A special prosecutor assigned to the Trayvon Martin case has charged neighbourhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman with second-degree murder in connection with the shooting death of 17-year-old.
George Zimmerman's lawyers quit on Tuesday, saying they haven't heard from their former client in a couple of days. (Associated Press)
Prosecutor Angela Corey announced the charges at a 6 p.m. news conference in Jacksonville, Fla.
"The team here with me has worked tirelessly working for answers in Trayvon Martin's death," said Corey, who emphasized that the charges were not made due to mounting public pressure.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Nelson Mandela

EmanuelaBrolandi was probated until (April 12, 2012 08:59:59) for this post!

Groulxsmith posted:
So we're on the side of the florida judicial system against a person of color in this one?
my position has always been that he should be left to walk free, because we need to look forward, not backward.

Groulxsmith posted:
it's kind of funny when you see those those who believe in the subtle and extensive nature of institutional racism clamoring that society assimilate an individual into the prison-industrial complex as a way to fix it
someone asked trotskyist ernest mandel to like join a campaign for increased penalties and policing of rape and he said fuck no i'm not going to give the state more power. makes you think.
deadken posted:
its just a matter of society holding to its own bullshit really
this is the prime directive of reformism.
Groulxsmith posted:
i'm completely serious when i say i don't see how imprisoning zimmerman improves society
Edited by shennong ()
Impper was probated until (April 12, 2012 16:28:46) for this post!
okeeydoke oke
Edited by shennong ()
Myfanwy was probated until (April 12, 2012 16:28:31) for this post!
Impper posted:
Edited by shennong ()
Prospero was probated until (April 12, 2012 16:29:21) for this post!

Prospero posted:
thats its all annotations from now on
Prospero posted:
Guy Opens Ass To Show Everyone
getfiscal posted:
shermanstick posted:
The skinheads don't need to 'come' to Central Florida. The second rebirth of the KKK (during the early 1910s through the 1930s) was based heavily in Florida and some truly horrific stuff was done to people throughout Florida well into the 1960s. The high school I was supposed to go to was the Nathan Bedford Forest Rebels and their symbol was Yosemite Sam in confederate grey
don't hate your heritage