
There’s like a vote where it actually matters or something coming up and Its on the 23 June 2016. Don't forget.
Who wants the UK to stay:
David “pigfucker” Cameron
Lib Dems
Green Party
Plaid Cymru
Sinn Fein
the TUC (Trades Unions Council) – fukkin lol @ the reactionary british labour aristocracy
the G20
Bad socialists
Labour Aristocracy
The Bourgeoisie
Who wants us to leave:
Little Englanders
Empire Nostalgics
Good socialists
Please vote to fragment and thus weaken the bourgeoisie exploitation facilitator, imperialist propagator and revolution suppressor that is the United $nakes of Europe. Tia.
Here’s a good piece from the latest issue of Proletariat if you had any doubts about agreeing with Nigel Farage:
Proletarian issue 71 (April 2016) posted:Why British workers need a Brexit
Leaving the EU would undoubtedly weaken the ability of British, European and even US imperialists to dominate the globe, thus taking our struggle for socialism one small step forward.
“From the standpoint of the economic conditions of imperialism – ie, the export of capital and the division of the world by the ‘advanced’ and ‘civilised’ colonial powers – a United States of Europe, under capitalism, is either impossible or reactionary ...
“Of course, temporary agreements are possible between capitalists and between states. In this sense a United States of Europe is possible as an agreement between the European capitalists ... but to what end? Only for the purpose of jointly suppressing socialism in Europe ... On the present economic basis, ie, under capitalism, a United States of Europe would signify an organisation of reaction.” (On the slogan for a United States of Europe by VI Lenin, 23 August 1915)
Although the specifics of the situation have changed considerably since Lenin wrote the above words over 100 years ago, the essence remains the same. A union of imperialist states can only be a reactionary entity. And it can’t last.
For those of us who enjoy interacting with the people of countries other than our own, enriching ourselves by getting to know other cultures, and who identify with workers of other countries, it is extremely counterintuitive to stand against the European Union, which seems to be a vehicle for facilitating communication across international boundaries and bringing workers of different nationalities closer together.
Nevertheless, although the European Union undoubtedly does have its beneficial aspects, it remains the case that in essence it is an imperialist outfit, designed to enable the bourgeoisies of the various imperialist countries to be strong enough financially and militarily to safeguard their imperialist status as against (a) their imperialist rivals, (b) the oppressed countries that they exploit, and (c) the working classes of their own countries.
Of course, in opposing the European Union, socialists find themselves in extremely nauseating company – from the anti-immigrant, xenophobic and islamophobic sections of society, to the little Englanders harking back to the imperial glory days when Britannia ruled the waves all on its little own. The little Englanders imagine that it is somehow possible for that glory, if you can call it that (not everybody would agree), to be restored under the leadership of the right political party.
There are also the miserly types who don’t want to pay the price of membership, which, as far as they are concerned, wipes out the significant advantages to British imperialism of being a part of the EU: all they can see is how much it costs to maintain the common agricultural policy; how much it costs to keep afloat those who have been financially bankrupted by the workings of the capitalist system, how much it costs to provide the working class with minimally acceptable living and working conditions and so on.
A typical exponent of this stingy mindedness is ‘entrepreneur’ (capitalist) Luke Johnson writing in The Sunday Times: “Europe has 7 percent of the world’s population and 25 percent of its GDP, but 50 percent of its welfare spending. In a competitive world, this is unsustainable.”(Animal spirits: if you believe in controlling your destiny, vote for Brexit, 6 March 2016)
Well, in case Mr Johnson hadn’t noticed, the vast majority of those who benefit from welfare spending do not enjoy any great luxuries in their lives, and to remove any part of those benefits is surely ‘unsustainable’ from their point of view. It is certainly true that capitalists regularly need to reduce workers’ living standards below what is ‘sustainable’ if their enterprises are to survive – but that is precisely why the capitalist economic system is dysfunctional and needs to be overthrown; it is not an argument for heaping misery on the working class masses.
Incidentally, although for various reasons the European Union did introduce certain workers’ rights that in many of its member states had not previously existed, this can hardly justify the line taken by TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady:
“It’s the EU that guarantees workers their rights to paid holidays, parental leave, equal treatment for part-timers, and much, much more ...
