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tpaine posted:
i just tried to email you the rhizzone nudes and it bounced
har har
aerdil posted:let's all just migrate to those forums imo
ive been posting there for two years already
aerdil posted:let's all just migrate to those forums imo
that forum owns
Marx claimed that all products contain value that is directly proportional to the amount of labor embodied within them.
That has to be one of the stupidest premises I have heard. May even rank above Al Gores' GW. For example: Try buying a 1-Caret, E-Color, Internally Flawless, Brilliant Cut diamond Engagement ring based solely on the labor of making the ring. The flip-side of that is try buying a set of Aluminum rims that were milled and polished by a Robotic system, in essence near-zero labor. Good luck with buying either at the cost of labor.
On June 22, 2009, a 2-member federal personnel board -- the "Supreme Court" for federal officers -- "eliminated" a unanimous (3 out of 3) George H. W. Bush and Reagan-led legacy of protecting whistleblowers:
Join Date: Jun 2008
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I miss you so so much
Dear Mr. President,
I've been a lurker on this site for months and decided to post today because I woke up to the news of The Red Soviets placing bombers on Cuban soil for the first time in 15 years. After getting super angry, I thought "What would Reagan do if this happened during his Presidency?" and quickly had to re-think that because if you were President in this particular climate, this would've never happened. I was a 9 year old when you took office and I remember the safety I felt while you were there. I've never felt safe in this country since your term ended, to the point to where I've wanted to leave it many, many times but, you would've never abandoned us and knowing that helps me to stay the course and fight on although I find America less than ideal right now. You were the last and ONLY great leader of my lifetime, someone who the entire world feared and respected and someone who most Americans loved. Best of all, you broke the backs of the Red Soviets (I've never stopped calling them that). Now with the help of Clinton, Bush Jr and now Obama, the Reds are emboldened once again and this time Red China is coming along for the ride. How could a country which voted for a man such as yourself, vote in these 3 major disasters one right after another? Men who HELPED build up 2 of our biggest enemy nations? 2 of the most vicious rogue nations in the world?? Is this still America? I'm doubting it more and more everyday. We need a man of your integrity, steel, honor, ability and mindset. You were my President for all time and I will never forget what you did for us.
I miss you and I love you Mr. President. I don't think I will ever see the likes of you again and that saddens me deeply, as I'm only in my late 30's.
Screen Actors Guild President
Join Date: Jan 2009
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I wish that I had been around during Reagan's presidency because I feel so insecure about our govenment right now. I know that I wouldn't feel this way if I had been around then. Now I just want to curl up into a ball and scream.
Screen Actors Guild President
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Reagan Kissed my forehead
Its 1996 a warm october day and Ronald Reagan is doing some minor campaigning for bob dole in california. I am not even a year old, I am with my grandparents visiting my great aunt in california. my grandfather a republican who loved reagan couldn't resist meeting him. the only problem was he had to take me because everyone else went to the zoo. ( My Grandfather hates the zoo). So reluctantly he took me along. So with me in a stroller he leaves to go meet reagan. When my Grandfather thought he saw Reagan he walked off but left me on the sidewalk. (when my grandma heard he left me she let him have it.) My grandfather went in the wrong direction, moving towards me was the Gipper himself. Reagan seeing a young child unattended walks towered me and starts pushing the stroller. After Reagan's security team made sure I wasn't a bomb. He begins looking for an adult who recognizes me. After finding my grandfather (my grandfather freaking out and introducing himself to reagan several times) reagan pulls me out of the stroller and says " Mr. Hinton (thats my grandfathers name) you have quite the Grandchild. He didn't even cry ".
Then He kisses my head and I grabbed his nose(which made my grandpa mad because he thought i might have hurt reagan.
It makes me quite happy to know that I not only touched, but was kissed by ronald Wilson Reagan Reagan
"How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
-Ronald Reagan
jools posted:Haha! Nice quotes from a bad forum here, everyone. Keep up the good work
hahahahah this one rules, who said that? oh, you did
2) fatdoug 3) furryfan420
animedad posted:someone post a hello from the rhizzone thread
the potential is epic, "Anime Dad".
girdles_gone_wild posted:shut up doug
be kind to doug. he doesnt have any friends
deadken posted: