[account deactivated]
hmmm. i block that proposal. i'm making the accompanying cute "do not want" hand gesture and everything. the proposal is blocked. what now.

Ufuk_Surekli posted:

i propose that we moderate the boards using consensus decision-making from now on. every moderation decision, however minor, requires the affirmative assent of every rhizzone poster

this is what the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth did and well,

[account deactivated]

shriekingviolet posted:

actually, having glimpsed firsthand the workings of the selection policy, usually what we do is appoint someone uncool with no time on their hands as an ineffectual figurehead to hide the fact that the rhizzone runs on No Mods No Masters

someone uncool? you're not exactly narrowing down the list of potential candidates here


Ufuk_Surekli posted:

ok, as acting facilitator i'm now performing a "temperature check" of the rHizzonE about your proposed block of my proposal. not to name any names, but i'm concerned that certain confident posting "voices" may be becoming problematically dominant here, so please check the thread again in a few months once the remaining hand signal results have come in. then we will work together to achieve a consensus about the "block" you've very thoughtfully raised

this meeting has already gone on long enough, and although this topic clearly requires more discussion people are getting tired and grumpy. I propose that we table this discussion until our next meeting, just like the last 5 meetings where we also avoided it. *everyone's wiggling spirit fingers immediately shoot up in enthusiastic consent*

consensus-based organizing is one of the main reasons i ghosted the non-communist leftist orgs i'd joined as a teen, and not because everything took forever and nothing got done, but because it ended up putting decisions in the hands of the people everyone else wanted to fuck, including Ap Lant who'd just materialized last week with some sexy new ideas on crimes we could commit in public
[account deactivated]
consensus based decision making is really effective for small committees of people who are all there for the same reason and actually willing to work towards a common goal, like directing a small task-based working group. I still think it's a good tool in the right circumstances. attempting to use it to make gigantic crowd-based direct democracy decisions like Occupy did immediately descends into such obvious dysfunctional self-parody that it lends a lot of credence to suspicions that occupy was spook compromised from the start.

stegosaurus posted:

toyotathon posted:

in tears' brief modship they completed original research into a combo MKULTRA / koncentration kamp doktor, and got a pamphlet accepted by rhizzone's #1 publisher kersplebedeb. heres to tears, mod of mods

What pamphlet? Damn I should check that thread more often

i also want to know what pamphlet and i should also check that thread more often

Selected quotations of comrade sakai
I extend the hand of friendship from SA, the mother forum, and invite whoever is the new mod to an Inter-Forum Summit held at a neutral location, Fark dot com.