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I read this like four seconds ago. Glad to hear the EU's making a new commitment to truly ameliorate sub-Saharan poverty.
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nice to see an old school LF MTWist running a major arm of the shadow world government
i love journalism

Lagarde’s elegance is, if not essential, at least an asset in the male-dominated world of world finance. Indeed, studying Lagarde’s chic is like taking a master class in power dressing. Like the canniest politicians and businesspeople, she uses style to assert her individuality and dominance amid a sea of suits. Who else, for example, would have worn a pink scarf for her first press conference as managing director of the IMF?

Take her wide array of scarves. Lagarde often jazzes up her suits with scarves in bold abstract prints or vivid colors like magenta, jade and crimson. Lagarde uses scarves the way Michael Douglas wears red suspenders in Wall Street: to set herself apart and to assert her power (she doesn’t need to look like everyone else). It’s the exact opposite of what most women in powerful positions do. Lagarde flaunts her big baubles and her pink scarves and uses these traditionally feminine accessories to communicate her authority. (And she wears her scarves with such French insouciance — casually knotted or thrown around her neck. So effortless. So cool.)

Her suits are also awe-inspiring. Unlike the boxy models favored by powerful American women like Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi, Lagarde’s are sleek and slim. They allow her a freedom of movement that makes her look perpetually at ease. And she tends to favor neutral tones such as navy, slate, oatmeal and black. Yet they are audacious in their own, subtle way. A jacket she wore to a meeting in Brussels, for example, had leather lapels. And a three-piece suit she wore to meet Indian finance minister Pranab Mukherjee — with a vest and no shirt — had a wide white lapel and wide white cuffs.

that tanning addict lady from new jersey sure sounds like a mean ol' grouch
i want someone to write an article like that about me one day

Getfiscal's stunning style comes from a brilliant array of genius scarves.

Asked if she is essentially saying to the Greeks and others in Europe that they have had a nice time and it is now payback time, she responds: "That's right."

Uh I thought this was a pretty common sentiment of leftists. I mean, isn't this a plank of post-colonialist studies regarding uneven development and redressing a historical imbalance.


littlegreenpills posted:

ice to see an old school LF MTWist running a major arm of the shadow world governmen

sensible people have known for a long time that leftists have always been complicit in the schemes of the new world order

i think a lot of people think they are rebel insiders or something. like if you sat down with someone like gordon brown they'd probably agree with most leftist stuff you said and then be like man, i was in the shit, i tried to fight for things leftists want, but treasury bureaucrats and the central bank and shit kept cutting us off at the knees.

getfiscal posted:

i think a lot of people think they are rebel insiders or something. like if you sat down with someone like gordon brown they'd probably agree with most leftist stuff you said and then be like man, i was in the shit, i tried to fight for things leftists want, but treasury bureaucrats and the central bank and shit kept cutting us off at the knees.

I really, really doubt that


The_Schliski posted:

I really, really doubt that

he or one of his staff ghost-wrote a think piece before the last election that explained his views on socialism and it was like drawing on left-liberal philosophers and economists talking about the need to build a society in the interests of the worst off and shit and basically ragged on neoliberalism and shit for a long time. some of them obviously believe something like that, that they are trying to hold the line against an onslaught from the right.

Lol at the scarf article