“A succession of EU directives has driven progress on workers’ rights and equality in Britain – often further and faster than any British government of any stripe was prepared to go.
“So now the question is, if we left the EU would you trust the current Conservative government to keep them? If the Brexit camp gets its way, the British government would get to pick and choose which rights to water down or scrap altogether.
“Without an EU legal safety net it wouldn’t be long before bad employers started cutting back on paid holidays, pushing workers to work longer hours with fewer breaks, and stopping pregnant workers getting time off for medical appointments.
“Unions would not have the chance to extend workers’ rights through the European Court of Justice (ECJ), as we have done on equal pay and working time. And our collective agreements that build on these legal minimums would be under threat.
“That’s why the TUC is warning workers about the risks of Brexit. Workers have a lot to lose.” (A ‘Brexit’ would put workers in danger, Morning Star, 9 March 2016)
Does Frances O’Grady seriously think that the imperialist bourgeoisie of other European countries are somehow kinder to the working class than the imperialist bourgeoisie of Britain? She should perhaps consult the working class of Greece, whose pensions and welfare benefits have been decimated, whose hospitals are hopelessly undersupplied with medication, etc, as to how the European bourgeoisie safeguards workers’ rights!
Besides, regardless of whether Britain stays in the EU or not, EU human rights safeguards are to be removed in Britain. Can anyone doubt that if the bourgeoisie deems it necessary various worker safeguards will be removed also, and maybe not only in Britain but in the whole of the EU? All in the name of cutting through the Brussels red tape, of course!
Whether in Britain or in other countries of the EU, workers will only be able to safeguard their rights by fighting for them and winning – and they stand no hope of winning unless they safeguard their unity as the apple of their eye and don’t get drawn into internecine anti-immigrant hysteria.
Ms O’Grady should not be pinning her hopes on a voracious imperialist outfit to safeguard workers’ interests. She should be getting the various unions that make up the TUC that she heads to be ready to fight, within or outside the law, to defend the interests of their members and of the working class in general.
But then, she would argue, that is not part of her job description! She is there to reconcile the working class to imperialism, and to do so by begging imperialism to have some regard here and there for workers’ interests, never mind how often she is refused, keeping the peace by assuring her constituency day after day that jam will surely be forthcoming tomorrow, if only they will patiently wait.
Unpleasant though it is to find on our side of the barricades not only progressive and honest people but also a load of brainless and malicious xenophobes, it is enjoyable to note that the British bourgeoisie has hoist itself with its own petard. It encourages xenophobia as a means of rallying mass support in favour of its own interests (eg, wars against those who resist imperialist superexploitation) and as a means of dividing the working class against itself. But then xenophobia takes on a life of its own and seeks to prevent the British bourgeoisie from pursuing its best interests when these happen to lie in securing international cooperation with other imperialist powers.
There is some chance that the votes of the xenophobes will be what is needed to pull Britain out of the EU come the referendum on 23 June this year – which will in all probability prove disastrous for British imperialism.
To what extent this is so has been well expressed by The Economist: “Europe’s links to America would become more tenuous. Above all, the loss of its biggest military power and most significant foreign-policy actor would seriously weaken the EU in the world.
“The EU has become an increasingly important part of the West’s foreign and security policy, whether it concerns a nuclear deal with Iran, the threat of islamist terrorism or the imposition of sanctions against Russia. Without Britain, it would be harder for the EU to pull its global weight – a big loss to the West in a troubled neighbourhood, from Russia through Syria to north Africa.
“It is little wonder that Russia’s Vladimir Putin is keen on Brexit – and that America’s Barack Obama is not. It would be shortsighted for Eurosceptics to be indifferent to this. A weakened Europe would be unambiguously bad for Britain, whose geography, unlike its politics, is fixed.” (The real danger of Brexit, 27 February 2016)
In other words, Britain outside the EU would be less able to bully other countries, and the EU’s ability to do so would also be considerably weakened. US imperialism, too, would be weakened by the weakening of its EU ally. It must be added that, without the presence of Britain in the EU, the US-EU imperialist alliance would in all probability become a great deal more fragile, which would only be a good thing for workers and oppressed people everywhere.
