Who is Ethel Eft and why am I wearing their fashion line
[account deactivated]
we need a hashtag-able slogan for thhis site. some suggestions

  • it's always rhizzone at the rhizzone

  • what is trotskyism?


sounds like a bunch of commie gobbledygook: the rhizzone
is this dialectics?
[account deactivated]

cars posted:

we need a hashtag-able slogan for thhis site. some suggestions

it's always rhizzone at the rhizzone

what is trotskyism?



Why not sing #wearetheleft like bono and the gang sang we are the world theme song to the Ngo industrial complex back in the day
you know when you're at any vaguely leftist event that has a Q&A like a book signing or a meeting and invariably somebody stands up and angrily rambles off-topic about their pet issue until you wish that mussolini would kick down the door and have you all gunned down? the internet has allowed those people to coalesce and pupate like a cluster of sewer worms. in a very real way the hashtag collective of pompous self-important do-nothing spazzes are correct: they are the left

The Life and Death of #WeAreTheLeft

It’s a convention of literature rarely visited in real life: bad things die bad deaths. You can’t count on it, but when it happens it’s worth documenting. And so I will.

#WeAreTheLeft, first an open letter, then a hashtag, was intended to scold rude leftists for their behavior toward their liberal peers on Twitter during the 2016 Democratic primary. Over one hundred individuals purportedly signed on to demand better treatment from cruel communists, only to have their incipient movement shattered in less than 24 hours by behavior any reasonable person would’ve predicted after a quick skim of the signature list.

What follows is my best effort at documenting different aspects of the crack-up. It’s organized by event, not chronologically.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

you know when you're at any vaguely leftist event that has a Q&A like a book signing or a meeting and invariably somebody stands up and angrily rambles off-topic about their pet issue until you wish that mussolini would kick down the door and have you all gunned down? the internet has allowed those people to coalesce and pupate like a cluster of sewer worms. in a very real way the hashtag collective of pompous self-important do-nothing spazzes are correct: they are the left

there's this cool 60 year old indian maoist around town who does the most excellent angry rants wherever he shows up, seemingly at random. you can informally gauge the value of an event based on whether he gets cheers or an awkward silence.

someday that will be us.

he will be heard, for his life is not over. he's something to say and you've something to learn.

For years I was helplessly addicted to workahol hahaha








le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

you know when you're at any vaguely leftist event that has a Q&A like a book signing or a meeting and invariably somebody stands up and angrily rambles off-topic about their pet issue until you wish that mussolini would kick down the door and have you all gunned down? the internet has allowed those people to coalesce and pupate like a cluster of sewer worms. in a very real way the hashtag collective of pompous self-important do-nothing spazzes are correct: they are the left

judging by the story link you posted the internet acts to isolate them within a lattice of fail, like keratin around a staple a surgeon accidentally dropped into someone


The_Boourns_Identity posted:









Holy shit i thought your posting here was bad

Edited by swampman ()

goatstein, post this img to r/mensrights and see what ur reddit buds think about it:


