not... motherfragging... equivocations.....
World War II was declared earlier today, after Hitler mercilessly procrastinated London from the air.
[account deactivated]
tom's lost a few, good for him...
[account deactivated]
speaking of which, it was so hot in the city, and walking around, just comical anime sweat coming off my huge body, just pouring it out. i need to pay goatstein to train me until i'm fit enough to get a job as keven's wacky neighbour.
I can't describe how unhappy I'm going to be in humid 90 degree New York summer weather. it'll be like I'm back in Minneapolis except everyone will be meaner, standing closer to me, and ideally lurching subway cars will make me mildly carsick.

It gets kind of warm in town here but i always spend all summer in the mountains or on the haul road and it peaks at like 70. I'm extremely not prepared for warm weather.

getfiscal posted:

speaking of which, it was so hot in the city, and walking around, just comical anime sweat coming off my huge body, just pouring it out. i need to pay goatstein to train me until i'm fit enough to get a job as keven's wacky neighbour.

i would lash you to a rickshaw and make you pull me around boston while i smoked a cigar.

How long are you in NYC this time? If you want I'll come down and shill for you for a few days, like worm my way into the top green rooms and be like, "Gilbert, you've got to hear this Keven guy".

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i would lash you to a rickshaw and make you pull me around boston while i smoked a cigar.

Yeah I'm cool with that. Do you want me to call you some sort of title... like... Lord Hank of Boston....

once I move its permanent

Keven posted:

once I move its permanent

Oh nice, good luck man.

are you a trucker keven or waht's the haul road
The "haul road" is the dalton highway (the road to prudhoe bay). I work construction.
breaker breaker one-nine. Big Keven here, hauling a freight shaker with a loada shitposts in the wagon down to Juneau. anybody hearing this, shake the bushes and gimme your ten-twenty and follow me on facebook and twitter
[account deactivated]
There is no road to Juneau Goatstein
[account deactivated]

Keven posted:

Will smith must have turned down some big super hero movie like a decade ago because he keeps being in bad ones now.

he turned down superman in 2004, you got it almost to the year

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tpaine posted:

aw man but he was so good in hitch

edit sorry i meant hancock


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EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

There is no road to Juneau Goatstein

he meant Wigan pier


tpaine posted:

what's your fav keven smith joint amonemongs

idk i guess i liked mall rats and clerks OK when I was like 15 havent watched them since tho

edit: actually thinking about it now jay and silent bob strike back was a p good movie for what it was and the only kevin smith ive seen as an almost adult in theatres and not ironically like red state or tusk which were barely movies... so that one

Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()

the robot spider story is my favourite because it's more about the mental producer than like kevin smith talking about why luke skywalker is gay or whatever
[account deactivated]

Keven posted:

I can't describe how unhappy I'm going to be in humid 90 degree New York summer weather. it'll be like I'm back in Minneapolis except everyone will be meaner, standing closer to me, and ideally lurching subway cars will make me mildly carsick.

It gets kind of warm in town here but i always spend all summer in the mountains or on the haul road and it peaks at like 70. I'm extremely not prepared for warm weather.

the city in summer is second-worst, behind my posts