Naturally, if the British ruling class becomes more fragile; if its ability to superexploit abroad is diminished, it will try to make good its losses at the expense of the working class at home. Life may become more difficult for the British proletariat, for a time. But at the same time, we will be facing a weakened enemy class that will be a bit easier to overthrow.
tears posted:
tears posted:Naturally, if the British ruling class becomes more fragile; if its ability to superexploit abroad is diminished, it will try to make good its losses at the expense of the working class at home. Life may become more difficult for the British proletariat, for a time. But at the same time, we will be facing a weakened enemy class that will be a bit easier to overthrow.
is this different from le accelerationism meme?
this is the first time ive actually felt like voting for a thing in a looooooong time
Flappo posted:It's time to fuck.
herbsaint posted:Why are SNP and Sinn Fein anti exit?
As far as Sinn Fein is concerned it will further complicate potential Irish reunification. At the moment there are no border controls and a UK exit would complicate this greatly as well as erasing some of the common ground they have adminstratively with Ireland in being part of the EU.
Politically, in terms of soverignty, even if most people in NI vote 'no' it would still pass if a majority elsewhere votes yes.
Also in economic terms it would be pretty disasterous for the North (one of the poorest regions under UK rule). Between 2007 - 2013 NI received 3.5 billion euros from the EU, a lot of this goes in farming subsidies but there is a considerable amount that also goes in to other projects like peace/reconcilliation (1.5 billion since 1995). A further 229 million euros are planned as part of PEACE IV initiative for 2014-2020.
As far as I know there are no contingency plans for these kinds of projects if the UK exits the EU and I believe it's very unlikely this kind of money would be put into the region even if they have a lot left over as they are supposedly a "net contributor".
Been browsing through the official govt "please vote to stay in" leaflet is pretty telling because its quite obvious they have really really struggled to come up with any decent arguments to do such:
Theres some banal "stronger economy" bs that focuses on foriengn investment and free flows of capital as a good thing and ammusingly demonstrates that the UK's main industries with links to the EU are imperialist banking, driving trucks of "goods" from europe to here, and making weapons ("aerospace" lol), with some pre-packed sandwich making thrown in. However instead of seeing it that way most pro-EU people ive taked to havent seen that, they've just blamed to govt for doing a bad job on the leaflet rather than seeing what is missing.
A poorly thought out bit about "travel abroad" which states that thre will be no more budget flights to th costa del sol or w/ever and that mobile roaming charges might not go down + plus u wont be able to retire to the Med on your stolen wealth
A bit playing on fear of uncertainty if we leave
A bit saying that we're very good at keeping victims of imperialist wars out anyway so theres no reason to leave the EU if you dont like brown people
Another bit about how the EU is great for facilitating exploitation of the working class, dressed up as a benefit, plus my favorite line:
The Uk is a strong independant nation. Our EU membership magnifies the UK's ability to get its way on the issues we care about. EU action helped prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons;...
its true lol, good reasons to leave imo
so yeah, piece of crap, death to imperialism, make an x on the thing for no eu
e: also for the reasons gssh says
Edited by tears ()
edit: a bit clearer: its not like the uk is suddenly not going to be like every other eu state in terms of cooperating with and coordinate imperial oppression, dismantling public services, etc by leaving the eu.
tears posted:It weakens and builds discord between the worlds exploiting nations. No it wont change things that much, its a vote after all, but the eu is a reactionary body enforcing neolib policy on all its members for the benefit of capital; and any any sort of weakening of the powers of the west is a good thing for the rest of the world
I'm not sure it's that simple. Certainly it's one potential outcome, but there are many moving parts. Considering the massive reactionary turn across Europe, this could just as easily strengthen those elements, which in turn could create a worse situation globally further down the line. It's really hard for me to see with any certainty what the outcome would be.
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:But if there's no EU how do we stop war crimes like what the Serbs did from happening again in Europe?
very carefully
maybe no?
