With Trump's decision to clean house at the CIA, it seems inevitable that most of us are going to lose not only our jobs, but this leftist honeypot we so lovingly built together. Preemptive cuts have already taken Clarence, Keven, and dozens of others, and changing priorities will doubtless cut the 'ZzonE staff down to a skeleton crew, if it's even supported at all.

If I don't see you at the office party, know that I'll always cherish what we had here. Let's keep in touch, regardless of whether we end up as think tank wonks, Natsec journalists, or private security consultants. After all, no matter how strongly we disagreed, or who had to play mustang that week, we always came back to the same Langley break room. I love you guys.
I'm slated for four years of irregular intelligence briefings. I hope most of you fare better.
I had this pulled on me recently:


by a liberal who doesn't like criticism of the democrats drive to war with Russia based on conspiracy theories. and I thought I was being coy by using democracynow instead of a real site. the ideology has been reclosed after a brief opening with the election of Trump and liberals have emerged as even more reactionary than before. the left (and even the liberal left like Assange and Glenn Greenwald) were allowed to exist at the margins because of shame from the Bush years and the security of the cool obama years. that's gone though and once trump's ego stops getting in the way of full cooperation with the deep state the left will be purged with the ideological leadership of liberals.

this also goes for our fake leftist CIA site of course.
the whole point of fake news is that it does well because it matches peoples' stereotypes, which is why most of our department funding will be transferred to the new york times rather than used for the frontpage

so like why would that site use votes to assess faketudinessness
many of us like myself wisely switched to facebook to air our anti-government and communist political views with our real names, faces, and locations attached to everything we say

camera_obscura posted:



babyhueypnewton posted:

the ideology has been reclosed after a brief opening with the election of Trump and liberals have emerged as even more reactionary than before.

i admit i approached that "brief opening" with cautious optimism, but i had fully given up on it by the time the liberation (sorry, the FALL) of Aleppo caused pretty much every liberal to out themselves as a snarling, vicious psychopath for a couple weeks

i liek to twitter but i wish it was less than 140ch, thats a lot to live up to
Ill still be here

Edited by roseweird ()

I'm Mossad for the job security

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

I'm Mossad for the job security

Small world, I worked on the "I'm Mossad Because" recruitment and retention campaign a few years back.

Small world indeed..I plan to be assassinated by the Mossad someday
2017 is the year the world ended because the opposition party couldn't admit they lost to a dude in the WWE hall of fame
free Keven, resurrect tpaine
Due to budget reallocations, my contract won't be renewed. Guess I've got a few months to fish for positions at the NSA.
Did you ban Kevin you fucking faggots

zorrex posted:

Did you ban Kevin you fucking faggots

swampman ifapped him for bad language. he's succeeding on Twitter though so i doubt he cares.

Pretty sure he was freed, but between the mod harassment and this forum's (correct) denialism of Kim Jong Un's obesity, he may not return
he could let himself out anyway right as ifap mod?? i never once used ifap when i was mod or cared out how it worked
it's strange to me that this forum is run by the CIA. as the liberals are keen to remind me, the CIA is an extra territorial organization and given everyone here is American (the Canadians are just Failed Americans) leads me to believe that, other than the advocacy of the non-violent overthrow reform of the current order, something seriously sketchy is going on.
It's not entirely CIA. A lot of us are city cops stalking individual posters
i've been chasing the guy with the video game cat avatar for years, i was this close
come join us in the new chatroom


cars posted:

zorrex posted:

Did you ban Kevin you fucking faggots

swampman ifapped him for bad language. he's succeeding on Twitter though so i doubt he cares.

he sure is less angry on twitter

did you guys know that lf is back. they made another lf on the something awful forums, a large and vibrant online community where thousands of people still make posts every day. it's a politics forum - but a bit irreverent, you don't have to follow all the usual rules, it has a bit of a left-wing tilt, it's fun! it's time for us to go home friends, lf is just as good as it ever was
why does that guy have my tar

deadken posted:

did you guys know that lf is back. they made another lf on the something awful forums, a large and vibrant online community where thousands of people still make posts every day. it's a politics forum - but a bit irreverent, you don't have to follow all the usual rules, it has a bit of a left-wing tilt, it's fun! it's time for us to go home friends, lf is just as good as it ever was

Keven posted:

(Barely choking out hate filled word) nnnnoooormmmiiieesssssss

it is indeed 100% as good as old LF ever was
congrats on repeating the joke lgp
i think it's fair for those dudes to dislike castro so much considering it would have been both necessary and desirable for him to kill them
Gusano is a slur now. identity politics

Nazi (plural Nazis) National Socialist. A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party or any person considered to be in support or under the instruction of NSDAP leaders and ideology. (English, derogatory)

Nice slur. Rules apply evenly. User loses posting privileges for 10,000 years
It's been 60 years since the gusanos were exiled, so maybe it's time to stop holding children accountable for their parents' actions, and start calling them gusanitos
Lil AlimaƱo
actually, my seven grandfathers and eight grandmothers were all personally tortured to death by el castro so excuse me of i'm less than upset about the death of my family's own personal hitler
your own
there's nothing i enjoy more than to be weakly trolled by hordes of smug uninformed liberals with the mods on their side, it's better than sex which i have definitely had before
yeah, here we do it the right way around, the smug uninformed liberals are the mods already