hating amerikkka's got a good beat. it's easy to dance to.
wait i meant this
The Central Tasks of the Presentation of the 'Zzone to the Reader's of the Worker's Spatula
Main Report delivered at the Third World Congress of the Communist Internet-'n-all
Delivered: June 11, 2018
Source: Belphegor Diabolov, Selected Works.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
Copyright: This work is in the Public Domain under the Creative Commons Common Deed. You can freely copy, distribute and display this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit the Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line as your source, include the url to this work, and note any of the transcribers, editors & proofreaders above.
So I donate 5$ a month to everyone's favorite satirist, and left a comment in the Patreon Patrons area:
We love WS over at rhizzone.net . If you could name drop us in a piece, it would drive some traffic our way. I'm sure many of your readers would have a lot to contribute to our theoretical discussions/shit posting over there.
Worker's Spatula:
We're aware of the rhizzone.net love for the Spatula, and we have seen some good things on the site, but we're unaware how to present the rhizzone.net readers (beyond linking to individual pieces, and we encourage people to weite in, not only from the rhizzone.net, but from anywhere, if there's something they'd like us to spread around, from writing to protest news etc.). We're unaware of the rhizzone.net's exact line, and from the time one of our people tries to join the forum, they found a very mixed bag of people. Definitely feel free to e-mail mastursublatoratgrnail,corn or comment further in hereif there's more you'd like to discss about the rhizzone
we are a single unitary mixed bag of one clown 🤡
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Edited by Constantignoble ()
Belphegor posted:ok I get it no one cares
Almost no one
I am not a very good poster here but I figured I could still try and recruit good people for the boards
Is it silly to try to publicise rhizzone.net to other Anglo communists online? Is word of mouth and the rare walk-in from Google all that we need/want?
Belphegor posted:Honestly sorry to be whiny and sincere I just thought I would use this opportunity to try and help discussion on the Rhizzone thrive!
I am not a very good poster here but I figured I could still try and recruit good people for the boards
Is it silly to try to publicise rhizzone.net to other Anglo communists online? Is word of mouth and the rare walk-in from Google all that we need/want?
It's not really silly. The double-z zone even still has a secret abandoned page with links to other friendly websites
The prospect of a bunch of forums posters having to develop a unified line is a little funny though. All threads are a little funny to be fair
toutvabien posted:spatulas. so frickin random
lolling heartily xd
with every instance of SPATULA replaced by CHRIST