TG posted:i smoked flower (the bud of the cannabis plant)
spectralmarx posted:Green crack is gold
caught this and liked it, very verite
also, populares av made me laff
spectralmarx posted:Yeah I dumped him it was sad. Imagine the absurdity of someone who thinks politics is a non reason being dumped for it.
if your relationship isn't going to crack the world open and pour steaming hot marxism into it, what even is the point

thirdplace posted:I'm worried that I might be effectively addicted to pot because every bad post I've ever posted was when I was sober, and I've made a lot of bad posts
I think all mine ocurred from being crazy but I can't tell . ppl liked me when I was very self hating and fucked up on drugs a lot, and hated me when I was angry and sober and quite ill. cant win
TG posted:a couple weeks ago i took a whole three days off of smoking and spent most of those nights getting shitty sleep and most of those days being super bitchy with people so i decided that it was a bad experiment
That;s withdrawal im sorry to say