Dear #WeAreTheLeft, You Are Not The Left
The Rot of Liberal White Supremacy
From Dave Chappelle, nearly two decades ago in 1998:
Anyone ever been down South? So you guys know what I’m talking about. The racism down there is just f — ing (bon appetit gesture) — it’s perfect. Stewed to a perfection. It’s conformable. It’s out in the open. There are no secrets in Mississippi. Everybody knows the deal. ‘Morning, n — er!’ ‘Morning, sir!’ Not up here. Here in the big cities, it’s a secret.
The greatest trick the Republicans ever performed was dragging America’s political spectrum so far right of center that the Democrats caved and became center-right corporatist shills. Basically, if you’re not a slur spewing bigot who lives eternally paranoid of trans kids figuring out their identity, a black man demanding he be treated with dignity, and buying chicken sandwiches to protest gay marriage — you’re closer to a Democrat than a Republican. As it stands, the “big tent” has enabled a horrendous compromise between anti-war, anti-poverty, anti-racist idealists who believe in building a better America, and the well-to-do status quo defending blowhards who think buying a Beyonce album on iTunes is somehow proof you believe Black Lives Matter.
Essentially, those who understand our current politics are infested with a rot that spread misery and poverty, and “free market” neoliberals who cloak their faith in the current system with a sick and twisted perversion of “Identity Politics.” They seek nothing more than a more diverse oligarchy to rule over the poor and the disadvantaged, they think they can weaponize poverty to punish and silence white racism. They’ll call illegal drone strikes a “white issue,” they’ll defend an infinitely rich and powerful white woman’s vocal support of an illegal war that has murdered hundreds of thousands if not millions. They’ll support a “sit-in” to create policy around a Bush-era terrorist watchlist to strip rights from Muslims. All of this is so far detached from anything a “Left” would ever stand for.
This coalition of “We Are The Left” posted on Medium is made up of some of the worst of the worst of these voices. This past year Leftists have punched back and agitated these spineless parasites, a number of which are paid to spew opinions to the mainstream, completely detached from the everyday lives of most voters. “Get Rid of the White Emoji” for starters. We’ve agitated and spit back in their faces with one simple fact — that they’re wrong, and you are so far from the Left you’re a bougie self-parody.
What #WeAreTheLeft writes in their manifesto is little more than gibberish. They throw out all these examples, fail to find a coherent thread to tie them together, and fail to prove their point that cohesion is necessary. They demand that Leftists give up in a post-Sanders world and simply follow quietly behind your woke slay queen Hillary, instead of doing what their favorite political rap battle professes and find some sort of working compromise. This isn’t politics, this is peer pressure.
Many of the people who have signed this piece cried about “BernieBros,” a targeted campaign to pretend the strong support of Bernie Sanders was nothing more than disgruntled white men who can’t handle a woman president or their jobs going to women and PoC. Of course, the reality is that over 2/3rds of Sanders supporters were women and/or PoC. You’d prefer PoC singing and dancing on a Broadway stage about how great the status quo is, not starting riots and demanding their rights as human beings.
Let me make it clear to the undersigned of “We Are The Left” one simple fact: you got pig poop balls in your mentions and other clapbacks because you were an outspoken supporter of a Liberal White Supremacy that infests our current political class. One that pretends a black President is somehow a victory while the wealth gap between white and black families has only grown under his reign. One that believes Silicon Valley can somehow end racism through apps. One that pretends Edward Snowden is somehow a traitor, while a Secretary of State running a private email server to hide from public accountability and FOIA requests is somehow woke feminist labor. One that pretends Hillary only voted for the Iraq War because doing otherwise would be “political suicide.” One that pretends claiming poverty while having a luxurious AirBNB in a developing nation is not grossly inappropriate. One that thinks a vote for an infinitely rich and powerful white woman whose incompetence has had grave consequences for poor Muslim women overseas is somehow a meaningful victory for feminism.
The greatest lie of “We Are The Left” is that Leftists don’t care about identity politics. We do — and we care a hell of a lot more than you about the most disadvantaged on our planet, whom suffer the most because of our current oppressive hierarchy. You are not “thought leaders” just because you have a byline in a corporate owned clickbait publication or entertain the delusions of technocratic “angel investors” who think food stamps should be replaced with Soylent.
Vote for Hillary all you want. However, wrapping it up in a triumphant narrative of identity politics and social justice when the only success is more dead innocent Muslims overseas — for no fucking reason — I mean the drone assassination program Hillary Clinton oversaw as Secretary of State had a fucking 90% failure rate — is nothing short of absolute vulgarity.
You got vulgarity because you speak vulgarity. You’re out of touch with the poor, the disadvantaged, and lap up the milk of the establishment that profits from their exploitation. You have zero care about the fact that your champion oversaw arms deals including cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia (who behead women regularly) that are used to murder innocent kids in Yemen. Our ruling class is sick with a rot, while you act like everything is so great and wonderful, and will continue to be so under Hillary Clinton because you’ve insulated yourselves in your gentrified Brooklyn apartments from the reality that 85% of Americans are fighting each other over 15% of the wealth. Some of you probably cheered body cams for cops which did nothing but make a bunch of private contractors rich and put Chinese malware on police department computers, instead of understanding our politics need a radical change which will certainly include some degree of wealth redistribution.
Identity Politics and Intersectionality are radical theory about how race, gender, and class all come together to oppress and exploit millions of Americans. They are not about “Leaning In” or your love of celebrity trainwrecks or making the oppressive ruling class somehow more diverse. To wrap yourselves up in this rhetoric means you get to pretend you’re somehow heroic crusaders free from personal accountability or any sort of responsibility — and the reality is you’re closer to the villains than those fighting for a more free and just society.
Racism is more than some leftist agitator in your mentions. Racism is a billion dollar corporation selling “Stay Woke” shirts for 20 bucks and cheering a gay black activist getting assaulted and arrested by a militarized police — that Hillary Clinton was a huge contributor to arming, by the way — while allowing actual fascists to organize and broadcast on their platform in what we now call the “alt-Right.” But of course, they gave you a little blue checkmark and a premium experience to imprint the ideal that what happens on Twitter somehow matters. And my god, it fucking worked.
Over the past year or two of watching this fight play out between Liberalism and the Left, I’ve listened to and heard the anger of so many marginalized identities who are enraged to see your ideological failures speak for them. Trans women pissed one of their loudest spokeswomen is arguing the gender identity of corporate mascots while demanding cops get more respect. Queer Muslim women infuriated of white female Flatbush gentrifiers defending every one of Hillary Clinton’s fuckups, including the ones that have enabled ISIS to profit from the sex slave trade of young girls in places like Libya. Black men who see that Obama and Hamilton aren’t giving them any reprieve from a racist corporate culture and cops with the free reign to murder without consequence.
To paint this as disgruntled white men against a coalition of (mostly) white women and PoC is frankly nothing more than an outright lie — because you refuse to be uncomfortable at the ideal that perhaps a corporate pop star appropriating the image of an explicitly Marxist organization whilst also profiting millions from sweatshop labor for their vanity brand is a gross, oppressive vulgarity. What you speak is white supremacy, wrapped in a shiny wrapper of liberalism, not liberation.
You are not “The Left.” You are the lowest of the low and do nothing but fortify the rich white male elite that benefit from the exploitation of so many marginalized identities. We don’t need you — and we will burn your whole fucking Party to the ground if that’s what it takes.