Gssh posted:tears posted:It weakens and builds discord between the worlds exploiting nations. No it wont change things that much, its a vote after all, but the eu is a reactionary body enforcing neolib policy on all its members for the benefit of capital; and any any sort of weakening of the powers of the west is a good thing for the rest of the world
I'm not sure it's that simple. Certainly it's one potential outcome, but there are many moving parts. Considering the massive reactionary turn across Europe, this could just as easily strengthen those elements, which in turn could create a worse situation globally further down the line. It's really hard for me to see with any certainty what the outcome would be.
would/could the reactionary turn disrupt nato military integration beyond eu political disintegration?
tpaine posted:
can anyone explain to me why morrissey was popular, everything about his songs seems like a joke, the lyrics, the voice, everything
glomper_stomper posted:the austerity regimes in previously social-democratic states are being strained by the need to house and integrate possibly millions of refugees generated from imperialist conflicts, which is bringing out the hitler in the middle classes and bourgeois governments.
It must be the refugee in you
That brings out the hitler in me
I know I can't heil myself
You're all isis to me
Gssh posted:Considering the massive reactionary turn across Europe, this could just as easily strengthen those elements, which in turn could create a worse situation globally further down the line.
i am suspicious of this argument because it's exactly what socdems say and the basis for it is extremely ahistorical. cf varoufakis talking to the guardian, apparently the rise of fascism in the 1930s was the fault of leftists refusing to form moderate coalitions?? rather than socdems actively collaborating with fascists to bolster their own power???? fuck outta here with that.
if there's a better historical basis for this fear (that brexit will bolster the far right across europe) id like to hear it but i mean, it presumes that brussels, berlin, etc havent been collaborating with the far right on the dl for decades already...
drwhat posted:can anyone explain to me why morrissey was popular, everything about his songs seems like a joke, the lyrics, the voice, everything
serious answer: morrissey solo stuff in general is more earnest and less nuanced than the smiths but seeing him live made me a convert
Vote tactically everyone!
Regardless of what you know about the EU, the list of groups who are pro EU, as well as the enormous weight of propaganda by the ruling class and bourgeoisie media trying to convince the working class that the EU is good for them should send up some enormous red flags and set a billion alarms ringing that there is something seriously wrong with the “stronger together” narrative. Well, its Capitalism stronger together, the bourgeoisie stronger together, the forces of reaction stronger together. All this prophaganda would not be being deployed if there wasn't actually going to be some detremental effect to the stranglehold of the bourgiousie over the people of europe and the world.
I cant stop laughing at the fact that the guardian, so called left news outlet, is one of the most vehemently pro-eu rags, constantly shilling the EU mythology and calling anyone who disagrees and idiot and a racist; promoting the world view of wealthy liberals who might have a few qualms about the state of the world but as their wealth has been built on global exploitation they all agree that capitalism is a good thing and that there certainly isn’t an alternative.
Edited by tears ()
tears posted:the EU mythology, promoted most heavily amongst the liberals, that its actually a jolly good thing and all about everyone getting along together and lowering mobile phone roaming charges
smokemonkey posted:In the event of Brexit, years of opaque 'negotiations' will do as much as possible to make sure nothing substantial changes. The anglo rentier-bourgeoisie will get as smooth a ride as possible through the transition, and no-one will care because the EU is boring and complicated.
Yes, but the nature of the overall system is not a reason to be overly pessimistic about voting to leave. It is just a single vote on a single issue, so obvs not going to change the system of capitalist exploitation, but as the EU exerts a heavy anti-communist force on its members and works directly to suppress movements that go against the neoliberal paradigm (c.f. greece, spain) then this sort of weakening is a good thing. No, im not expecting it to usher in a revolution, and it would be nice to destroy the EU and NATO but I don't think thats going to be coming up for vote any time soon, but that in no way invalidates actually voting for britain to leave the EU in this particular instance. Theres still going to be a vote and a collective descision on britain and the EU if I vote or not, so might as well vote for the better option as we hurtle full steam into the end times. Things will get progressivly worse in years to come and i'd prefer any sort of weakness in the exploiting nations rather than the status quo.
anyways, death to both the EU and GB