[account deactivated]
How is that number real lol
[account deactivated]
it's tough growing up in an american exceptionalism fantasy , joining the military to fight the bad guys, and then seeing with your own eyes that you were the bad guys all along.
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[account deactivated]
Maybe they were just upset that Lost is over. That was my war.

this thread is giving me gastric distress

tpaine posted:

misanthropic_rage posted:

it's tough growing up in an american exceptionalism fantasy , joining the military to fight the bad guys, and then seeing with your own eyes that you were the bad guys all along.

well i guess this is growing up

patriotism is an infantile disorder


stegosaurus posted:

How is that number real lol

more improtantly how can we increase it


chickeon posted:

stegosaurus posted:

How is that number real lol

more improtantly how can we increase it

more military adventures abroad ought to do the trick

The suicide rate in troops is less than .03%
that number is somewhat plausible since there are about 44,000 suicides a year and only an average of around 7100 per year would need to be veterans over an 18 year period

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()

hey guys it's time to raise awareness for Our Heroes *logs onto memegenerator.asia*
i like reading liberals talk about lebanon banning wonder woman because of gal gadot and that's evidence of how misogynst and primitive they are, and how mad in the ass they get when i point out that israel dropped literally over a million cluster bombs on Lebanon 11 years ago

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()

just a litle something i whipped up just for laughs...if your offeded by this im sorry

Just a friendly reminder for any three letter agencies that we here at the Rhizzone are God-fearing, Hillary Clinton supporting Democrats. Anyone that steps out of line is punished with a wet noodle.
everyone who didnt upvote my extremely funny post is a fed
So encouraging troops to kill themselves, which they barely ever do and never after being pushed to do it by tHE r H i z z o n E, is the pro move now, but encouragng them to study politics, to unionize, and to frag their COs is outdated foolery... got it
well yeah
[account deactivated]
tpaine please remain in the dark corners of the forum
[account deactivated]
"That is not dead which can eternal lie .. And with strange aeons even death may die..." as nietzsche candidly put it

tpaine posted:

i am i just came out to celebrate memorial day, non-entity ;p

cheers been drunk constantly the last week and just ran out of people willinfg to deal with me. is this ringing any bells you know alchy to alchy

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
im sorry for not giving a proper response to your presence but your comment really warmed my bosom
misplaced this and failed to make it the first post, i'm really sorry
encourage the troops to unionise, get the cops to read fanon, help the prison guards to demand better wages, CEOs are wage workers too, this is marxism as i understand it
I was playing to the local catholics with that noise actually
interesting how reluctant the Troops were to fight in vietnam

also, correct me if im wrong, but was vietnam/cambodia/laos the last time the USAF saturation bombed cities & areas?

when I was in the military they gave me a medal for killing two children and a discharge for loving one.
troopsucking mccain makes me want to vomit
i read something that was like "yes he was rich and privileged but instead of exploiting that he served his country" and it's like, i wish he had just drunkenly murdered up to 4 people in a camaro instead if those are my only two options