My recent surprise conversation with a modern day wddp regular concluded that both our forum and that'n have matured drastically over the years. We both described our respective hidey holes as "marxist" although there are more anarchists over there than here. And it seems there as here a major topic of conversation is left splitting and the need for solidarity and more motherfuckin Marxism. And therefore this thread, to float some kind of ambassadorship or cross pollination.

The advantages for us, we'd have more people checking our ideas, contributing to our threads and adding to the understanding of what the hell is god damn happening out there; for the Wddp folks, a public but still moderated area to air things that should be public, and access to the front page for to pop the buttery agit propcorn, or whatever pun appeals to you.

We would provide basic moderation such as, the ability to issue probations in your own thread, disallowing pasting from wddp into Rhizzone of anything slightly sensitive, these are pretty normal courtesies that I assume we'd extend to any friendly forum or person.

I know this thread is kind of cheesey but detente seemed like an easy goal given the mutual disgust with divisiveness on the Left and also with capitalism. At the very least it would be nice to hear from another group of people who don't have to be explained how Mao did not personally eat all the babies or whatever. Any Wddp people who want an account here for some debate & discussion, can pass a username & valid email address through Wddp native "mugabe glasses".

Thoughts / feelings / abscesses?

Edited by swampman ()

even though im
new in
these parts i have to say i support any
renewed efforts at solidarity between
yalls forums. after all
its important that leftists
stick together in these
miserable times
Sounds like a good idea, it would be nice to get other left/Marxist perspectives. I tried to join wddp years ago, but they were invite only, so I just followed this place instead, and thus I don't know much about that forum.
I forgot about this place. Howdy "swampman" if that even is you
hey swampman, i remember you. thanks for the invite. these days i mostly just post about what i'm eating for lunch and very little of interest for leftist conversation. it's kind of y'all to try a thing tho. anyway, cheers, today i think i'm going to reheat leftovers or make an omelette. or...a leftovers omelette???
I'm tilde and I post nothing good ever so you may regret this olive branch probably.

glorp posted:

I'm tilde and I post nothing good ever

i think you'll fit in just fine

did y'all know that khamsek wrote a SF novel, deadken is a guardian columnist, and Imper got really into pidgeons? also none of them post here anymore because they're all way too cool (especially imper)
greetings, my fellow don't say cops, don't say co-...bs.

because we're so very corny you see, ha, ah ha.
Oh thats very nic e for all them. I went to jail a lot and have Depression.
Can i get a wddp invite
Only Nixon could go to China.
i support this only as long as we get good stories about wddp meltdowns out of the deal

glorp posted:

I'm tilde and I post nothing good ever so you may regret this olive branch probably.

Thanks for the av

swampman was probated until (Jan. 20, 2017 04:14:31) for this post!

idk what wddp is but hello people!
I think I just probated you when I meant to quote you, so, things not going well for the old tildster on day one.
couldn't even remember my name lol. anyway i'll make some shitposts sure
if theyre all ancoms over there then that explains a lot
thanks for the invitation but we detest the rhizzone's attempt to popularize marxist thought with the ideologically bankrupt and bourgeois notion of a "front page." we hope in time you will purge the crypto-trotskyites from your ranks but until then there can be no peace between our two communities as we maintain a hard line on communism in one hermetically-sealed forum, and do not break bread with internationalists

toutvabien posted:

idk what wddp is but hello people!

so old lf on sa was contemporary with helldump, within which the worst debate & discussion poster thread became a chat thread, and was booted off sa for making fun of mods too much. they made an offsite to keep posting in the one thread. later old lf was booted off sa for more or less similar reasons except also there was the secret service thing, and new lf was hosted on the wddp site in a separate subforum. new lf started with very little moderation but tensions within old lf were magnified and posters drifted into divergent visions for the forum and expressed these disagreements by being really shitty to one another and admins stepped in with new rules, mods, and various interventions, which didn't work. it got too stressful to mod and lf was booted off the wddp site, and the posters of lf split into three postdoms, the 'zzone, the post*, and the stay-behinds. anyway i think over time the difference in our visions of what a good forum would be have crystallized and become reflected in the really existing forums and there's no real sort of getting closer as communities possible. but a few people might be interested in reading or posting or w/e

till armageddon, no shalam no shalom, then the father hen will call his chickens owned. the wise mods will bow down before the throne, and at his feet they'll cast their posting crowns. when tpaine comes around
but did they ever figure out who the worst dnd poster was
please upvote that post whenever you upvote a post quoting that post thanks and you'r welcome
it you
hoooooooly shit
*frantically fumbles another dose of anti-own serum into my auto-injector*
i welcome our old posting pals at wddp. our alcochat is a subforum so have fun (but stay safe)

tbooj posted:

hey swampman, i remember you. thanks for the invite. these days i mostly just post about what i'm eating for lunch and very little of interest for leftist conversation. it's kind of y'all to try a thing tho. anyway, cheers, today i think i'm going to reheat leftovers or make an omelette. or...a leftovers omelette???


Urbandale posted:

i welcome our old posting pals at wddp. our alcochat is a subforum so have fun (but stay safe)

I quit drinking because it was very very bad for me personally but I remember those times.

I was reading postplace this weekend, with my postplace account which is in good standing there. But that forum is dead actually. Looks like the community died off, there were only a couple of posts in the political subforum in all of 2017.
isn't postplace a right-wing spinoff somehow or am i just confusing it with mypostingcareer or whatever
You're confusing it. When LF got kicked off wddp for driving the admins up the wall, they moved to postgarden. But the person in charge again got sick of it - that may have been when the anime war between Slashie and MM went down - so it moved again to postplace. It's the wddp LF successor, it's not right wing. Urbandale, me, bnw, etc have accounts there, it's just dead.
statickinetics used to post stuff there, Shape of Jizz to Cum, some other good posters were there. We could make a thread inviting them to post here since that place is dead, but uh, tHE r H i z z o n E's reputation is pretty poisoned there, so I don't think it would work. Everyone seems to think this site is full of transphobes and bigots for some reason, even though there's only a few of those posting here!

ilmdge posted:

statickinetics used to post stuff there, Shape of Jizz to Cum, some other good posters were there. We could make a thread inviting them to post here since that place is dead, but uh, tHE r H i z z o n E's reputation is pretty poisoned there, so I don't think it would work. Everyone seems to think this site is full of transphobes and bigots for some reason, even though there's only a few of those posting here!

how come there are bigots and transphobes here, it seems like that should not be allowed, but im a alien from a alien forum so i dont know your rules


aerdil posted:

if theyre all ancoms over there then that explains a lot

i said i was like one of 4, but this post does not seem v encouraging 2 me, i don't need shit from two goddamn forums about my anarchisms!!!!

lol that was a self-deprecating joke at our forums expense. i dont think ive seen anything along those lines that doesnt get the posters banned
hi there. well i hope i don't end up regretting this.

mugabe_glasses posted:

ilmdge posted:

statickinetics used to post stuff there, Shape of Jizz to Cum, some other good posters were there. We could make a thread inviting them to post here since that place is dead, but uh, tHE r H i z z o n E's reputation is pretty poisoned there, so I don't think it would work. Everyone seems to think this site is full of transphobes and bigots for some reason, even though there's only a few of those posting here!

how come there are bigots and transphobes here, it seems like that should not be allowed, but im a alien from a alien forum so i dont know your rules

that whole narrative developed because khamsek/discipline made this forum happen and they didn't like her. anyway a bunch of your best old friends are here, i think