solzhesnitchin posted:This is the best part:
"So the notion of state-controlled capital is an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp"
Kliman 2012, p. 196
courtesy snipe
His descriptive analysis is very very close to a hayekian (his take on the 1970s, ideas on the overextension of credit, papering over bad debt with more debt, "real money"). The problem I have with Kliman's ideas about credit cycles (as well as hayek's and i think marx's) is that they are based on the analysis of an economy operating under the gold standard, and i think they mistake certain laws that govern a 19th century gold standard capitalist economy for laws that govern every capitalist economy.
Kliman refers to marx's idea of credit being like an elastic that can be stretched but always snaps back a few times in the early chapters. Id say that this is more valid under the gold standard where the extension of credit peaks and there is a scramble to settle debts via a limited amount of gold , leading to contraction and deflation, but not under modern credit systems where there is no fixed amount of "real" money and the problem is usually the distribution of debt rather that outstanding notional debt. In chapter 3 Kliman kind of touches on these issues his discussion of the savings glut, and again in the last chapter on socialist alternatives, but he doesn't really explore them.
*blows on posting fingers for luck*
gyrofry posted:obsessively dickering about the finer points of political economy will definitely change the world this time, I can feel it...we're down a few billion so far, so we're due for a big score
*blows on posting fingers for luck*
lol yeah right. being an ignorant is what changes the world. as lenin said, "dont fucking learn anything. political economy is for gaylords, i'd rather smoke weed."
Lessons posted:lol yeah right. being an ignorant is what changes the world. as lenin said, "dont fucking learn anything. political economy is for gaylords, i'd rather smoke weed."
actually: "to read too many books is harmful" - mao zedong
Lessons posted:lol yeah right. being an ignorant is what changes the world. as lenin said, "dont fucking learn anything. political economy is for gaylords, i'd rather smoke weed."
“It is impossible completely to understand Marx’s Capital, and especially its first chapter, without having thoroughly studied and understood the whole of Hegel’s Logic.Consequently, half a century later none of the Marxists understood Marx!”
– V. I. Lenin, Conspectus of Hegel’s Science of Logic
Lessons posted:gyrofry posted:obsessively dickering about the finer points of political economy will definitely change the world this time, I can feel it...we're down a few billion so far, so we're due for a big score
*blows on posting fingers for luck*lol yeah right. being an ignorant is what changes the world. as lenin said, "dont fucking learn anything. political economy is for gaylords, i'd rather smoke weed."
there are better, more fulfilling and satisfying means of achieving personal growth, like dorritos
solzhesnitchin posted:This is the best part:
"So the notion of state-controlled capital is an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp"
Kliman 2012, p. 196
someone pm Drew and let him know that jumbo shrimp literally exist
NoFreeWill posted:its too bad hegel is a bad philosopher and the root of marxism is based on his work. its almost like theres a need for new philosophy!
Almost, but not Quite
AmericanNazbro posted:political change does not come from "learning" or "education", rather, it grows out of the barrel of a gun. that's why i joined the marines, there's no need to be "educated" to change the world; they tell me what to do and think -- it's all that's necessary.
thank you for your service.
stegosaurus posted: is devastating. I may have to suspend work on corn; the game of classical political economy, indefinitely.
dear god, if the implications are true...
discipline posted:cynicism comes out of rationalizing your unwillingness to take action
you realize this is exactly what they say to recruit people into a MLM scheme, right?
divineaugustus posted:you realize this is exactly what they say to recruit people into a MLM scheme, right?
that's what she was doing
"Sir, PRISM is picking up a lot of activity on the Wikipedia page for 'multi-level marketing'. It's been traced to the Rhizzone, sir."
"My God... so they're planning on using our own tricks against us?"
aerdil posted:im going to read a bunch of hegel soon, see ya'll on the flip side when i'm a gibbering madman as indecipherable as dm
only part of that was/is Hegel, much of the rest might have been schizophasia
Edited by laika ()