招瑤 posted:who is the intended sympathetic audience
People who think Stalin bad
lo posted:there's a bit in the bettelheim book i've been reading where he talks about the ideas trotsky had for organising the soviet economy around 1920, where basically he wanted workers to be treated as conscripted soldiers subject to military discipline handed down from an extremely centralised authority, which sounds vaguely like something ernst junger would have come up with, and it's interesting to me that trotskyists seem to always fantasise about council communist kind of stuff instead of some of the things trotsky was actually suggesting.
i remember years ago now, irritating a trot at some demo or other by demanding that he explain then and there trotsky's policy of 'militariation of labour', and further that he sufficiently justify, to a standard set by me, trotsky's endorsement of preobrazhensky's doctrine of 'primitive socialist accumulation'. needless to say,