So filled with hate... he comes across as emotionally fragile, not virtuous.

swirlsofhistory posted:

So filled with hate... he comes across as emotionally fragile, not virtuous.

don't sign your posts.


HenryKrinkle posted:

goatstein, post this img to r/mensrights and see what ur reddit buds think about it:

it's cool and fun that any given people's movement or set of ideas or concepts we have from the entire 20th century may be a genuine set of ideas or may be completely mixed up with cointelpro designed to encourage ruptures and factionalism over bullshit. cool cool cool

Why do these particular embarrassing dipshits have to claim to be the left instead of, you know, just calling themselves liberals or progressives like they normally do? They're not even opponents of capitalism, they are clearly not the left.

Edited by ilmdge ()


ilmdge posted:

Why do these particular embarrassing dipshits have to claim to be the left instead, you know, just calling themselves liberals or progressives like they normally do? They're not even opponents of capitalism, they are clearly not the left.

Nobody Can Be More Moral Than Me


ilmdge posted:

Why do these particular embarrassing dipshits have to claim to be the left instead of, you know, just calling themselves liberals or progressives like they normally do? They're not even opponents of capitalism, they are clearly not the left.

this is today's reminder that "socialism" means Sweden to at least 98% of Americans

Most of the people in that letter aren't even as far left as that, though. They're the people that aggressively defended Hillary's wars all primary
it would be pretty cool if like pregnancy you could avoid being drone bombed just by not regularly letting dudes cum in your front hole or taking an inexpensive pill that makes drone missiles/fronthole cum largely nonfunctional
e: dp. i blame catman

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

it would be pretty cool if like pregnancy you could avoid being drone bombed just by not regularly letting dudes cum in your front hole or taking an inexpensive pill that makes drone missiles/fronthole cum largely nonfunctional

and people say the rhizzone isn't a welcoming space for women posters

are there adult women who dont know that cum in the front hole is what causes pregnancy? i would think this would be therefore among the most important websites for them, with the caveat that it might not be that helpful as i would guess a lot of them would be unable to read from being religious cultists or subterranean cannibals

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

subterranean cannibals

is that a euphemism

[account deactivated]
I also add Urbandale as thread monitor to some thread. I take a multi pronged approach to moderation.
[account deactivated]