I don't know if posting this is an infraction of Rhizzone rules but I thought this might be interest to a few people here...

Resistance, Noise and Material : Call for papers, performances, objects and events

Call for expressions of interest…

A symposium, performance, exhibition, workshop and gathering to investigate, discuss and speculate on topics specific to or peripheral to Resistance, Noise and Material and their possible relations.

This event will take place in London on Thursday 4th August 2012.

Contributions are invited which include any or all of the following: conventional or unconventional academic papers and presentations; performances of/and/or recordings; visual interpretations; participatory events; and other explorations of the themes of noise, materials, and resistance.

Time and space can be made available prior to the event for projects which are developed in situ.

Proposals from distance applicants which require delivery or realisation by a local agent or recording played on site are also welcome.

The event will be recorded with documents, images and recordings made freely available.

Initial expressions of interest should be directed by email to senderbrocken@gmail.com before 30th of May 2012.

Published on 7 May 2012

[account deactivated]
sounds like a sweet physics conference

discipline posted:

it is most certainly not. thanks I might throw something together. can you link something besides an email tho?

Afraid that's all the call out details, the projects are developing through email conversations so far. www.senderbrocken.co.uk has some other things.

lol call for papers
I thought this was a joke. as in, what could the broadest and least meaningful categories for a conference possibly be.
If they're calling for an expression of interest kindly forward this to them: "Oh. Hmm."