, blonde, attractive, mildly intelligent, but she didnt smoke and would complain about my post-coital cigarette, and after a while i just found her revolting. also she wouldnt shut up about her cats lol
loL yeah. especially if u get to their place and it just reeks of ciggibutt. fuk yea. i can handle cat chat tho
Impper posted:i usually am only attracted to girls who smoke
it's probably due to the subconscious representation of a phallus that they are wielding, combined with your masochistic desire to be dominated and humiliated & your latent but insatiable desire for penis. in essence: ur Gay
discipline posted:Empathy posted:Anyway discipline you should probably acknowledge that smoking is a completely irrational addiction, and ever since we came to understand the tragic health effects, society has preferred to avoid being a culture of people that is constantly addicted to a horrible carcinogen. Your argument about food and obesity is sound, but it is only a sign we should increase our measures to battle obesity, not that we should relax our measures against cigarettes.
yes thanks joel, I acknowledge that
I discovered a legit corner while cruising around waiting for a deal. It was surprising how close it resembled the corners on The Wire.
Edited by jools ()
shennong posted:i just remembered my chinese travelling buddy buying a straw cowboy hat with MARLBORO in huge red letters on the side and he insisted on wearing it every day in xinjiang because it was the 'wild west'
is xinjing rad as fuck? i bet it's rad as fuck
discipline posted:LandBeluga posted:yeah, i guess what i was hoping would be gleaned from that passage is that pmi until recently had not produced cigarettes in china, and its imports there were allegedly highly restricted. does it really matter if pmi and rjr have access to the chinese market anyway, since the country already had a well-developed domestic tobacco industry? seems kind of inconsequential who's actually making or marketing the product.
lmao ah yes, trade liberalization will have no effect on well-established domestic brands & manufacturing
was this thread's question posed in a serious manner? or was it asking about the reasons why smoking became taboo beyond it being associating with the poor? because i always thought it was pretty well understood that smoking went out of fashion in the 20th century as it became a more commonly held practice by the lower classes as it became commercialized. likewise, all drugs in the 20th century, though their criminalization served other purposes
discipline posted:LandBeluga posted:yeah, i guess what i was hoping would be gleaned from that passage is that pmi until recently had not produced cigarettes in china, and its imports there were allegedly highly restricted. does it really matter if pmi and rjr have access to the chinese market anyway, since the country already had a well-developed domestic tobacco industry? seems kind of inconsequential who's actually making or marketing the product.
lmao ah yes, trade liberalization will have no effect on well-established domestic brands & manufacturing
kind of hard to care about merchants of death, imo
deadken posted:girls smoking is hot as hell and i dont care how gay that makes me, because, i'm gay
same here brother *raises jazz hand for high 5*
animedad posted:some real megafuckers in here. some crude dudes. w0w

thirdplace posted:shennong posted:i just remembered my chinese travelling buddy buying a straw cowboy hat with MARLBORO in huge red letters on the side and he insisted on wearing it every day in xinjiang because it was the 'wild west'
is xinjing rad as fuck? i bet it's rad as fuck
it kind of depends where you are and how susceptible you are to being depressed by a fairly brutal militarised occupation & settlement program but it's a really cool place to be otherwise, really a crazy mix of uyghurs, han, kazakhs, uzbeks, kyrgyz, russians, pakistanis, etc. parts of it have this really crazy trading-post atmosphere that i liked a lot. my understanding is that it's changed quite a bit since i was there, i think they demolished most of the old city in kashgar and stepped up repression vs uyghurs etc unfortunately, so i dunno what it's like these days

Edited by jools ()
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:im gonna need mathjis krull's opinion on cigarettes before i reach a conclusion. better or worse than gay cum daddys?
What use then the Law.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:im gonna need mathjis krull's opinion on cigarettes before i reach a conclusion. better or worse than gay cum daddys?
my favorite essay of his was his trenchant analysis of trot messaging in the hit stephen spielberg drama avatar