Cycloneboy posted:getfiscal posted:i don't even know how a brain can function without sexual drives, and i'm a semivolcel.
why would it not.
no seriously, why would it not.
because like why would you want to do anything if not for sublimated libidinal energy
getfiscal posted:Cycloneboy posted:getfiscal posted:i don't even know how a brain can function without sexual drives, and i'm a semivolcel.
why would it not.
no seriously, why would it not.because like why would you want to do anything if not for sublimated libidinal energy
i don't know, why don't you ask Zheng He? not everything is about sex.
Cycloneboy posted:not everything is about sex.
of course it is.
getfiscal posted:Cycloneboy posted:not everything is about sex.
of course it is.
explain Zheng He, then.
getfiscal posted:i don't know shit about zheng he.
he was a eunuch (meaning he had no sex drive) + also one of the greatest explorers in world history.
getfiscal posted:i would suggest that maybe the sexual makeup of eunuchs is more complex than saying they aren't sexual beings.
they don't have sex drives, though.
getfiscal posted:i refuse to tolerate this anti-freudian claptrap
freud is almost completely discredited and abandoned.
Cycloneboy posted:getfiscal posted:i refuse to tolerate this anti-freudian claptrap
freud is almost completely discredited and abandoned.
don't joke about such things.
Cycloneboy posted:freud is almost completely discredited and abandoned.
'abandoning' freud and touting said 'abandonment' are both extremely freudian acts. it would be funny if it weren't all right there in black and white.
getfiscal posted:i don't even know how a brain can function without sexual drives
take my ex girlfriend.....please!
Cycloneboy posted:getfiscal posted:you know there are a lot of ways you could screw up your brood of little actuary's helpers without rubbing up against them. for example, you could try to convince them that being aromantic is a real thing.
yes, and then i might convince them that the grass is green, and that blood is red.
how exactly do you plan to teach these kids about blood, cyclone
discipline posted:EmanuelaOrlandi posted:i mean he was 'ethnically' muslim but i dont know if thats reason enough to say he was muslim straight up
oh haha I thought he went on hajj? not like that says anything if he didn't, salah al-din never went on hajj
he went on hajj, he was a muslim, hui are real muslims
girdles_gone_wild posted:On the surface, people would just see you as a patriarchy having abstinence only sexhaver who oppresses women.
she said pretty much the same thing to me and it was hurtful and bad for my self-esteem
e: she also bragged about me as a sexual conquest to her friends even though we've never had sex but might under the right circumstances (me manning the fuck up over some dysfunction). she's still my friend though and she's a great person most of the time despite having been through a lot of shit she didn't deserve (including from me)!
Edited by dm ()
dm posted:she said pretty much the same thing to me and it was hurtful and bad for my self-esteem
my infinite wisdom....
discipline posted:If any cis woman really wants to play some sort of biological oppression olympics with me, here’s some handy facts for you:
- Assuming I live until I’m 80, I will end up spending between 1800 - 5600 hours of my life stretching my vagina (dilating) in order to keep it. The lower estimate is for the minimum amount of time I need to dilate in order to simply make sure my vagina doesn’t disappear to a more reasonable estimate for how often I need to dilate in order to be able to have relatively pain-free sex. How many hours do you spend maintaining your vagina’s existence?
- The surgery itself, thanks to my province’s wonderful medical plan, cost me only around $5000 for the flight, private care, medical supplies, and time off work to recover. I went through just as much pain as any pregnancy and it took me far longer than a day or two in extreme pain. At least when the baby comes out they don’t tell you to shove it immediately back in and hold it there for 45 minutes 4 times a day while you bleed all over your bed. Tell me cis women, how much did you pay for your vagina when you were born?
- The hormones I need to live (now that my body can’t produce any of its own) cost me $75 - $100 a month depending on if I can afford to buy in bulk. How much does your birth control cost? Are you still going to need it when you’re 70? Is it covered by your insurance?
talk about putting yourself online! good for you!