and hear from the grandma
Obama voter

1. I'm a strict Keynesian. I went to business school, and have no problem oppressing the poor in regards to my career, but at some point my employer still needs customers. Without a middle class, we'll be out of business. Obama is the best bet for at least slowing down the eradication of the middle class.

peepaw posted:

Obama voter

1. I'm a strict Keynesian. I went to business school, and have no problem oppressing the poor in regards to my career, but at some point my employer still needs customers. Without a middle class, we'll be out of business. Obama is the best bet for at least slowing down the eradication of the middle class.

that's not even true from an objective pov

Obama Voter

I'm a strict Kenyan.
vote republican you fuckers
i like how the names of the american political parties dont really mean anything

deadken posted:

i like how the names of the american political parties dont really mean anything

maybe in opposite land


deadken posted:

i like how the names of the american political parties dont really mean anything

The difference is subtle, but I think they do. Democratic favors egalitarianism whereas Republican favors leadership. So, one represents the lower class while the other represents the upper class.

The Democratic Party is somewhat accurately named, since its origins are based in Andrew Jackson's successful mission to overturn Jefferson's vision of a government led by an elite of character and intellect. He extended equal voting rights to every dumb hillbilly regardless of education, wealth, or status (unless they are non-white or female, of course). A better name might be the Populism Party, the Pandering Party or the Mob Rule Party, but these are all synonyms with their chosen name.

The Republican Party was formed around a single issue and might as well have been called the Abolitionist Party, however I don't think this would have made much sense in the long run and their choice was probably better.

there is an apocryphal sense in which both represent different visions of government. one sees america as a democracy, that is, it is rule by the people in the interests of the people. the other sees america as a republic, that is, a government of laws in which government does certain tasks but tries to maximize a realm of freedom. it's the mix of the two that makes america so great. hitchens bless america.
the republican party: standing firm against monarchism
seriously though if any of you fuckers vote for anyone other than the republicans, then.... then..... then fuck you ok!!!! ok

deadken posted:

seriously though if any of you fuckers vote for anyone other than the republicans, then.... then..... then fuck you ok!!!! ok

you could vote for enver hoxha stuffed in ten million times and it wouldn't make for anything other than a historical footnote on google's wikipedia


deadken posted:

i like how the names of the american political parties dont really mean anything

They don't in Britain either.....inflicting radical neoliberalism on a population isn't really a very "Conservative" thing to do

labour makes sense because it's so painful to watch those socialist bastards it feels like childbirth!

deadken posted:

seriously though if any of you fuckers vote for anyone other than the republicans, then.... then..... then fuck you ok!!!! ok

for every republican liberals vote against, i will vote for 3

there was a great moment in the lead up to the iraq war where huge crowds were outside fox news' office in new york and they changed their scrolling marquee to read "WAR PROTESTER EXTRA TRY OUTS TODAY OUTSIDE FOX NEWS"... that's when i knew everything would be alright.
"Whats the point in voting, there is literally no discernable difference between the two political partHHHHHPTHTHHH UGH WHAT THE FUCK? Is this DIET Coke?? pthpbbth ugh i cant drink this shit"
if i lived in the US and had a job (lmao) i'd probably give a lot of money to the democrats, but like none to obama and thousands to city councillors or something. grassroots democracy folks, live it love it.

getfiscal posted:

if i lived in the US and had a job (lmao) i'd probably give a lot of money to the democrats, but like none to obama and thousands to city councillors or something. grassroots democracy folks, live it love it.

please give it all to the Wisconsin Democrats, because the DNC sure isnt

if i wanted money to go to people that could be described as "cheeseheads" then i'd use it for my pizza fund

getfiscal posted:

if i lived in the US and had a job (lmao) i'd probably give a lot of money to the democrats, but like none to obama and thousands to city councillors or something. grassroots democracy folks, live it love it.

*despondently shifts gaze away from donald; hangs head in disappointment*

Some men just want to watch the world burn

i'm just joking all my money is going to the hoxhaists
in the last canadian election the post-hoxhaists spent $8,000 for their entire national campaign. so if i popped a grand into their basket i could do appreciable help to a national campaign.
what kind of a stipend do you get from your rich ass uncle monopoly guy father
converting dorkasaurus rex into an ardent MTW would be the most anyone on LF could ever hope to accomplish as a progressive

AmericanNazbro posted:

what kind of a stipend do you get from your rich ass uncle monopoly guy father

i meant... like... if i had a job.

pillowpants could effectively manage even a modest political war chest

getfiscal posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

what kind of a stipend do you get from your rich ass uncle monopoly guy father

i meant... like... if i had a job.

you could make stupid webpages in the hopes of selling them off for 6-7 figures

pfffft or i could become a top investment banker in new york and then go rogue and go back in time and cause a financial crisis in 2008

AmericanNazbro posted:

converting dorkasaurus rex into an ardent MTW would be the most anyone on LF could ever hope to accomplish as a progressive

ive "donated" to several abortion clinics

getfiscal give me money

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

getfiscal give me money

i'm applying for disability payments, i don't have a great deal of money (relative to other whites)


getfiscal posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
getfiscal give me money
i'm applying for disability payments, i don't have a great deal of money (relative to other whites)

if i told you i'm known as "the Hoxha from down under" would it change your mind?

heres a video of my wife

Probably going to go with the 2 cents method mentioned earlier in the thread. I don't know a great deal about the federal government but my public education taught me that the executive branch functions and the military all report to the president. The man was raised by an Anthropologist and at least (grew up) knowing what it was like to be viewed as a minority. I guess I held the stupid hope in 2008 that he was a closeted leftist using his charisma and influence to get to a point where he could make substantial and costly change to a doomed economic and societal model.

After Obama won, he appointed neo-liberals and moderates to the DOJ, who were then directed to forgive crimes of torture and false imprisonment. He did almost nothing to fight for a public healthcare option. The wars on drugs and independent countries have been continued and expanded. Laws expanding surveillance on the public were expanded. Enormous amounts of money have been dumped into fatherland security for useless security tools. Corporate control over environmental protection regulation continued unabated - the state to the west of me is a wasteland, and uranium mines will be opening soon in my state (the EPA has the full power to deny these permits). The list goes on-and-on.

I guess what really burns me about the man is his complete lack of moral principle and backbone - for someone from his family, intellectual, and religious background.

He simply should know better and do better by his background, by God, and by human decency. A better man would have demanded a public option every day for the responsibility of being thy brother's keeper, and called out opponents on their inhuman selfishness. A better man would have said that torture is an abomination and directed the DOJ to prosecute suspects with their full might. A better man would have said that the mother earth is the only one the species will ever have, and that all new developments should proceed with utmost caution and sensitivity. Nothing he has said or done since election has had any fervent meaning to the people, for better or for worse. Someone once wrote that Obama radicalized all of LF - they'd be right by me.
the ultimate and ugly truth about Obama is that he simply doesnt have enough hate in his heart to be able to make a difference in the world
[account deactivated]

AmericanNazbro posted:

converting dorkasaurus rex into an ardent MTW would be the most anyone on LF could ever hope to accomplish as a progressive

lol why the fuck would a jewish liberal multi billionaire convert to MTW?
that would be like the most boring thing ever

please dont vote yall