I doubt Trump would be able to successfully impeach Clinton, but if a Trump administration doesn't immediately try to do so, it loses a lot of power. It can't just about-face and assume that White Unity will be strong enough to suppress significant, damaging rural unrest (which is a pretty effective kind of unrest, up there with urban and far surpassing polar tundra). Basically what I'm saying.... is, we need... to, uh, appease....... misogynists.......... uhm...
Amazing piece, you have converted me. I've always been a progressive and ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton. Now, I am going to vote for Trump. I hope all democrats and independents will follow my example and vote for DJT.

Lykourgos posted:

I've always been a progressive and ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton

you just got back, don't auto-ban yourself

voting for president of the united states is pathetic and it makes you pathetic to do it
hmmm let's see i can okay this bloodthirsty wash d.c. warmonger or back this new york city capitalist, or *does the cabbage patch as walls of voting booth melt away to reveal i'm standing on the head of a fifty foot tall josef stalin*
its Communist to vote in every election for whoever promises to jail the person who won the last election
[account deactivated]
Oops i didnt put something with asterisks like "*idiot voice*" in my post i hope people realize it was a fakepost *prays to God who is very real and my pal*

c_man posted:

Oops i didnt put something with asterisks like "*idiot voice*" in my post

that's implied imo

I can always trust my pals here to know the real me
can people go around posting this on reddit, metafilter, facebook etc with links. i wanna read the meltys
It started a bit rough but that's because trying to clean some shit off Trump was always going to be a challenge. The apple burn was cute. Once you get to the real meat of Hillary's atrocities you got a bit more rhythm going. I really liked the connection between her minimum wage positions here and in Haiti. Liberals seem to hand wave her foreign misdeeds away because they happen to people that don't matter, and that's a great link between her crimes abroad and her real intentions at home.

Leftists must vote Trump

“The job of the progressive movement now is to look forward, not backward,” Sanders said Wednesday in a statement to NBC News. “No matter what Secretary Clinton may have said years ago, behind closed doors, what’s important today is that millions of people stand up and demand that the Democratic Party implement the most progressive platform in the history of our country.”

No matter what Secretary Clinton may have said years ago, behind closed doors, what's important today is what private citizen Trump may have said years ago, behind closed doors.
trump wants to bomb iran but make peace with russia.

makes no sense because he doesn't make any sense.
maybe trump thinks he can co-opt putin into the US sphere of influence and then have him cut off anti-imperialist governments like DPRK, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela.
No hes just a dumbass that saw all the conservative hysterics about the Iran deal and ate it up but who likes Putin because he thinks he's a cool tough guy, who's also white

ilmdge posted:

No hes just a dumbass that saw all the conservative hysterics about the Iran deal and ate it up but who likes Putin because he thinks he's a cool tough guy, who's also white

dont sign my posts

it's extremely entertaining to argue the left case for trump with liberals

they get this little flicker in their eye, and then they accuse you of supporting sexual assault

[account deactivated]

drwhat posted:

that's right bitch

i appreciate your work on the site but you're the will ferrell guy in the room with the monitors while bnw is neo. mustang is agent smith, i'm the french dude with the club and tpaine is that big beardo who can disappear by jumping behind a train

This thread is inpiring me to make bad posts, but are they really worse than the other posts i would have made in a different thread?
apropos of nothing, but i was reading "left-wing communism: an infantile disorder", which i always thought was a polemic against anarchism and the desire for communism without the dictatorship of the proletariat but it really makes all the same arguments as i was doing during the bernie campaign and all of you were deriding me. i'm just happy i arrived at the same conclusion as lenin independently.
were i so inclined, i could probably find quotes of mine and his that make the exact same arguments.

Red_Canadian posted:

apropos of nothing, but i was reading "left-wing communism: an infantile disorder", which i always thought was a polemic against anarchism and the desire for communism without the dictatorship of the proletariat but it really makes all the same arguments as i was doing during the bernie campaign and all of you were deriding me. i'm just happy i arrived at the same conclusion as lenin independently.
were i so inclined, i could probably find quotes of mine and his that make the exact same arguments.

get lost

come on man, wouldn't you rather have an intellectual conversation where we each posit our points, argue them, and come to a more correct synthesis?
"intellectual conversation" is another great, really great euphemism for masturbating
potentially sure. that's not what i'm trying to do, i just believe that an error in the general line of the rhizzone was made, and i would like to try to correct it. lenin repeatedly makes the point that errors should be minimized by careful analysis after the fact. i should take this to a more appropriate thread. good job following the communists in germany who supported hitler. I suppose it did end well for the few german communists that survived till the red army liberated them.
red canadian youre alright with me but itd really take a very very long effort post to even get me to consider the possibility that lenin would think you have to vote for bernie sanders to bring about communism. actually i still dont think id consider that possibility but i am sort of curious where youre getting that from

ilmdge posted:

red canadian youre alright with me but itd really take a very very long effort post to even get me to consider the possibility that lenin would think you have to vote for bernie sanders to bring about communism. actually i still dont think id consider that possibility but i am sort of curious where youre getting that from

the longest effort post of all time

like basically i assume hes misreading lenin in order to reinforce his sympathy for liberal reformism...
haha i literally only have my phone so it'll be quite the effort... but i will make an honest attempt. give me some time.
well for starters, lenin's argument is that the communists should participate in bourgeois governments and trade unions as a, y'know, communist party so they can form compromises with the left wing of reactionary social democratic parties, see his note on hungary in 1919. and even that strategy is premised on lenin's argument that such a left wing exists in significant organizational strength as it did in the social democratic parties of europe at the time, so you're already assuming that bernie sanders' campaign represents such a left wing instead of a funneling of populist rage, rage with no corresponding representation in the legislative party, into support for that legislative party and for hillary clinton, which is what it actually was and did
[account deactivated]
drawing the curtain of charity here RC i'm gonna assume you may not understand the nature of the party system in the united states vs. the westminster system, here there is no such thing as a motion of no confidence let alone an automatic trigger for one and so things like nominating shadow cabinets appear about as sane as believing the greys did 9/11
[account deactivated]
Good idea putting this on the front page